Outfit Contest Needs An Overhaul

Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640
edited September 2024 in Feedback and Suggestions


Okay, the reason I'm making this post is because I feel this contest should of been handle more properly. While I also really like the designed of the outfit and it's really cool to see Haddie get more outfits. But I think it's very unfair to those who responded on time in the emails they sent and still don't get their outfits chosen. I just wish this was handle more fairly. By which I mean I know the contest has been a issue a long time now since not every country can also join in the contest which they should be able to but whatever reason they can't? Which again is an unfair issue.

To fix this I seen one suggestion where they choose the best outfit designed like they did for artists of the fog and pay them to get the rights to use their outfit designed. Which should been like that since the contest first came to be. Cause that way everyone from around the world can be able to join in without any issues.

Edit: Found out the outfit is going to be a part of some Artist of Fog collaboration. Which is somewhat in the right direction. I also want to say sorry for the confusion, cause the information to me came off unfairly. But anyway I still think the contest in general needs to be change completely.


  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,561

    I really wanted the cute gabriel pyjama skin too, it was really well done, I cant find it though

  • Robotfangirl67
    Robotfangirl67 Member Posts: 640

    I get it completely and hopefully they will add the pajama outfit into the game as well. But here's a link to that Gabriel outfit you were talking about.



  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,498
    edited September 2024

     But I think it's very unfair to those who responded on time in the emails they sent and still don't get their outfits chosen.

    bHVR's Art team can pick any skin they want and give it out of contest realization if they really like it so much.
    Its their privilege as artists, you cant force them to make a skin they don't want to make, which is why all the skins in the contest is ALREADY skins the Art team liked enough to see themselves being able to realize it.

    It isnt unfair that the contestant's art clicks with bHVR's artists, that is what artists do so ofc they would like to pick them.
    Artists like what they like a lot, so how is that unfair? Nay, I hope they give the Art Team more freedom to do things like this in the future cause its an absolute blessing to the community.

    What I would like to see from bHVR is a disclaimer that they will cut a deal with the artist out of contest if they really like it.
    That would help stem the perceived unfairness, even tho it would be bHVR asking for permission to be a business which they are.
    Business is gonna business, and Im happy bHVR took the opportunity to get that cool skin in too.