Another Small Trapper Tweak Suggestion

I made another post about Trapper a little while ago, but another thing's been on my mind recently so I may as well make another post about it.
What if grabbing a survivor out of a trap, the spacebar interaction as opposed to the M1 interaction, reset the trap that they were caught in?
I feel this change would add some genuine point to grabbing instead of attacking someone in a trap. If it's a trap that won't work twice and you'll want to pick it up again, you'd hit them with the basic attack, as you also would if you had a basic attack perk you wanted to apply. If you think it's a trap that would catch someone else, or it exists to force survivors away from a particular approach, then you'd grab them and the trap would be ready for later, cutting down on your downtime.
I am, for the record, assuming that this would give you that brief immunity to stepping in your own trap that you get after setting a trap yourself, otherwise it might get a little annoying.
What do we think?