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Unbalanced game

slonkydonkey Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

can we make the killers slower than killers. I play this game in a squad and have 100 hours in. I’m not new and I’ve put time in but damn I’m burned out. Killers should have lots of power that’s why it’s scary but when I don’t have a chance to get away other than squatting in some bushes and getting lucky that sucks. This can be a phenomenal game please balance it.


  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,827
    edited August 11

    You're still relatively new - most survivors don't start getting half decent until about 500 hours minimum. I know that sounds weird, but DBD is just weird in way. Survivors have a LOAD of tools at their disposal to survive chases. The issue at the moment is that you're saying you're getting away by hiding. You're hurting yourself, here. What you need is chase practice. I'm not saying these are wow chases, but just showing that most killers are fairly powerless at being genuine threats if you're half decent at looping as a survivor (though some killers are just broken and will pretty much win any chase such as nurse\blight, but that's a specific killer balance issue, not a game balance issue as a whole).

    I don't have a lot of clips showcasing some specific techniques, but here's some of my chases:

    You can also do silly tricks like this:

    or even this

    Again, these aren't the best examples, but there's far more to the game than just hiding in a bush to evade the killer.

    Also, the BIGGEST thing to understand is that the point isn't to evade the killer, the point is to waste as much killer time as possible while your teammates are knocking out gens. If you're in chase, sometimes an extended chase is better than dropping a chase early.

  • Royval
    Royval Member Posts: 505

    seeing post like this really makes me miss 2017-2020 dbd :(

  • kit_mason
    kit_mason Member Posts: 278

    I play this game in a squad and have 100 hours in. I’m not new

    You're new. 100 hours is new. Hell, have you even seen every killer yet?

    Anyway, I'd look into some looping guides if you're struggling to take good chases - there's so many on youtube that are clickbait but I'd reccomend "exize" for their "DBD GUIDES" playlist which covers some basic checkspotting on common tiles, and "NOCI" for their "Tutorials/Guides" playlist, which covers a much wider variety of gameplay mechanics.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    100 hours is, somehow, a very small amount of playtime for dbd. It takes a long time to get a grasp on proper chase gameplay and mindgames. And as others have said, the chase is always meant to end with the killer winning or leaving you, not with you outrunning them etc. As survivor you will always end up downed if the killer commits long enough, so you need to make the chase last so your team can do gens. As long as thats happening you basically win.

  • starfall25
    starfall25 Member Posts: 4

    Just make sure you dont run into your own team doing a gen or healing someone while the killer is after you. That is the worst thing you can do for both your team and yourself… unless you have already been hooked twice and some other things you might consider (trust me, its a very rare occasion you should even consider doing that). As a killer when someone does that to me i just go after him/her regardless or in 2v8, like they grab someone out of the cage right under my nose to be a meatshield i just ignore the unhooked survivor and run straight after them with even more vengeance. As a survivor, i run right after the one who uncaged me so i can make sure that his meatshield tactic does not work. This is usually rare circumstance in 1v4, it happens more than i want to admit in 2v8.

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 876

    Do you mean that BHVR should make killers run slower than survivors? As that wouldn't balance the game, it would break it.