The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Feedback: Perk Updates

Killer Perks:

  • Blood Echo: Fine. The Perk will be not that popular but good on Legion and Plague
  • Dead Man's Switch:
    • Yes, this perk is problematic. It was problematic with original PainRes, then with old Ultimate Weapon, then with Grim Embrace, and still with current PainRes. The Perk needs a change but I am not sure if this change is actually good. 50seconds is a really long time. Maybe reduce it 40seconds which might be better. Forever blocked Generators are so problematic.
  • Deathbound:
    • Survivor beeing oblivious until they get hooked or when this one is futher than 8meters from the healed survivor, is a bit too much. I would reduce it to 90seconds but keep the stay together part. Beeing oblivous until hooked can lead into unhealthy situations where survivors refuse to heal another survivor, survivor heal to 99%, or survivors rather heal theirself instead of group up.
  • Genetic Limits:
    • The Perk Exhaustion status effect should be 10seconds instead of 8seconds because 8seconds is not a lot. Otherwise, a good and easy to use Exhaustion Perk.
  • Hex: Crowd Control:
    • Fine. The Perk is strong but hex totems are high risk high reward (survivors can always cleanse them). In addition, the Perk is also rather map dependent since some maps have nearly no windows.
  • Leverage:
    • Unhealthy. 50% for 30seconds is way too much and also leads in unhealthy situations and SoloQ will suffer from it the most (e.g. in SWF you can call out the perk and say go to Jeff who is on mainbuilding for a quick heal; It also leads in the issue that survivors rather do selfheals and less teamwork which is not good for the teamspirit). The perk should be reduce to 15% and effect every survivor.
  • Machine Learning:
    • Fine. The Perk will become more viable and stronger but not unhealthy or too strong. Survivors have an indicator when Machine Learning is on a generator and can outplay it.
  • Predator:
    • Fine. The perk will be good for beginners but not that useful for the average and experience players because they lose less chase and use more reliable perks. However, the perk should not go on cooldown when downing the chased survivor.
    • The token system is good but removing the aura-reveal is a huge nerf. You should add this back because otherwise the perk will become useless. Your buff is actually a nerf to this perk.
  • Zanshin Tactics:
    • 10seconds is way too long and should be reduce to 3seconds and then it is fine. Maybe add an indicator for the survivors when it's in play since killers have nothing to do to activate it. Then maybe increase the survivor range to 8meters (basically make it a Human Greed but for Pallets).

Survivor Perks:

  • Bloodrush:
    • Good change and will become a good antitunnel perk. It is also good that this perk does not work with Dead Hard.
  • Corrective Action:
    • Unhealthy, as many other users already explained (#1, #2), two survivors with Corrective Action and Hyperfocus can work on a generator and go AFK while farming tokens for both to finish a gen in less than 40seconds. This is really unhealthy and should be changed. In my opinion, you should rework Hyperfocus because this perk is really problemtaic.
  • Distortion:
  • Inner Focus:
    • Good change and will become more variable and useful for SoloQ
  • Lucky Star:
    • Good change and will make Lockerbuilds more viable. Having more viable theme builds is always good.
  • Poised:
    • The aura-reveal part is too strong and will make SWFs stronger while killers such as Hag, Trapper, Chucky, and other ones will suffer from this. It would be better when you remove this part and add that it also hides aura, grunts of pain, and pools of blood for this time.
  • Quick Gamit:
    • We lose the control with all of these genbuff perks. 5% is not alot but paired with a toolbox, Deja Vu, and other gen-perks will become unhealthy and the weaker killers will suffer more from it as they need more time to hit a survivor. The genbonus should be reduce to 3% and seeing the aura of other survivors should have no cooldown during chase because this is really helpful for SoloQ. It is time to rework and balance genspeed, especially the toolboxes and their Addons as they are way too strong.
  • Teamwork: Collective Stealth:
    • Good but maybe let us see the aura of each other to make it better in SoloQ
  • Teamwork: Power of Two:
  • We're Gonna Live Forever:
    • Fine as far as I can say. Will make slugging more difficult but still viable on the killerside.


  • Many good changes
  • Leverage and Deathbound are unhealthy for the metagame and need some changes
  • Corrective Action, Quick Gambit, and Teamwork: Power of Two will become problematic and need some changes.