Things I'd Tweak About Dracula - Please give him at least some minor tweaks

Bat Form:
Let him see pools of blood
When teleporting to spot make the bat entirely invisible, and don't make a cloud at the vault point he is teleporting too. It ruins his whole stealth aspect
With survivors being able to see bat form, getting killer instinct when within a certain range of them would help significantly.
Wolf Form:
Allow more time between each pounce and/or make the pounce controllable
Make the pounces a bit longer, they are just to short to make any good play around shack
Remove the walking backwards slower, it just feels horrible trying to mindgame
Give him more movement speed in between each pounce so he can better position, because as of right now, unless it's a straight line loop, he can't play anything very well.
Vampire Form:
Either make the Hellfire pillars a bit more thick, or make it come out of the ground/activate a bit faster
Make his charging speed 4.0m/s just like Nemmy
a vampire that craves blood cannot see blood marks in the game. that sounds lore accurate. i think most the stuff i mentioned in ptb feedback how bat form is not good stealth and how wolf is not good for loops with its moving slower when going backwards. In general, i think most of numerical # for Wolf form needed number-tuning upwards. The feedback got ignored, so it is likely not changing unless BVHR does hotfix changes/follow-up changes.
A fun killer kit with poor balance.