Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

General Killer Buffs

These buffs would work for all killers and are not specific to any killers kit.
Note that all of these at the same time would be OP but some can be used and these are just ideas that can be used, stacked or scrapped.

1) 5th perk slot dedicated to a hex perk. This perk slot, instead of being unlocked at level 10, 15 and 20, would be unlocked as soon as you unlock your first Hex Perk. This slot can only be used for Hexes. Other slots can still have Hexes.
(Function: Increased match length)

2) Remove the perks Knock Out and Deerstalker, and make them default.
You really have to wonder why the killer, who put the survivor in the dying state needs a perk to see where they are, meanwhile the survivors need a perk to NOT be able to see where other survivors are that could be a whole ass mile away from them.
I can understand this as balance when the game came out but things have changed. 
If survivors want to see dying survivors, they can run empathy. For Cinnimon sake, infinate range should be a meta perk.
(Function: Incresed Killer map and croud control)

3) Sweeping attack that can hit multiple survivors. If survivors are going to croud around you like they own you, you need to have options to punish them. Holding sift while attacking should let you do a heavy attack. The weapon swing is longer, but the body lunge is shorter. It moves slower and has increased successfull and missed cooldown, but can hit every survivor in its arc. It would be an overall time saver.
(Function: More Killer croud control)

4) Default Terror radius debuffs
. Longer to recover from negative statis effects
.Small noises made when scared similer but quieter and less periodic than being injured
.More frequent/harder skillchecks
.Increased healong time
(Note that perks like unnerving presence and Colurophobia would still preform their functions but to a greater extent)
(Function: Increase killer fear factor)


  • RSB
    RSB Member Posts: 2,258


    Especially with the second point, I've never understood why this is in the game like that.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178


  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288


    Lol what. I dont quite understand what you mean...
  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @M2Fream said:
    These buffs would work for all killers and are not specific to any killers kit.
    Note that all of these at the same time would be OP but some can be used and these are just ideas that can be used, stacked or scrapped.

    1) 5th perk slot dedicated to a hex perk. This perk slot, instead of being unlocked at level 10, 15 and 20, would be unlocked as soon as you unlock your first Hex Perk. This slot can only be used for Hexes. Other slots can still have Hexes.
    (Function: Increased match length)

    2) Remove the perks Knock Out and Deerstalker, and make them default.
    You really have to wonder why the killer, who put the survivor in the dying state needs a perk to see where they are, meanwhile the survivors need a perk to NOT be able to see where other survivors are that could be a whole ass mile away from them.
    I can understand this as balance when the game came out but things have changed. 
    If survivors want to see dying survivors, they can run empathy. For Cinnimon sake, infinate range should be a meta perk.
    (Function: Incresed Killer map and croud control)

    3) Sweeping attack that can hit multiple survivors. If survivors are going to croud around you like they own you, you need to have options to punish them. Holding sift while attacking should let you do a heavy attack. The weapon swing is longer, but the body lunge is shorter. It moves slower and has increased successfull and missed cooldown, but can hit every survivor in its arc. It would be an overall time saver.
    (Function: More Killer croud control)

    4) Default Terror radius debuffs
    . Longer to recover from negative statis effects
    .Small noises made when scared similer but quieter and less periodic than being injured
    .More frequent/harder skillchecks
    .Increased healong time
    (Note that perks like unnerving presence and Colurophobia would still preform their functions but to a greater extent)
    (Function: Increase killer fear factor)

    I agree with all but 2 and 3. 3 seems to strong, maybe. 2 is just another nerf to solo that makes the solo SWF GAO bigger, and means survivors will be even harder to balance. That is NEVER A GOOD IDEA.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @M2Fream said:
    only1biggs said:


    Lol what. I dont quite understand what you mean...

    I'm not surprised, given your ideas

  • M2Fream
    M2Fream Member Posts: 288

    @M2Fream said:
    only1biggs said:


    Lol what. I dont quite understand what you mean...

    I'm not surprised, given your ideas

    Seems like your little survivor main brain cant elaborate ideas or comprehend when his statements need explanation
  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    A default Knock Out doesn't sound too bad, but then I would like for Knock Out to remain a Perk and instead have the effect to greatly reduce the downed Survivor's sight so that they can't tell others where they are exactly.

