What is toxicity for you guys ?
Hey everyone !
So, I'm currently conducting an experiment that I won't really speak about, and I wanted to ask everyone : What is toxicity in your opinion ?
Mind you, I am NOT asking "What is toxic", as in "What actions in the game are toxic", but what is, for you, the concept of toxicity, and how does it apply to DbD ?
Thanks :)
Well, toxicity is defined as being very harmful or unpleasant in a pervasive or insidious way. And everyon has their own interpretations of unpleasantess, and different people can be harmed in different ways. Someone telling someone else to jump off a bridge may be laugable to some, and devastating to others, so it's important to consider that just because you personally find it to be toxic doesn't mean it was intended that way, but that doesn't mean the unintentions of being toxic were not toxic to that other person. It's tricky to define but that's why large groups of people that can come together and agree that "X" is wrong, can be used as a guiding path to determine what is "wrong" and what is right. Quite literally like a jury.
How it applies to DBD, I believe it should be treated the same and with some circumstances does. If a large group of people all agree that this specific aspect of the game is wrong and unhealthy, Devs often listen to it, and make changes. It's not always the changes the people want, but it's effort, which should be appreciated. You will always have a minoirty disagree, because they don't personally feel the same as the majority. But it doesn't make much sense to ignore the majority in favor of the minority.
So to put it very simply in just terms of the game, to swing it back to the original defiintion, if you are doing something that the majority has agreed is unplesant, harmful and is seen as pervasive and insidious, then you are doing something "toxic".