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Camping is a Viable Strategy



  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Camping is a legitimate strategy when it yields results. The whole point of a strategy is to increase your odds of winning. If the survivors you are playing against rush gens while you're camping then the strategy was not useful and thus you should change tactics or accept the loss. But if the team tries to play over altruistic and ends up getting themselves killed you have achieve your desired outcome and thus the strategy worked.

    There is no argument to be made about camping not being a strategy it is a method to win vs less experienced players. It sadly even works on the occasional high rank game. Is it a fun strategy? No.

    T-bagging killers to get their attention/aggression is also a strategy. If you are able to maintain a chase and hold the killer attention then you are effectively increasing your teams chances of survival. If you die without much of a chase and get quickly tunneled down then clearly your strategy did not yield the results you planned.
    Is it a fun strategy? No its sort of kiddish, but it works well on low ranks also.

    A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim."

    @KissyKissy @brokedownpalace @ForeheadSurviors

  • Paddy4583
    Paddy4583 Member Posts: 864
    I have to agree 
    too focused on saving and most of the time you have one person doing a hen and the other 2 running round the hook like cockroaches 
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Ok. GG

  • IceD34ler
    IceD34ler Member Posts: 15

    Camped a dude with Leatherface. My Chainsaw was revved up the whole time. Somehow the rest of the team swarmed me and didn't know the difference between a revved up and non-revved up chainsaw. Triple kill happened. Iron Grasp made sure all where hooked. Man, they were quite mad in the chat XD