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For the love of all that is Entitied, please do not go through with PTB changes. Friends and I played 5 PTB games last night. All 5 a nightmare except 2 that we escaped because..the killer was friendly and someone got the hatch. We deleted the PTB & redownloaded the normal game. I’ve been playing since 2018, and don’t recall ever commenting on a PTB. Why does Distortion need a change? It was fair. If you want to nerf it, just reduce it to 2 tokens or do a very slight nerf. It doesn’t need an overhaul. Btw, survivors find themselves on the ground pretty darn often. The new Mori system will, and has, encouraged slugging. Predator is ridiculous. A killer will, now, never “lose a chase”. There’s no reward for outmaneuvering the killer. Newer players that somehow escaped and aren’t loopers will get wrecked by the killers. If you want to keep Predator, reverse the Distortion change. If you want to keep the Distortion change, please reverse Predator. Leverage was absolutely OP last night as well. Trying to heal was an absolute nightmare. We even went away from the hook several times and still didn’t have time to heal because the killer eventually found us.


  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,533

    The new mori system has no impact on balance and I don't see how it would promote slugging. You can only mori the last survivor alive. So people wouldn't slug any more than to get a 4k, which those that care already do.

    The killer isn't really supposed to "lose the chase". If you manage to last long enough for them to leave you alone, then that's a whole different argument but there are safety measures in place to ensure the killer doesn't "lose" chase to begin with. Like scratchmarks and pools of blood. Plus, Predator has a 40 seconds cooldown. If you ever manage to outmaneuver them twice, you still get away. A killer has to have the upper hand in chase. Newer players don't lose chase very often because they don't know how to do it, so that is a very weak argument too.

    Leverage isn't necessarily overpowered but very unhealthy. Under no circumstances should a killer perk incentivise tunneling. Leverage does exactly that because the injured survivor will not be healed before the killer is back on the hook, meaning that the killer will have even less reason to go after the unhooker.

  • Backmon
    Backmon Member Posts: 236

    Leaverage is fine, untill they nerf busted medkits, its actually good perk to make heal slow (maybe would be good on full anti heal legion build with gift of pain, coulrophobia and nurse calling)

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,502

    These changes will screw up a lot of players.

    Sadly pretty wrong direction imo.

    We need less aura reading not more.

  • mackaveli
    mackaveli Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1

    I completely agree. Slugging was all that I got last night when I played the PTB it was slightly a problem before, but I just brushed it off my shoulder as “those people are just toxic”, but this highly encourages it even more and I think if you’re going to keep these changes, unbreakable should no longer be a perk. A survivor should be able to pick themselves up without a perk after a certain amount of time passes while recovering, I uninstalled the PTB after about 10 games because it was so terrible. I mean with this game in general there’s good and then there’s but it’s usually 50-50 and it’s still enjoyable to play but last night it was just one bad game after the next after the next after the next, truly awful if this does get released as it is, I think I’ll be taking a break from this game possibly permanently cause I don’t see how this is going to be fun regardless playing as solo q or even with friends.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,533

    No. Medkits were already nerfed and though they remain strong, Leverage is not the way to go. This perk is absolutely horrible. If that survivor were to heal with a medkit they wouldn't make it anyway before the killer comes back and finds them. But this is even worse. Because it all but guarantees that you can keep that person injured and make tunneling them easier.

  • caipt
    caipt Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 563

    Distortion needed to be changed but this is absolutely not it bhvr :/

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,891
    edited September 19

    Do you not think the rise in slugging is attributable to people testing out the Finisher Mori system?

    Isn't that what the PTB is about?

    Also I will not deny there is a potential for a rise in slugging for the 4k, but wouldn't a change such as this highlight it as a problem, with more attention and thought being placed on actually solving the problem?

    Like offhand a potential set of changes:

    • Allow survivors to open chests with a 100% penalty while in dying state.
    • Once recovered to 95% when in dying state, allow survivors to enter desperation mode and crawl 50% faster, but bleed out 100% faster and make 50% louder grunts of pain.
    • Allow survivors with a key to open the hatch while in the dying state.

  • Ohyakno
    Ohyakno Member Posts: 991

    It's nuts now people are losing their minds over predator. It's a c tier perk. Nobody is gonna run it. Think about how often you actually, genuinely lose a survivor in chase. Why would you ever take that over surge, pain res, grim embrace etc?

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,719

    i said the same thing on a doomsday post about poised: noone will still bring predator. perk's rework is unhealthy and won't really benefit any killer other than nurse but this also means no other killer is gonna be likely to bring it.