The issue with 2v8 though is it so heavily splits the queues in ways that modes like say, Chaos Shuffle and Lights Out or the events don't, it actually breaks the game badly. 2v8 can't be permanent until it's fully realized and balanced, and it just is not there yet. There's not enough Killers in 2v8 yet to warrant it, and there's not enough novelty for people to want to play more Survivor in it. I agree it should be some kind of ongoing mode, just not right now. It needs to be polished more, which is why I am glad it's not coming around as permanent any time soon. In fact, just making Chaos Shuffle, which also solved many of these issues, permanent right now would probably be the much better option; 2v8 is NOT there yet and any attempts to bring it back sooner are only going to cause more problems than help.
I do need to point out much of that peak you mention for 2v8 actually came from the free weekend. After a few days, it declined to a more normal rate even after the extension. And in that time, it so destroyed queue times because of it pulling people away from the main mode, it was hard to even find a game as Killer in 2v8 or the main mode. It just can't come permanent yet, no matter how much everyone wants it.
The population is actually, currently stable without 2v8. Populations of players always decline between chapter releases and events, we have a PTB on right now pulling people away, and a mode that many people aren't all that into just ended anyway. Your argument does not make sense because there is no actual playerbase decline.
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You're just too biased to discuss this with. I was just using the generators thing as an example but you take it all literally. Also if i was to say lets reduce the kill rate by 1% you say "you want to go down to 50% kill rate and let killera never get 4k". It's like you see everything in black and white.
My whole point was just saying people act like its insane to even considet making windows basekit but they just accept the generator auras as a matter of course. I am just saying i think the game has gone SLIGHTLY too far killer sided as of late, I am not saying to go back to 50% kill rate. You disagree with me, fine, but don't imply that I am saying something I am not.
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i still think soloq should have bond base-kit. it would improve reliance of med-kits in soloq for self-healing, hook save optimization and the direction that survivor loops killers. i don't think survivor itself needs buffs outside of that but many survivor feel that proxy camping hooks and killer tunneling is too effective in average game, so perhaps adding 60 second of borrow time power-up and doubling the proxy meter system like Light Out would be strong base-kit buffs for survivor. these would reduce reliance of anti-tunnel perks. Anti-tunnel perks like decisive strike and exhaustion perks might need some changes to potentially accommodate anti-tunnel and proxy camping changes.
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People just don't get the point of my post, what i mean is if the game was more focused on the casual side of it, it would be more fun for both sides, that means both sides SHOULD have their satisfactiory moments for ex, being able to survive for more than a minute in chase, or having good predictions on your power. And that also means the game SHOULD be more focused on the chases or 1v1 aspect, leaving behind the stas bcs it doesnt make sense if most people don't even understand how the stats works. I WOULD love the game if the devs implements ideas from a Moba game bcs that would definitely solve many problems, but that's just an idea.
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The only way they can balance out survivors with solo queue is by introducing voice chat into the game and incorporating communication into the balancing efforts. Problem with that is that a vast majority of the people solo queuing also aren't running any sort of voice communication or are just unwilling to engage in voice chat. This would end up hurting solo queue even more. because balancing would be skewed towards teams.
On the other hand if they don't incorporate voice chat they're always going to have the problem of just how powerful voice chat is with any size SWF group. Being able to communicate across map is stronger than any perk in the game. There is no way that the survivor/killer relationship can be effectively balanced without taking it into consideration.
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You assumed right, but I don't think there will be any people that agree with you outside of the ones that straight up love to play broken perks.
