We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

I didn’t understood the distortion change



  • Jock21
    Jock21 Member Posts: 27
    edited October 3

    How's using aura reading perks more braindead than using pre-nerf Distortion when most of them have requirements in order to activate unlike current Distortion ? Also why shouldn't survivors also learn how to play the game when chases are, you know, part of the game ?

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,267

    I feel like 30s is a bit long though, I'd say most chases average around 20s, which would be a better number for this.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,323
  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,716
    edited October 3

    I just saw the answer from Peanits.


  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 319

    Survivors celebrate Skull Merchant getting Gutted now Killers can Celebrate Distortions gutting hurray!

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 70

    I personally liked PTB version more.

    but I am just happy rats won't be that annoying now.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520

    Ah, Double standards? Wrong way of thinking man. Both sides need to get better. Its not simply one side yes, one side no.

    Anyway, others already stated things better than I could. Distortion being gone now will be alright. Now you'll see 3-4 Objects in a game. The only part that matters doesn't require an obsession tag, so chasing indeed will become more interesting. Wall hacks for as much as any killer would want, but for everyone! Kinda looking forward to it. Feels like it could become its own game mode lol

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269
    edited October 4

    A "wallhack" build always requires some action from the killer. It's never for free. So most of the time you run without auras. If you really equip 4 aura perks you have nothing to help you in chase, no gen defense and no endgame help. The sentence "good killers don't need this or that" is pretty much what is heard every time but you need to understand that all killers work differently. So maybe good killers don't need these perks or don't need 4 gen slow down perks, but in the end, they have 4 slots and they can decide how to split the power.
    Just dropping "Good killers don't need that " is ultimately saying "I think everyone who runs aura perks is bad". I can guarantee you people like ultimo bushido and a lot of nonfamous killer players will prove you that they can wipe the floor with you (and me). It just sounds like a childish stubborn try to make killers play the way you want them to play and thats never going to happen.
    You see Windows of Opportunity on almost every survivor out there and just saying "good survivor dont need this" may apply on maybe tournament level players but still a lot of good players use that perk too.
    So instead of trying to make killer play the way you want them, learn how to outplay certain builds and perks.

    Post edited by Atom7k on
  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    Lethal Pursuer only triggers once in the entire match. It is to put pressure on survivors fast at the start of the match. So you use 25 % of your power to MAYBE get a quick chase at the start of the match and thats it. Barbecue only works if the survivor is further away then 40 meters. If you know a killer has it you can hide behind a gen or in a locker to outplay it. No big deal. Nowhere to Hide? Well press 'w'. It is that easy. By the time the killer kicked your gen you already left the radius. And no not everyone kicks gens. I rarely do when playing dredge because it is my ultimate hunter. So there is no time to kick a gen. Iron Maiden shows your location with a scream but doesn't reveal your aura.
    You easily forget, that the killer has to do something to achieve a few tiny seconds of aura reading. Which is powerfull if used right but useless if your strategy is not working. If the killer is having a long chase he has no value from his entire build. Thats the weak spot auf these kind of builds. Most commonly used aura perks have a condition related to chasing a survivor or even winning the chase. It is not for free.
    Kicking a gen gives you distance and costs time the killer may not have to waste at this point. I don't see your point.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,408

    The last one wasn't an aura perk and wasn't something that distortion helped with anyway.

  • Dreamnomad
    Dreamnomad Member Posts: 3,891
    edited October 4

    Yeah. Agreed. 30 seconds is way too long. I think 5 seconds would be sufficient and a limit that you can only earn one token per chase. I also like the idea that finishing a gen gives a token. That feels fair.

