Free Trial Period For Killers
It would be a great option to have a certain amount of matches that you can play as a certain Killer before being required to purchase them. This would enable players to try out new Killers without having to commit to a purchase before playing as them.
Think like how in the Public Test Builds when a new Killer is introduced, everyone has access to them and can determine what kind of abilities they possess. They receive a first hand experience on that Killer's strengths, weaknesses and simply how fun that Killer is for that player.
By giving the option to play as a Killer before purchasing, you're giving players accessibility before they are forced to pay for a character that they might not know if they will like. Of course there are online videos and streams of content creators that cover killers, but playing it yourself is a much different experience in comparison to watching another person.
Sounds reasonable, 3 matches and level 5 (to get some add ons). I just wonder if it could mess up daily rituals seeing it as an unlocked character or if the system could be abused to fully unlock them due to hacks/bugs.