2v8 and lack of incentives is hurting normal mode.

I understand that you can't somehow have incentives in both 2v8 and regular DbD but 2v8 is popular enough.
Meanwhile killer queues in normal mode are abysmal and it's been like this since 2v8 released. Which also makes no sense really because if apparently there's not enough survivors playing 2v8…where are they? definitely not in normal queues because why else would killer queues be so long in normal mode as well?
Move incentives to normal mode. Either that or maybe matchmaking is broken.
I was just thinking about this. I’m a new player that started about two weeks before 2v8 got released and I’m just waiting for the event to end. I waited in killer queue for at least seven minutes multiple times and haven’t gotten anything in days. I usually switch to killer when I’m getting into a funk with survivor as a pick-me-up and I haven’t been able to do that at all. Only thing I use 2v8 for is the 400% survivor queue bonus, but it just sucks overall.
Same thing with the bot issues. Maybe a lot of people are facing the same issues with not having fun and that’s killing the player base until the event ends? That’s my guess. Because even in normal I almost always end up with a bot survivor and that ends the game before it even begins. Overall sucks, they need better incentives on normal.
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Tbh i dont like the new game mode. I don't think it's fair that the killers no longer carry the NPCs to the hook. There is no reason to do it differently in this game mode. This should be changed in my opinion.
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honestly I don’t think it’s so much the incentives and more that it’s just a better mode for most players.
I hate playing regular as survivor because it’s just constant camping, tunneling, sweating, bming, just general toxicity. There is virtually none of that in this 2v8 mode. It’s so casual. And as killer it’s the same except with my homies. It’s just overall a better experience imo. Like I HAAATE survivor in normal. But I enjoy it in this.
But yeah killer queues on both are buttcheeks. Clearly the incentives of BP isn’t working. I think maybe shards or bonus exp would be better. I care ALIT more about those than BP which I have almost no use for
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I usually play as a survivor, but now in 2 v 8 i play as a killer too, because it's interesting. I think a lot of the survivors went over to the side of the killers, so there is not enough survivors now)
Although I also like to play 2v8 as a survivor too.