M&K on Console, who’s with me?

I’ve played through Xbox app on PC for a few years, recently started up on Xbox/controller because I finished PC.. I now feel bad for anyone I’ve played against who has been on console, as it is SO much harder to play with a controller.
If mouse and keyboard were allowed on console, it would only even the playing field, and might give more survivors a chance against M&K killers.
This goes hand in hand with the lack of controller sensitivity settings on console- there is no separate horizontal/vertical look sensitivity settings, meaning when I try flashlight on controller, because my sensitivity is so high to look left and right quickly, I can’t flashlight well because I’ll go from looking at the sky to looking at the ground in front of me, and usually end up leaving the flashlights, due to needing high sense to look 360 degrees easily. PC players have a MEGA advantage on this game, there is no denying that.
Yes it would be very nice and fair, ive heard that bhvr doesnt want to do it cause its too much work for them.
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Still not fair how PC gets insane sens making killers like Billy and blight downright overpowered on mnk the 100% bs on console is super outdated.