  • Bookern
    Bookern Member Posts: 319

    You both are ridiculous. Okay i want my Aura perks to active every 4 seconds while in chase. I also like the idea of Aura perks activating every hook. That feels fair

    NO were no giving free anti aura just for moving every 5 meters 30 seconds is fair

  • Kerkvlerk
    Kerkvlerk Member Posts: 80

    Replenishing distortion while making gens would be really awesome tbh… Never tought of that. Its funny they nerfed Distortion in the first place as i was 80% of the time the only one in solo que to use it. The franklin demise/weave attunement combo is gonna destroy solo Q now so badly.

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 82

    Atom7kOct 3, 2024

    Then the next logical step is to delete Windows of Opportunity, revert Iron Will, ban lightweight and make quick and quiet single time use only. Survivors need to learn to look for resources and escape chases on their own.

    I mean, don't complain if killer wait 20 minutes for a game and survivor dc/suicide in first 30 second The game seems impossible to beat when you are a survivor and when you use distortion you can see that every killer sees you almost every time.

    How the duck can I "brain" a killer on a loop if he sees my aura every time.
    I play as killer too, and the game is very easy on killer, and don't say it's because I'm low mmr, BHVR leak stat and high mmr survivor has same winrate in soloq than average player and same loop time (stat from bhvr official on this forum for winrate see Febuary)

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960
    edited October 4

    Sole survivor+Low profile+ left behind+self care/lucky star and a key


    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,323

    i play mostly killer but i play some survivor and when i do i use distortion so i like the perk on both sides

  • PetTheDoggo
    PetTheDoggo Member Posts: 70

    Well, that's whole build and you need to get there. So good luck with that.

    You should have tried to bring a build with Lucky break instead.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520

    A 4 stack of Object is hopefully going to be the new counter. You dont need to be the Obsession to get the counter aura reading. Now the killer can chase anyone they want, and auras will be available for both sides. Its actually quite beautiful lol

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    Because you're oversimplifying it, and you're propping up a mindset and playstyle which only casuals use.

    Most times the killers you're going against won't have any of the aura reading things you've mentioned. It would be hard to be hit by Pig's aura reading add-on, because few people play Pig and fewer happen to use that add-on when they do play her. Killers have more valuable stuff to use than aura reading, which is why you usually only see 1 aura perk in their build. Now, aura reading becomes much more valuable when you go against casual survivors.

    The problem with casual survivors is that they hide all the time, and can't take a chase. Therefore, their biggest deciding factor in whether they live through a match or not is, "Oh no! Did the killer see me?" If they cannot handle being chased, if they lose the game just off that, we shouldn't be involving them in discussions on balance. Period. At their level, there is a time and place for hiding, but you have to understand that we can't just have survivors hiding for minutes at a time, not doing anything. There's currently no countermeasures in place for that, such as base aura reading, which people seem to be ungrateful for. The only thing close to that is the crows, which don't spawn unless you're standing in 1 spot for a minute.

    At high level, chasing and downing a survivor is very much a chore, and at times it's a Herculean task, and that becomes doubly true when you can't even find the survivors or track them, which perks like Distortion contribute to. Just because a killer sees a survivor, doesn't mean they get the survivor. They have to actually chase and mindgame, and hope the survivor makes a mistake, unless they're 1 of the few killers who have agency with their power and have control in chase. It's essential, playing at that high a level, that killers hear the survivors and see their scratch marks, and Distortion taking away aura reading perks and scratch marks just exacerbates that problem, because survivors already randomly get Iron Will and Lightweight for free as a bug.

