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Deathslinger buffs

Some may argue immdiately Deathslinger doesn't need buffs well clearly haven't been paying attention, his perks and most add-ons are decent sure and a very skilled player can make him quite the menace but I must say that his special the Redeemer isn't the best in the world, compared to some other ranged attack killers and the fact survivors can escape from it pretty easily, not to mention it doesn't even damage survivors unlike basically every other ranged killer.
Main thing I would call for a buff to allow the speargun to actually damage survivors when hit at close range and put them in the broken state but not able to down them, additionally the reel should be able to pull survivors over windows/vault points and pallets as it's very frustrating in particular when you land a shot on a survivor and then another one comes in and blocks you pulling them in with a pallet, or may just increase the melee range to be able to hit survivors standing against a pallet.
This is a very unique killer and he should be able to make better use of his ranged attack, otherwise it's only good for stopping a survivor that keeps out running you.
according to nightlight, he has some worst stats in the game. he is not hitting 60% kill-rate. he is received some buffs not to long ago but none of them have proved to move the needle. i am still surprised that they have not reverted his terror radius to 24 meters. he is only killer in the game to be 4.4 m/s but not be 24 meters.
he does not need lullaby to get this buff. he should be 24 meter with regular TR. the game already has perks like unforeseen and trail of torment to put killer into undetectable status effect. I don't think it would be crazy for deathslinger to just be able equip monitor&abuse as his stealth perk slot.
The other buff that would be good for him is to increase his recovery time to put away his gun to 1 second but to decrease his wind-up of his gun to 0.2 seconds. before we get to this buff, they should work on terror radius buff first.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
Reduce terror radius to 24m and hel be fine
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And people saying this killer is good, those numbers are horrific honestly. A lot of those kills are probably players that main him. I still think he needs buffs to the ranged attack.
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I've got my p100 slinger and I can consider him my main.
Games are actually bad. If survivior has a distance between us - it's bad.
4.4m/s makes him terrible at catching up, if survivior has its distance. Also it's very diffucult to land a range hit on them, it's very easy to dodge that.
His power doesn't make up for his speed, really.
He is only opressive at low loops, high loops are really bad for him.
Also missing a shot it very punishing, if you miss a few shots you can find yourself with 2 gens left and no hooks really easily.
I think he deserves 4.6 speed, so he could get trickster treatment.
Or we could reverse his aiming changes, he was so great back then and felt good to play.0 -
24m terror radius would be great. That's all I think he needs. If the TR reduction addons combined with Monitor and Abuse is a problem, nerf or rework the terror radius addons so he can be 24m.