    A default Deerstalker would be too strong unless in an end-game scenario when you have to find the last Survivor crawling around somewhere.

    Perks like Tenacity, Unbreakable and No Mither would be turned to near uselessness with a default Deerstalker.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited June 2018

    @M2Fream said:
    only1biggs said:

    @M2Fream said:

    only1biggs said:


    Lol what. I dont quite understand what you mean...

    I'm not surprised, given your ideas

    Seems like your little survivor main brain cant elaborate ideas or comprehend when his statements need explanation

    Aww, so cute. Your ideas are not good, which is why I laughed at them. Anyone with half a brain can see this.

    Having a 5th perk slot dedicated to Hex perks is so over powered it's ridiculous. The totem spawn locations need to be fixed.

    Having deerstalker and knockout baked into each killer would again be over powered. Remember where you downed a survivor or learn to use Whispers correctly and use your ears. Knockout is pretty useless anyway but can be used in different types of builds if you care to, but why bother? Example - If you down the 1st survivor and they have DS, slug them and use them as want others to see him to go and help so you can hook the one who heals. At this point you'd have 2 or 3 survivors off gens.

    A sweeping attack to hit multiple survivors? can't just hit them one at a time? You want the game to do it for you? What time are you saving with this? Multiple people are OFF gens in your scenario. Punish them by playing correctly.

    Introducing more "killer fear factor" is laughable. Newbies would get crushed even harder and the people who aren't scared will be annoyed with nonsense RNG noises giving away their position, or some other obnoxious, Doctor type skill checks or slower healing. There are perks that can do this and killers that can do this. Again, to bake it in would be silly and overpowered and just irritating.

    I'm not a "survivor main" and to assume so and then attempt to insult me based off that is just insane.

    Get a grip. Your ideas were bad. Get better at playing killer and stop suggesting things that make no sense.

    Post edited by only1biggs on
  • skvirl
    skvirl Member Posts: 92
    edited June 2018

    I'm completely baffled as to why someone felt the need to flag the comment above mine as abuse. What's going on? Do you guys even know the meaning of the word "abuse"?

  • MrDrakanator
    MrDrakanator Member Posts: 47
    Only1biggs makes some good counter arguments outside of just "you need to get better at playing killer" because no matter how good you are at killer, survivors can always win if they try. Now onto my thoughts.

    Your ideas are interesting. Some ideas I like some I don't like. #1 thing that I like, sweep attacks. I think that's a really cool idea,I wouldn't allow that to be done while carrying a survivor, but outside of that I think it would allow the killer to not feel so overwhelmed when having multiple survivors around you. I think the hex perk slot is a nice change but not the change we should see, this change is of course aimed at Hex: Ruin as it's an absolute necessity of a perk to run. This change would help make it not cost a perk slot which is nice, but realistically the perk just shouldn't feel necessary to run, that's the change we really need. Terror Radius debuffs are cool, the developers create so many damn terror radius debuff based perks and their repetitive and boring, I think the terror radius should be more threatening, most survivors genuinely don't give a ######### if their within the terror radius unless the killer is like 10 meters away, just in general making survivors more afraid of the killer's presence. Not sure on the deerstalker/knock out changes, interesting but don't know how I feel about it
  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    I love this +1

  • shadowsfall42
    shadowsfall42 Member Posts: 201
    1. I love the idea of this, and it also means that hex perks aren't necessarily a wasted slot if they are destroyed.
    2. I disagree with this. Though I think that having the deerstalker trigger if it's down to just the last survivor and only after maybe 30 seconds would be a nice change. I would also make it so that survivors don't see survivors within a certain range, so they know the general direction of them but don't know exactly where.
    3. I think that would defeat the point of bodyblocking if you can just hit them all at the same time. I don't particularly mind bodyblocking, as it's fewer people on gens and it's only really useful if the person has DS or if everyone bodyblocks.
    4. I disagree with this as well. There are perks for all of these things, and having the perks as well as these effects would be pretty overwhelming and more importantly, essentially invalidate the perks. Yes they would function to a higher degree, but why use those perks at all if you get the effects passively, as you would have way more utility using other perks.
  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178
    edited June 2018

    @SaltyKiller said:

    @MrDrakanator said:
    Only1biggs makes some good counter arguments outside of just "you need to get better at playing killer" because no matter how good you are at killer, survivors can always win if they try. Now onto my thoughts.