    I don't even think most people complaining about the Distortion change should be. Like I say in regards to buffs and nerfs, just because something gets changed for high level's sake, doesn't mean it's automatically gonna be an issue at low level. The survivors are not playing to their full potential, BUT neither are the killers. Some of these killers don't even know what Distortion is, or how to run tiles properly, and get 360'd over and over by smurfs. So "losing" Distortion isn't suddenly going to make those killers dominate, if that makes any sense.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    You can watch any Otz or Tru3 survivor video, and see how they loop the tiles. Once you learn it, it eventually boils down to "If killer does A, I do B. If killers does B, I do A." and the killer basically can't get you unless they break the pallet or get Bloodlust/Entity Blocker.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    It's not wallhacks, and good killers do sometimes need it. Object Of Obsession is wallhacks, where you can just see the killer anytime he sees you, so he can no longer mindgame. Most loops, survivors have wallhacks and have agency in chase anyway, because they can just look over the loop at the killer or see the bright red stain. Survivors have won matches, where they're all good loppers anyway, by mostly hiding anytime the killer came near, whilst doing gens. In that case, no matter what level of killer you are, you need to be able to find survivors, and it takes too much time to just look around without aura reading. What if you look around for a survivor by a gen, for like 30 seconds, and leave, and they're actually still there? You wasted time not being on anybody else, AND you let them get away for free and get back on the gen. Y'all don't realize how game-ending that is. Compared to survivors, "Whoops, I got downed in 10 seconds. We can probably still recover."

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,164

    And nothing has been done to counteract this. Survivors en masse could just hide all match, and killers wouldn't be able to do anything except rely on blind luck of finding them. You will never see the devs allowing even the potential of that kind of game stall from the killer's end.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,552

    The game needs less aura reading not more.

    Aura reading hurts new and not so good players the most.

    Bad change overall.

  • Atom7k
    Atom7k Member Posts: 269

    Well the killer is not going to see your aura every time. He would need an entire build to see your aura on specific actions like fast vaulting (I'm all ears) or when he kicks a pallet (Thwack) or a gen (nowhere to hide). Besides I'm all Ears you will know where the killer is because of the sound and can leave the loop because the killer needs time to perform the action. So the aura reading is not giving him much in that situation. The only issues I see is weaves and the new Sanshin. I don't know why they thought that was a good idead tbh. Also my first sentence was just a lot of sarcasm :D

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,466
    edited October 4

    distortion change is like skull merchant. it got turbo nerfed so hard that buff doesn't move needle. it is still bad because entire purpose of this perk was to avoid aura reading outside of chase when your on death hook which new distortion doesn't do effectively. for some reason it does opposite in denying aura reading the chase which…. doesn't matter because you'd run object of obsession if you trying to counter aura reading in the chase. the change makes no sense.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • LadyOwO
    LadyOwO Member Posts: 370

    Any chance yall will slightly buff the doctor? He really struggles to compete with other killers nowadays.

  • Ilikechips
    Ilikechips Member Posts: 130

    It's only going to get worse. More map shrinkage is on the way.

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 82

    can you link some source pls ? i ddint see it and cant find it

  • Ilikechips
    Ilikechips Member Posts: 130

    Apologies but the source will only be available in the future.

    I will post a link when the next map ""rework"" goes live.

  • cclain
    cclain Member Posts: 82
    edited October 6

    Ok thanks

    but , something i dont understand is : shrinking map + nerf distortion ?
    with map shrinking their is only 2 option i can see:
    less loop —> more suicide hook
    loop are gonna be to close each other creating inifnit loop

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021

    I actually hope they look at 2vs8 and how it is a succes and stopp making maps trash. I enjoyed maps so much more there.

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 22

    Thankfully! That perk was way overturned. No reason it should get tokens easier than the pebble perk. That’s just ridiculous

  • Langweilg
    Langweilg Member Posts: 1,021
    edited October 7

    You should be careful what you wish for. (Soon:Aura perks nerfed)

  • SuspiciousBrownie
    SuspiciousBrownie Member Posts: 22

    I’m not worried about the gutting aura perks. I can adapt, I’m not sure everyone else will. I can see a lot of people quitting if they do. Gen defense is so weak imo, it’s almost worthless. Gut aura reading next and killers will probably just switch to survivors or different games.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520

    This. Adapting to BHVR's illogical and 'by the numbers' only method is really the only course. Distortion had a lot saying they'd quit. Did they?

