The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Are we done yet?

Seriously with just a few days back on the forms I have to ask and I’m talking to both sides here. Are we done ruining the game yet?

Every thread is nerf this perk, nerf that perk, killer is too strong, survivors are too strong.

It seems as though every time a member of these forums has a bad game or a few bad games that it must be the fault of the game and the perks being used and they are too strong. Nobody takes accountability.

I understand that we are somewhat competitive by nature. But if you really have to change a game so drastically to account for what amounts to personal skill issues, that’s ridiculous.

I am by no means some top-tier survivor or killer. I am sure that I fall somewhere in the middle like most everyone else. But I do feel that I win about as often as I should, or maybe even a little bit more than that. I just don’t understand the throwing a tantrum every time something doesn’t go the way that you expect it to. Again, this goes for both sides of the coin.

Video games have been around long enough and even before online multiplayer, there were arcade games and there were multiplayer couch games. We should know by now that you do not win all of the time, but in modern gaming it seems to be the expectation that if you are not winning nearly 100% of the time that there is something wrong with the game and not with the player.

Everyone seems to have this mentality that if things don’t go how they believe that they should at all times that it is a mechanic issue or a design flaw. This is main character syndrome to the maximum as everyone seems to believe in their own mind that they are the greatest player in history and if they don’t win against everyone, it’s because the game is broken.

The irony is that this is leading to a broken game. You cannot tailor any video game to individual ego. How many players does this game have? That’s a whole lot of egos to try and tailor around.

I highly suggest that people just stop the nonsense if they actually enjoy and want to play this game. Because if this does not stop, it’s going to end up like Friday the 13th. The community is literally ruining the game for themselves in this attempt to balance the game around themselves as individuals. And that was my TED talk. Have a wonderful day and please, let’s start being adults.