    Not really. The guy insists he's this amazingly super l33t Killer player that states slugging is the best deterrent to gens getting completed and Hillbilly doesn't need Ruin. Among other things. You may as well be saying "Boy, that Flat-Earther made some good points." Nah son.

    When have I ever stated that I was amazing or a "l33t" killer? I haven't, just that players should try to improve first instead of whining that things are too difficult.

    I elaborated and gave an example on when to slug, but I guess you didn't read that either? If you just slug for the sake of it then you're doing it incorrectly.

    I also find it highly ironic that you believe I'm a "no-lifer who shitposts 24/7", considering the complete drivel that you post at more than double my post count. Yeah, I'm a "no-lifer". Good job buddy. Good job.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @M2Fream said:
    These buffs would work for all killers and are not specific to any killers kit.
    Note that all of these at the same time would be OP but some can be used and these are just ideas that can be used, stacked or scrapped.

    1) 5th perk slot dedicated to a hex perk. This perk slot, instead of being unlocked at level 10, 15 and 20, would be unlocked as soon as you unlock your first Hex Perk. This slot can only be used for Hexes. Other slots can still have Hexes.
    (Function: Increased match length)

    2) Remove the perks Knock Out and Deerstalker, and make them default.
    You really have to wonder why the killer, who put the survivor in the dying state needs a perk to see where they are, meanwhile the survivors need a perk to NOT be able to see where other survivors are that could be a whole ass mile away from them.
    I can understand this as balance when the game came out but things have changed. 
    If survivors want to see dying survivors, they can run empathy. For Cinnimon sake, infinate range should be a meta perk.
    (Function: Incresed Killer map and croud control)

    3) Sweeping attack that can hit multiple survivors. If survivors are going to croud around you like they own you, you need to have options to punish them. Holding sift while attacking should let you do a heavy attack. The weapon swing is longer, but the body lunge is shorter. It moves slower and has increased successfull and missed cooldown, but can hit every survivor in its arc. It would be an overall time saver.
    (Function: More Killer croud control)

    4) Default Terror radius debuffs
    . Longer to recover from negative statis effects
    .Small noises made when scared similer but quieter and less periodic than being injured
    .More frequent/harder skillchecks
    .Increased healong time
    (Note that perks like unnerving presence and Colurophobia would still preform their functions but to a greater extent)
    (Function: Increase killer fear factor)

    Agreeing with everything basically, but they cant simply remove perks, they would need to rework them and change them into sth else

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @skvirl said:
    I'm completely baffled as to why someone felt the need to flag the comment above mine as abuse. What's going on? Do you guys even know the meaning of the word "abuse"?

    Yes its the downvote button now since the actual downvote button got removed :wink:

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Master said:

    @M2Fream said:
    These buffs would work for all killers and are not specific to any killers kit.
    Note that all of these at the same time would be OP but some can be used and these are just ideas that can be used, stacked or scrapped.

    1) 5th perk slot dedicated to a hex perk. This perk slot, instead of being unlocked at level 10, 15 and 20, would be unlocked as soon as you unlock your first Hex Perk. This slot can only be used for Hexes. Other slots can still have Hexes.
    (Function: Increased match length)

    2) Remove the perks Knock Out and Deerstalker, and make them default.
    You really have to wonder why the killer, who put the survivor in the dying state needs a perk to see where they are, meanwhile the survivors need a perk to NOT be able to see where other survivors are that could be a whole ass mile away from them.
    I can understand this as balance when the game came out but things have changed. 
    If survivors want to see dying survivors, they can run empathy. For Cinnimon sake, infinate range should be a meta perk.
    (Function: Incresed Killer map and croud control)

    3) Sweeping attack that can hit multiple survivors. If survivors are going to croud around you like they own you, you need to have options to punish them. Holding sift while attacking should let you do a heavy attack. The weapon swing is longer, but the body lunge is shorter. It moves slower and has increased successfull and missed cooldown, but can hit every survivor in its arc. It would be an overall time saver.
    (Function: More Killer croud control)

