Why I think Freddy should get The Mark Of Negation

Brutha Member Posts: 194
edited August 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions

Freddy Krueger, also known as The Nightmare in Dead by Daylight, deserves the Mark of Negation due to his considerable nerfing. In the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise, Freddy’s abilities are exceptionally formidable, with nearly limitless control over the dream world, including reality manipulation, fear induction, and causing significant harm or death. Translating these powers into Dead by Daylight would result in an overwhelmingly powerful and imbalanced character.

The current balancing in Dead by Daylight is crucial for maintaining fair play. Freddy's abilities have been deliberately restricted to prevent overpowering gameplay. Fully unleashing his original powers would likely disrupt the balance, making the game less enjoyable for survivors.

The Mark of Negation would appropriately address this issue. It would acknowledge Freddy's potential while ensuring he remains a challenging yet fair opponent within the game's mechanics.

I originally thought the mark was only for killers powerful enough to escape the realm but after doing some research it seems like the mark could even be given to killers that would just be too powerful for the game in general. While yes Freddy is nowhere near as powerful as Vecna he still should get the mark because if he wasn't negated he could pretty much do whatever he wanted except escape. Also if him being limited to puddles and the worst teleport in the game wasn't enough to prove he's negated his lore even mentions his powers being tempered.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Marioneo
    Marioneo Member Posts: 808

    Basically he deserves it he's the dream demon and they give him puddles and a tp

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,784

    He doesn't deserve it for 1 simple reason

    He holds back because he is having fun he doesn't need the entity to do it for him he goes out of his way to play with his food before finishing the job so canonically in dbd he does the same since its both what he wants and what the entity wants

  • Brutha
    Brutha Member Posts: 194

    Him messing with victims doesn't make him any less powerful, that's why he's already been limited to puddles and a tp. Also in his lore it straight up says his powers were tempered so it's not him holding back and more likely being nerfed

  • Choaron
    Choaron Member Posts: 418

    I mean, almost every licensed killer should get it. Who cares though. It's really not a big deal.

  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,869

    They should make Freddy good first.

    All jokes aside, he is probably the only other killer that fits the criteria. Cenobite can come and go as he pleases, so he doesn't get it, but Freddy kind of had something very similar to the Mark years before the concept existed:

    A moment of falling and spinning and then Freddy was back in the school. But not his school. It looked the same, but it felt different. His powers were tempered in some ways and focused in others. The boy had gone for now, but another prey walked the hallways. Some would be inconsequential; others would become his new favourites. All would fall before his claws.

    He was canonically nerfed by the entity, and is one of the few killers to have been in their respective lore.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 431

    As far as i know the Mark of Negation is put on Killers that both need to be under control and are as powerful or even more powerful than the Entity itself.

    If the Entity can subjugate the killer by itself, no Mark of Negation is needed, thats why killers like Wesker, Nemesis, Alien or even more powerful ones like Freddy (in Dream world) dont have it. They can be extremely powerful but the Entity itself (which as i far as i know has some universal powers or something) is still stronger than them, it is not needed.

    Thats why it was put on Vecna, that guy was literally resisting the Entity and only accepted to get caught because he wanted to. Other killers like Cenobite may be powerful and can go in and out at the entity's realm, but they are maybe just not seen as danger, as they actually do what the Entity wants to be done in the trials.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited August 2024

    Cenobite may be powerful and can go in and out at the entity's realm

    Except they can't as The Lament Configuration has clearly been tampered with by The Entity to not function as it normally would, meaning that unless they find another way to create a gateway back to the labyrinth, both Pinhead and Chatterer are stuck in the realm indefinitely like everyone else is.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 431

    Ah, i said that because of the buddy above me said that Ceno can go in and out as he pleases so i just though it was true.

    I suppose he doesnt have the mark then because he is still weaker than the entity.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,092
    edited August 2024

    I don't know where it originated from, but It's something that i've seen people repeat again and again, but alas, it's simply just isn't true.

    In the movies, the Cenobites uses The Lament Configuration to create gateways/rifts between the labyrinth in hell to wherever the box is located at along with whoever that solved it. The only way for the cenobites to go back is to reset the box to close the gateway created by it, which is how Kirsty defeats them in the first movie and how Leviathan is defeated in the second movie.

    In DBD, the box has evidentally been tampered with by The Entity, causing it to instead disappear immediately after anyone interacts with it, regardless of whether someone solves it or resets it.

    Pinhead is definitely below The Entity, in fact, Pinhead is not even the strongest Cenobite, Dr. Channard in Hellraiser 2 easily defeated both him and his gash. (Although that was because Channard became an extension of Leviathan itself.)

    In the same sense, despite what Pinhead's mori suggest, i don't believe Survivors actually end up in hell since we never actually see them there, but rather finds them back at the campfire as usual. Depending on how you look at it, The Entity may be tricking Pinhead into thinking he's sending Survivors to hell when in actuality, he's not.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 431
    edited August 2024

    I didnt know anything about Hellraiser, thats an interesting lore!

    Honestly its kinda funny to think that Pinhead thinks he is sending survivors into hell but the Entity is just "lol nope".