Old DH was way, way too strong, it would've been okay if it ether was a dash or I-frames but it was both. There were killers that are able to counter it, but most of them were already relatively strong or even one of the strongest, DH completely destroyed low tier killers without any way to play around it. That's why it got nerfed 2 times by now and is STILL an insane perk if used well, that being said it's a lot harder now outside of chucky dashes I guess xD
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You already can't say this anymore just bcs they dropped a balanced landing for killers with 5s? I don't remember the number exactly. It's a "dash" you guys complain way too much about a simple "dash", but when its about a killer that can dash, that's alright, no? Blight is alright, wesker is alright, but when survivors have the same power a killer has but in a 40s cooldown WHILE injured, you guys get mad as HELL. And if the problem was that countered way too hard those m1 killers, why not buff them? So anyways i will keep asking for old dh, and old broken stuff in general, bcs without all that stuff the game is so SO boring, overbalanced. And one day they will start bringing old stuff, just remember that.
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Killers are balanced around a 60% KILL rate, not a win rate. Having a 60% kill rate (on average around 2.4 kills a match) means on average, they are designed to get a win (3k+) slightly under half of their matches. You already have what you're asking for. In reality, many killers are well UNDER that 60% kill rate which means many of them are underperforming. If you want a 50% win rate, you're asking for killers to get buffs.
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Oh, I was expectecting some ideas to actually help soloQ. You just want to buff survivors in general and hide it as soloQ change.
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I don't care, one day the devs will take my opinion so people like you that only post comments that don't give constructive opinions get mad.
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So basically winrate just bcs kills = wins -_-
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some buff and nerf ideas for survivor that would close the gap between solo q and swfs, it have to be take into account none the less that swfs still benefits from every buff, and solo q loses with every nerf, and that no buff should come without a nerf
1-buff survivor info perks, let survivor's aura reading perks to work on stealth killers, bring old spine chill back, and make it so the hooking black bubble doesn't block the aura reading of kindred (info is way better for solo q than swfs, just knowing some approximation of the killer's location, and intentions can do a great difference and swfs don't need some comp level communication to give more info than any single info perk buff idea here would give)
2-buff distortion, 2 token at the start, recharge with gen progress, with a maximum of 4 tokens, and share the concealment with close by survivors (selfish perks by definition help solo players more than swfs, but they should still be more focused on teamwork anyway)
3-anti tunnel perks, right now even with antitunnel perks, to try to win while being tunneled require being way better than the killer or being protected by the other survivors and even if all other 3 survivors escape, that's a lost game, solo q who cannot ask for help, or can have troubling finding the survivors in the need of help, suffer a lot more with an strategy that's even good against swfs
4-buff self healing and self unhooking perks, here i can put the only idea that i think would be good as a buff exclusive to solo q, make it so ONLY SOLO Q players, without a single partner, can heal themselves in circle of healing, circle of healing was the savoir of solo q, no teammates asking for healing in dangerous spots, instead of doing gens, no time wasted trying to find a teammate to get a heal, solo q suffered way more with that nerf than swfs, a lot of swfs didn't even used circle of healing because they didnt want to use the perk slot and can easily find each other for a heal
1-nerf pallet and flashlight saves, make in it as that instead of a save, the grab survivor get some wiggle progress instead, saves can completely change the course of a game, a good save, can secure a 3-4 man escape, while a failed save can doom the entire team, and swfs are constantly coordinating saves, choosing were to go down, while solo q just can't do it,being always a bet.
2-make take in protection hits, body blocking the killer, the use of flashlights, and even t-bagging conspicuous actions, anti tunnel perks, and features should no be usable against killers not tunneling
3-nerf prove thyself, the best perk to speedup gens, and for some reason it can be so bad in solo q, it can be so difficult to get a partner for it, and without ways of comunnication, even when finding a partner, solo q survivors with this perks end up 3 genning themselves, but still one of the best survivors perks, and swfs can make it shine so much
4-nerf instaunhooking, make it so unhooking a survivor in the first 5-10 seconds after being hook it gave some kind of punishment for the unhooker, this in swfs is strategy, in solo q is just farming0 -
Posts like this make me understand why BHVR doesn't usually take advice from the forums.
-Advertising for a 50% killrate means balancing around low mmr soloqueue Survivors. It would make SWFs even more frustating than it already is.
-You want ALL old perks back? Broken Dead Hard, Broken Decisive Strike, being able to stack Exhaustion Perks, Broken Mettle of Man and that all at the same time?
