Please, for the Love of Entity, CHANGE the Evil Incarnate Cheevo...

GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 580
edited September 9 in Feedback and Suggestions

I am terrified of going for this achievement. I just watched my friend going for it get stalled out for 30 minutes by a TTV Bill solely so he could not get it. He had to rely on a bot existing, tunnelling people out, and all sorts of exceedingly nasty gameplay to get it. He does not have Iron Maiden on Myers, either. It took him FIVE HOURS.

All while Survivors could easily control whether or not he got the achievement by simply jumping into lockers, doing any sort of animation, or forcing bleedouts. We all get it, tombstone is annoying, but I promise y'all ain't nobody running tombtuft for fun. Tombtuft takes forever to set up and feels cheap. The Myers doing it isn't having a good time, and has probably been doing this achievement for a while, all while Survivors can forcibly control if he can get it or not by simply going in a locker. What sense does that even make?

This achievement isn't any fun for anyone. Please, please change it BHVR. Make it so many moris across multiple games, or make it Mori-ing with Myers in Tier III period. Please whenever you do fix Myers, change this godawful achievement so it's not so easy to forcibly control whether or not someone can get it.


  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,876

    Now that survivors can't DC and deny you the achievement it's much less daunting to go for.

    The build I got from ohheyitsbobcat that I would recommend is: -

    • Agitation
    • Iron Grasp
    • Corrupt Intervention
    • Play With Your Food
    • 2 Iri add-ons
    • The Game offering

    Use Corrupt to stalk and build up your PWYF stacks off the obsession. Agitation and Iron Grasp is to have maximum carry range to carry Survivors who jump in lockers.

    The plan is to take the survivor upstairs to the exit gates and stand so the survivor drops off you left shoulder into the exit gate pit, which you should almost always make between Agi, IG and PWYF. It is then nearly impossible to make it to a locker from that Pit before a 3 PWYF stack Myers catches you... especially if the pallet is already spent.

    It's still not easy, but it's not nearly as impossible nowadays as it used to be.

  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,124
    edited September 10

    I promise y'all ain't nobody running tombtuft for fun

    This is incorrect. I've gone mostly against Tombstone Myers who were just doing it for fun. My friend and I will give ourselves to a Tombstone if we have fun or decide we like the Myers, and many Myers have turned down Tombstoning us. Why? They didn't need the achievement.

    Jumping into lockers to deny the Tombstone is still cheap and needs to be fixed, though. Once there are three birds on a locker, the entity should kick the survivor out and block all lockers for a few seconds or something. (Edit: If there's only one survivor left.)

    Post edited by TragicSolitude on
  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 663

    It's true that the achievement is just poorly designed just like the "Eye-Hand coordination" achievement since ypur own actions have little impact on the achievement even being possible and is entirely dependant on other people.

    However Survivors do not owe the Killer a free kill, especially not at 0 hooks. If a Survivor goes into a locker to deny the mori then nearly every time they are only doing that: avoiding getting killed instantly and forcing the Killer to either hook them or slug them by grabbing them off the locker and waste for time for their teammates, not maliciously aiming to specifically deny the achievement. Going in a locker is arguably the only counterplay against an instant-kill move.

    If anything needs to change it's the achievement and not adding an arbitrary mechanic to just hand over a free kill.

  • GonnaBlameTheMovies
    GonnaBlameTheMovies Member Posts: 580

    How would you change the achievement to fit this? I am inclined to agree that yes, kills aren't owed but when a tactic can be this reliably countered all the time every time, for no other real reason BUT to deny someone an achievement for 30 minutes, that probably shouldn't be a thing right? This sort of locker trick kinda needs to go, being able to hide in a locker to avoid a Mori I mean.

  • Valimure
    Valimure Member Posts: 72
    edited September 10

    Being able to get it by using an actual Mori offering would help.

    Survivors would still be able to deny by struggling on hook I guess but it also gives those same survivors an option to actually play the game through hook stages instead of just getting into the nightmare cycle of be chased, hide in locker, struggle free, be chased, hide in locker, etc.

    I'm guilty of denying this achievement to people because of how much I hate MM's playstyle as a killer, especially when they're going for this achievement. I'd be much more inclined to actually give it if they earned the two hook states on me instead of just expecting me to not jump into a locker in order to not be instantly deleted from the game.

  • Skillfulstone
    Skillfulstone Member Posts: 663

    A rather simple alternative would be to make the achievement obtainable through Mori offerings and perks like Devour Hope & Rancor.

    Or simply rework the whole achievement and do something like "Mori at least 1 Survivor using the Tombstone(s) add-on and achieve Merciless Killer in the same trial".