For the love of God do not nerf Distortion and then leave Weave Attunement untouched for MONTHS



  • Reinami
    Reinami Member Posts: 5,419

    Sure, fix a bug then. Even more evidence we should not be making balance changes to something that is partially bugged.

  • YayC
    YayC Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 97

    There's no point arguing with them. If they don't understand how a perk that you can instantly tell is in effect the second you load into the game is easily counterable no argument can be made to convince them.

    The actual way it's overtuned is on the 2 story maps like midwich where it can give permanent aura read on 1/4 of the map very easily but noone ever bothers to suggest fixes for this specific problem because they'd rather the perk just gets gutted in it's entirety, just like what happens anytime a killer perk is half passable.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 69

    Well this thread aged well.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 968
  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 91

    Yeah, that's the problem with the game essentially is your aura being read for the smallest of things and then adding aura to two perks, while gutting Distortion in the same patch.

    I say this as a person who doesn't use Distortion as I know Behavior's way of reworking perks is by gutting them once people complain too much about a certain perk's usage.

    I can see people bring CoH and Shadow Step now with these changes, so at least the meta might shift a little.

  • albertoplus
    albertoplus Member Posts: 277

    And before anyone cries, I play both. I don't use Distortion and I don't use aura perks on my killer. As killer I shouldn't be relying on these to track down a survivor.

    Well, honestly….cant you say that to literally every perk?

    "You shouldnt use gen regression perks, you shouldnt rely on these to control gens."

    "You shouldnt use chase perks, you shouldnt rely on these to catch survivors."

    "Yo shouldnt use any perks at all, you shouldnt rely on perks to help you in the game."

    I mean… I myself dont use much aura perks, sometimes i put BBQ but thats usually all i have, but that argument seems a bit…silly?

  • SoGo
    SoGo Member Posts: 783

    Nerfs to Weave Attunement + Franklins combo:

    Weave Attunement: The dropped items are now revealed to survivors.

    Franklin's Demise: Fully consumed items disappear from the trial.

  • tparadise
    tparadise Member Posts: 81

    No to the Franklin's Demise idea cause what if you want to pick up the item later and escape with it? I usually do that, especially if it's a rare item.

  • tparadise
    tparadise Member Posts: 81

    The "1 perk that counters 500 perks and addons" arguments against Distortion never really made sense to me. Because when a killer brings a full aura build all your tokens get eaten up in a second anyway and your aura still gets revealed all game. Whether you hide or take chase all game you barely have time for all your tokens to regenerate before you lose them again. Especially with this new Weave + Franklins meta.

    Also in the patch notes, the devs make it seem like aura reading is the only way to find survivors. What happened to gen patrolling, using scratch marks and blood pools, using your ears, or just plain old searching the map? Isn't that the point of this game? Why are the devs promoting using aura reading as a crutch? Yes, those perks and addons are useful but killers should not have to rely solely on them.

  • CautionaryMary
    CautionaryMary Member Posts: 91

    The point is that it would buy the survivor bringing Distortion time to do gens. When I ran Distortion a while ago, my favorite build combo was Distortion and Poised with Deja Vu. I would do the gens and once the gen popped, I would lose my scratch marks after completing the gen while breaking three gens that would happen. It was nice to run that build given how common BBQ and Chili was, which completely countered that combo. I was never a rat, I always helped survivors in chase by taking hits for them but I was also productive given that I was efficient in doing gens.

    There is simply too much aura reading in the game as it stands now and I don't understand why we need an overabundance of them without a consistent way to hide the aura. With the right build, you could simply eat through the tokens like you've mentioned - but when they're eaten the way they are, it saves the person in question time to be productive and not worry about being interrupted. I'm glad I stopped using the perk once that they announced changes, just like they nuked Call of Brine ages ago.