Dracula’s shapeshift button prompts are mispositioned on controller

HeavyPress Member Posts: 29
edited August 27 in Bug Reporting

I am reporting this again after doing so during the PTB.

Dracula’s button prompts for shapeshifting are misaligned when using controller.

Logically, if the prompt is for a button to the right, then the prompt should be on the right, and likewise for left. This is the case with MKB, where the prompts are as such:

  • Vampire: Wolf (LMB) on the left, Bat (RMB) on the right
  • Wolf: Vampire (LMB) on the left, Bat (RMB) on the right
  • Bat: Vampire (LMB) on the left, Wolf (RMB) on the right

It is not the case for controller, where the forms are positioned the same, but the buttons are RT on the left and LT on the right.

Platform: Steam

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