-You complain about being Slugged by a Killer running a meme build, in a post where you explicitly want more casual builds and where you asked for old DS back, even tho killers basically had to slug to deal with it.
Yeah this exactly why BHVR so rarely takes feedback from the community. No coherent argument, just an "other side OP and evil, please make my side OP" with contradictary and absurd demands. And of course it gets over 30 upvotes…
This is the same reason BHVR refuses to take a look at ingame reports if you didn't also create a ticket on their website. People spam it so much with dumb false reports that its too much for them to evaluate. Same on the forums. People just post stupid stuff like this constantly and it burries the actual well thought out suggestions.
Post edited by VibranToucan on1 -
This. All of this.
You have GOT to consider the enjoyment of everyone, Kim, and that really does include Killers. This is, end of the day, a horror themed game and in a horror themed game, the Survivors just are not intended to be the power role and that is okay. You don't need to break Killer ankles 24/7/365 to have fun as Survivor in SoloQ or in SWF, you really don't, I promise. I don't anyway, and I know a lot of my friends who Main Survivor don't either.
Thing is, SoloQ by necessity is going to be harder due to lack of communication. The problem isn't strong Killers or not listening, the problem is lack of communication.
And they really truly 100% cannot fix that without unintentionally buffing SWF. Because they tried that before, and that's exactly what happened, so they had to nerf Survivor perks like DH, Adren, etc. to compensate. When one person took them it was fine but when four people took them, it was way too much for some Killers to handle, and they couldn't just buff all those Killers randomly. How would you even buff someone like Trapper, Pig, Ghostface, Myers, Legion to deal with those? There were too many Killers to buff, and fewer perks to nerf… so they chose to nerf the perks.
If Killers have strong things, they get nerfed. Survivor is not exempt from this rule just because 4x as many people play it, nor should it be. Survivors should not be as strong as a Killer individually is, that isn't how the balance of DBD works.
I know you miss being the power role and having super strong perks like old Adrenaline and old old DH. But you just cannot have your cake and eat it too. You can't have strong SoloQ, strong SWF, AND strong Killers without heinously overbuffing everything. You can't have combos on Killer like Weave+Franklin's that create antifun, and you can't have multiple exhaustion perks stack easily like they could in the past. BHVR just isn't willing to risk that, because half the Killer roster would have no fun because they cannot handle all that. They'd be left out in the cold, is that really fair to people who play them?
IDK about you. But I don't want to go back to seeing only Wesker, Spirit, Nurse, Blight every single round because nobody else is viable.
Killers are always playing SoloQ unless 2v8 is on. Survivors do not have to. That's the reason Survivor perks have to remain weaker that Killer perks. For the sake of balance… that's just how it has to be, Kim.
"I don't care, one day the Devs will take my opinion…"
And well, not to argue but… that's the problem here, Kim. You keep necroing this thread to make the same point, but now have flat out said it, your actual words here, that you don't care about anyone else's fun. Not about Killers, not about new players learning the game having to play against or with this sort of overpowered nonsense, not about SWF with weaker players in it, not about the game, not about the community, and not about fun and balance. As long as it benefits you and your preferred way to play, and as long as it screws over the side you don't like so you can laugh at them when they lodge legitimate complaints about the game in the state you're asking for it to be in, you don't care who suffers. That's frankly a really awful way to look at the game.
And no. BHVR is probably never going to bring it back, just like we're never again going to see 3Gen Meta (thank Entity), old MFT, old Ruin, old Thana, or old old old Haddonfield. Never ever ever again. You're shouting into a void, please just learn to use what you have.
Post edited by GonnaBlameTheMovies on1 -
I'm not going to lie… all of that sounds bad. All those buffs would overpower SWF, every single one. All those nerfs would hurt SoloQ more than SWF, every single one. These are not the right changes. I appreciate your thoughts friend but these would all cause a lot, A LOT more issues than help.