Some survivor item changes/additions
Hey all, this isn't a discussion done to death already right?
Jokes aside, I wanted to throw out my own suggestions here and see if anyone agrees/want to add onto/debate these changes.
In my own opinion, I always found it strange that commodious has always been the best toolbox for practically everything. I wanted to bring them more into line and remove the sabotage aspect. Before you get mad, I have plans for sabotage, so keep reading.
- Worn-Out Tools (Brown) would remain the same, just with sabotage removed.
- Toolbox (Yellow) would remain the same, sabo removed
- Commodious Toolbox (Green) Charges set to 28, sabo removed
- Mechanics Toolbox (Green) removed.
- Enginner's Toolbox (Purple) Repair speed increase set to 75%. Charges set to 28. Sabo removed.
- Alex's Toolbox (Purple) removed.
- Addition: Entity's Toolbox (Iridescent) Repair speed increased by 25%. Charges set to 34. Does not lose charges or can be used while other survivors are repairing the same generator with you. For each dead survivor, add 25% repair speed. Cannot be dropped by any action/perk ability or swapped. When out of charges, slowly refills 1 charge every 10 seconds. Has no addon slots.
- Replace all addons that are sabotage related into generator related, rebalance all addons for gen speeds/charges/repair sound distance reductions and balance accordingly.
Obviously numbers would need to be tuned a bit better than off the top of my head, but the idea is to streamline the toolboxes in ascending order while introducing a stronger toolbox with a drawback to it's strength, making them powerful for spreading out gens. As for the Iridescent Toolbox, I thought a gimmick would be interesting while having an increase in power in the late game, if your teammates slowly die. It can be changed if deemed too strong, however.
Now, for the reason why I removed sabotage:
New Item: Wrenches (Idea a work in progress, bear with me.)
Wrenches (or whatever this item may be) will be the primary sabotage item. By removing it from toolboxes, perks and playstyles can gravitate more toward this set of items and introduce more interactions.
Wrenches will have 1 of each rarity, with 2 of each addon rarity except for iridescent, which will have 1.
- Worn-Down Wrench (brown) 12 charges. Hooks sabotaged are gone for 5 seconds. Sabotage speed is set to 2.8 seconds.
- Adjustable Wrench (yellow) 12 charges. Hooks sabotaged are gone for 7 seconds. Sabotage speed set to 2.5 seconds.
- Factory-New Wrench (Green) 18 charges. Hooks sabotaged are gone for 7 seconds. Sabotage speed set to 2.5 seconds.
- Alex's Wrench (Purple) 18 charges. Hooks sabotaged are gone for 10 seconds. Sabotage speed set to 2.5 seconds.
- Warped Wrench (Iridescent) 24 charges. Hooks sabotaged are gone for 10 seconds. Sabotage speed set to 2.3 seconds. Cannot be dropped by perk abilities.
- Worn gloves (brown) Increase sabotage speed by 10%
- Greased Rag (brown) Your sabotage sounds are dampened by 25%
- Used Grip (Yellow) Increase sabotage speed by 25%
- Cutting Wire (Yellow, transferred from toolboxes) Hooks sabotaged take an extra 10 seconds to return.
- Hacksaw (Green, transferred from toolboxes) Sabatoge speed increased by 50%
- Grip Wrench (Green, transferred from toolboxes) Hooks sabotaged take an extra 20 seconds to return.
- Iridescent Gloves (Iridescent) Activates after sabotaging a hook. Instead of breaking the hook, the hook is now compromised and your wrench is consumed after use. When the killer places a survivor on the hook, the hook breaks and stuns the killer for 5 seconds instead of hooking. A compromised hook is only active for 3 seconds, and wiggle progress of a held survivor does not increase within 5 meters of a compromised hook.
This allows for sabotage to be a separate playstyle so toolboxes aren't universal for gen speeds and sabotage, perks to be made around them, and introduce compromised hooks. Hopefully I didn't overtune this idea and if so, can be altered/tuned for better balance.
Flashlights are underwhelming and yet, very useful for SWF. That said, there's only one thing I would personally add. The Iridescent Flashlight, for kind of the same reasons I've done for previous Iridescent items on this list, to add a new way to play them.
- Entity Engraved Flashlight (Iridescent): When aimed at the killer's eyes for 1 second, blind the killer for 4 seconds. Killers carrying a survivor when blinded by an Iridescent Flashlight do not drop the survivor. 3 seconds of use. When out of charges, restore 1 charge every 60 seconds and cannot be used until fully charged. Ignores all perks that effect flashlights. (This includes both Champion of Light and Lightborn.)
This can be balanced better later, but the idea is this flashlight in particular will be used for chase rather than saves.
Just make green key able to open hatch. Honestly I get a lot of value out of keys as they are aside that.
Also as @SoGo mentioned, make them open chests faster or instantly for x amount of charges.
Half of me thinks maps should just be removed, since they're not very useful. But I can try to make them a little better. I would need more time to think this one over, however, so I will probably come back to edit this.
Ok so, I like the idea of separting repair and sabotage.
Also, I think that keys should all be able to be used to instantly open a chest. There could also be an add-on that makes it so it won't consume the key.
Regarding the new iri items, I wonder if them being a chest - specific item would be good or bad
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I like your key idea, I'll add that in.
The Iri items being chest only would also be a good idea. I want them to be somewhat different than how the other items are used as it is, with how the flashlight and toolbox function. I couldn't think of a proper one for the wrench items, though.1