    Also gen defense is overpowered atm, imo :P

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 1,692

    Gen kick and 3 gen metas were alive and kicking for a full year. Where the killer meta was holding games hostage until the game closed.

    Distortion and hiding play style has never been meta. It's popular with a small subgroup, and not something everyone does. You'd have to have a full 4 man swf of players doing this to have this argument work, and even then it relies on both luck of not being found on top of the killer having zero game sense, since you can typically figure out right where survivors spawn. Oh, and a stealth killer hard counters this as well.

    Killers always have someone to chase in each match.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    the things are:

    1. there was a portion of Distortion users who just hid all match and was waiting for hatch;
    2. Distortion encouraged avoiding interaction with the killer, meaning survivors using this perk usually completely lack chase skills and get obliterated by killers with game sense (yes, this is a bad thing even when you play killer because you want an actual challenge, not a survivor getting 2-tapped)
    3. Distortion playstyle isn't meta at actual high skill levels because game sense and macro knowledge take place there, but is meta in pubs where players are pretty much niche with game sense and macro knowledge, same case as with tunneling and camping

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,520
    edited October 13

    There's more things!

    1: A very, VERY small and rare portion of Distortion users. But it seems wise and logical to punish all the players.

    1a: Now that Distortion is nerfed, do you really think anything will change? Rats will continue being rats. Everyone else is just punished. BHVR never hits the mark very well with this sort of thing.

    2: Another claim without any actual evidence, just your experience talking? Not flaming, just how I see it. I started using Distortion primarily when Blight come out, as his addon's were basically insta lose at gyms. Now, its Object all the way baby!

    2a: Distortion did not discourage anything. Players decide how they want to play. And if a player wants to stealth around, it was a prime pick. There's nothing wrong with stealthing. Its wrong when its ALL they do, and that number is abysmally small. This is my claim without evidence.

    3: Distortion has never been Meta. Not sure why this was stated, but even if it was, it didn't warrant a nerf this hard. And then they try to bandaide their mistake with a slight buff.

    3a: This distortion buff of 15 seconds instead of 30 is like putting a used band aide on a freshly amputated limb. Its still useless.

  • NarkoTri1er
    NarkoTri1er Member Posts: 402

    2: Another claim without any actual evidence, just your experience talking? Not flaming, just how I see it. I started using Distortion primarily when Blight come out, as his addon's were basically insta lose at gyms. Now, its Object all the way baby!

    my personal experience was always that Distortion users never knew to position themselves and never lasted long in chase.

    And not only mine, i've already seen many not only killer, but also survivor players having the same experience with their Distortion teammates.

    3: Distortion has never been Meta. Not sure why this was stated, but even if it was, it didn't warrant a nerf this hard. And then they try to bandaide their mistake with a slight buff.

    in high skill gameplay it was always useless because everybody knows how to chase. Against killers with less game sense, it acts like meta because it plays with their crutches. However, average Distortion user relies on this perk doing it's work so much that they never learn chase aspect of the game, meaning once killer sees them , hooking them under 30s is guaranteed. They also usually go next on first hook.

    2a: Distortion did not discourage anything. Players decide how they want to play. And if a player wants to stealth around, it was a prime pick. There's nothing wrong with stealthing. Its wrong when its ALL they do, and that number is abysmally small. This is my claim without evidence.

    it DOES discourage people from learning the chase aspect of the game by creating that "safety bubble" comfort zone for players using it, so they don't feel the need to learn anything anymore.

    Stealthing is possible even without Distortion.

    3a: This distortion buff of 15 seconds instead of 30 is like putting a used band aide on a freshly amputated limb. Its still useless.

    it's buff is purely on the recent stats, where average time in chase per hook state is 20s only.

  • VantaNite
    VantaNite Member Posts: 43

    3 People with distortion is an easy win. That means 3 people have nerfed their ability to survive in chase and all players still need to go to gens. You simply patrol like normal and you win.