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Skull Merchant Drones Not Working Properly

Description: I'm an avid Skull Merchant main, and this bug has been here awhile, and I'm noticing it more since her intro animation became stiff and not playing correctly. This is a bug I've seen playing as and against her as survivor many times, and can completely lose or win someone a chase, or even the game. This is a two-part bug. Sometimes these two bugs happen at the same time, or in the same game separately.
Platform: PS4
Description of bugs:
-Bug #1: Drones placed sometimes do not rotate and scan. Sometimes it can, but I've rarely gotten it to, due to maybe the actual scan lines being invisible and still moving. I've worked and ran from generators as survivor for free without triggering it's active state because of this. This happens almost every game with her Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript Add-on, the one that gives fake terror radius' to drones when disabled, which may be partial reason, but is not required.
-Bug #2: I've ONLY seen while playing as Skull Merchant. Sometimes when a drone becomes active due to a scan, the scan lines don't show up from her pov, making the only way to see the scanning and rotation possible by watching the drone spinning itself. This can happen to any drone I've noticed, but only when a dormant drone becomes active, and remains until deactivated.
1. When placing a drone, it sits still, not rotating as if it were disabled. Conversely, it usually doesn't scan, and the only way to fix it is to recall it. Iridescent Unpublished Manuscript add-on may have bearing on it.
2. Disabling said bugged drone in step 1 will sometimes make it "spin" as if it were active while it flies high (or low, another bug) until it resets again. Sometimes, this fixes the issue.
3. Survivors who come into contact with the "wall" of unmoving scan lines usually don't get scanned. This is not always true though. This may be a purely visual bug, and just luck. On occasion a survivor has been scanned, but it doesn't fix the problem. As of typing this, I played a game and a chase got problematic at shack because a survivor inside wasn't getting scanned, despite the high probability and efforts to rotate. Said survivor wasn't even crouch walking or pausing movemen. It was after breaking shack pallet I saw the drone was not spinning, and recalled it.
4. Drones becoming active once scanning sometimes will not show the Skull Merchant the scan lines of the drone. The only way to fix seems to be the drone disabling and resetting, or just getting rid of said drone. I have not seen this from survivor pov.
I do not have screenshots or clips, as I do not know how to process and format these kinds of things onto another platform
Frequency: It's sad, but this happens nearly every game. It's bad enough good survivors can get unlucky with a bugged drone, but even Skull Merchant has to gamble when placing a drone. It's been weeks of this. Along with her negative reception to most of the community, it just makes it not fun for all parties. I'm holding out hope her changes that are upcoming may address these issues. I hope I'm not the only one noticing these inconsistencies.