NEMESIS rework?

Many agree that while fun, Nemesis's power doesn't entirely fit him, I feel we are missing  out on good potential to him. I have a deep love for this character and the RE saga so I came up with some ideas that I hope might help:   

° Mutation and zombies removed.

° Nemesis would always be with the current lvl 2 tentacle hit and range.

° Infecting a survivor would start filling a secondary power. The more survivors infected,  the faster it charges.

° Crates would spawn random herbs in the trial, closing after survivors get one and charging before being able to be open again, similar to Singularity's EMP boxes.

° Herbs would be green, red and blue, applying different effects and combining automatically  when found.

° Green herb would heal a survivor's health state. Blue removes infection. Red prevents infection during 60 seconds. Combining all three increases this duration to 90 seconds.

° When filling the power gauge, the killer can activate a secondary button and activate ''True Form'', screaming and alerting survivors in the whole map. While in this mode, the Nemesis can run  for a few seconds similar to RE3 remake. While running, Nemesis can dash and consecutively punch forward, with a small camera lock. Survivors must evade or they risk being injured  quickly by this attack. The camera lock would help to this but bad reaction time or  positioning allows the killer to potentially down the survivor instantly with multiple hits.

° If a survivor evades successfully, Nemesis has a small cooldown before being able to dash again. (''True Form'' lasts for 60 seconds)

*I'm unsure if herbs should be random or spawn in certain boxes, randomness is dangerous for survivors if the power meter is constantly filling, but having them fix may lead to survivors only using a specific herb during the trial. The small text that now goes with all items should help with this.   

**Also unsure with the duration. It all depends on how fast the power meter fills with each survivor infected. ''True Form'' should feel as a real threat, but not as something that is constantly happening all game. The duration that Nemesis runs is also something that could be problematic. Being infinite would be a straight copy from the Oni and give too much map control, but limiting it would probably make it feel not useful enough.     

My vision for this is to make him feel menacing but not too oppressive, giving him strong tools during a brief period of time, while also giving the other role a good counter.  Survivors ideally want to not be infected but also be smart with the herbs they get,  using them smartly and in an ideal moment.

He deserves a better power. I wish that all  survivors that face him feel the same chills than me the first time Nemesis started running when I first played RE3. I hope this doesn't get lost here and is at least taken into  consideration.   Thanks. :) 


  • Anxt88
    Anxt88 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 2

    Omg this sounds so good ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 1,206
    edited August 2024

    Well it's better than the tired rocket launcher idea.

    Although I think the game needs yet another killer that throws themselves at the survivors like it needs a stick in the eye.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    edited August 2024

    Yeah, I have always thought Nemesis was kinda botched. A rework would be VERY MUCH welcome.

    No bHVR this is not a Killer you can fix with changing addons or slight improvements, his gameplay is not great.

    In the games he is not a character who walks behind you with his tentacle out ready to slab you with it so you can run away further. Hes a character that rushes you, slams you across the street and then comes running away to hit you so hard you vaporize.

    And no, I'm not saying characters need to be LORE ACCURATE, I'm saying the gameplay really ought to reflect his games.

    bHVR may have created a very good whip Killer, but that is not my nemesis, its a whip Killer.
    and what is most sad about it is that I bet there are people who love playing Nemewhips so bHVR dares not change up the character or does not feel the need to improve on the work. idk why Capcom greenlit the gameplay, either bHVR/Capcom assumed the gameplay would not be Nemewhips, but it did and its really bad.

    Plus, Obviously the Rocket Launcher needs to be a MORI.

    To hear bHVR come out and say,
    "We are looking into changing Nemesis to make his gameplay more like he is as the monster in RE3:Remake " would make me so happy and I could not wait to play a real Powerhouse Killer who slams and kills. Sadly I will have to just not play him until then.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    I'd personally like to see a more faithful adaptation, however the dedicated nemesis players out there dont deserve to lose their killer :(

  • AlwxysKim_
    AlwxysKim_ Member Posts: 19

    C'mon bhvr its not that hard <3

  • DarkTheKitty
    DarkTheKitty Member Posts: 16

    love the idea, as for how to deal with the already existent Nemesis players who like the whip style… just make a new killer with that playstyle… probably an original and not a licensed killer though if there is a license option that could work with the current nemesis kit I am not aware of