    4) Default Terror radius debuffs
    . Longer to recover from negative statis effects
    .Small noises made when scared similer but quieter and less periodic than being injured
    .More frequent/harder skillchecks
    .Increased healong time
    (Note that perks like unnerving presence and Colurophobia would still preform their functions but to a greater extent)
    (Function: Increase killer fear factor)

    Agreeing with everything basically, but they cant simply remove perks, they would need to rework them and change them into sth else

    I think gens should be adressed, not a ruin slot. I think sweeping attacks will just cause step by step blocking, instead of grouping up. And deerstalker no matter what is just a bad idea. Goodbye crawling to the hatch when he slugged the team.

  • only1biggs
    only1biggs Member Posts: 1,178

    @Master said:

    @skvirl said:
    I'm completely baffled as to why someone felt the need to flag the comment above mine as abuse. What's going on? Do you guys even know the meaning of the word "abuse"?

    Yes its the downvote button now since the actual downvote button got removed :wink:

    I'm fairly sure the flag button (and the downvote button before it) is the button you press when you have lost an argument, don't agree and become confused in how to respond, or just being blind to rational thought. That or you have just said something incredibly stupid. But in this playerbase, who can tell?

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Sweep attacks are definitely a good thing in my opinion. If survivors are stupid enough to tbagg in group in front of you, then you should be able to punish them. It would also get rid of the ridiculous bodyblocking in front of a hook where a non-chainsaw killer cant do anything

    As it stands now devs dont show any intention to change the core mechanics and just increasing the gen time would be a bad solution if you ask me.

    Crawling to the hatch actually never works, the killer can just sit at the hatch and wait till the survivor comes. If I cant find the survivor anymore, I always do that. Since they ######### up sounds for killers I barely hear anything anymore, finding survivors is ahrder than ever since geforce experience isnt working anymore (should be fixed in a "soon" driver patch apparently)

    Just yesterday I had a game where I chased the first guy and downed him quite quickly actually but they got 3 gens done anyway. After taht I just slugged the other 3 guys. Downed everyone and only managed to hook 1 because the others somehow dissapeared. I went afk and they had to wait till they bleed out, dont think that this is a good solution either :wink:

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @only1biggs said:

    @Master said:

    @skvirl said:
    I'm completely baffled as to why someone felt the need to flag the comment above mine as abuse. What's going on? Do you guys even know the meaning of the word "abuse"?

    Yes its the downvote button now since the actual downvote button got removed :wink:

    I'm fairly sure the flag button (and the downvote button before it) is the button you press when you have lost an argument, don't agree and become confused in how to respond, or just being blind to rational thought. That or you have just said something incredibly stupid. But in this playerbase, who can tell?

    I always love having a rational argument with someone, but when it jsut ends up throwing around "this would be OP" or sth like that, then I just stop wasting my time trying to argue. In such a situation a downvote button is required :wink:

  • Jack11803
    Jack11803 Member Posts: 3,930

    @Master said:
    Sweep attacks are definitely a good thing in my opinion. If survivors are stupid enough to tbagg in group in front of you, then you should be able to punish them. It would also get rid of the ridiculous bodyblocking in front of a hook where a non-chainsaw killer cant do anything

    As it stands now devs dont show any intention to change the core mechanics and just increasing the gen time would be a bad solution if you ask me.

    Crawling to the hatch actually never works, the killer can just sit at the hatch and wait till the survivor comes. If I cant find the survivor anymore, I always do that. Since they ######### up sounds for killers I barely hear anything anymore, finding survivors is ahrder than ever since geforce experience isnt working anymore (should be fixed in a "soon" driver patch apparently)

    Just yesterday I had a game where I chased the first guy and downed him quite quickly actually but they got 3 gens done anyway. After taht I just slugged the other 3 guys. Downed everyone and only managed to hook 1 because the others somehow dissapeared. I went afk and they had to wait till they bleed out, dont think that this is a good solution either :wink:

    But that’s just assuming you found the hatch, and would be okay letting them bleed out instead of searching. Both don't happen usually when you’re slugged, as the only reason you’re slugged in the first place is the killer being preoccupied.