I didn’t understood the distortion change

This means we have to be chased for 30 seconds to get one token or we get a tokens instantly when the chase starts?
Oh yeah. I forgot how long it takes to charge lol. Well at least a average chase is 30 seconds i think anyway?
0 -
Dead perk now!
17 -
R.I.P. stealth element.
15 -
pretty much
4 -
Dead perk
Even Sole Survivor has more value
13 -
Dead perk, they could have increased it to 3 tokens at least or reduced the time needed to obtain 1 token.
7 -
r.i.p ratters, I mean stealth players..
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Best possible outcome. Having 3 people with distortion is the single most annoying thing you can face in a match (besides 4 WoO) even if you just use 1 aura element (perk/addon). Having one perk cancel out God knows how many other perks and add ons is extremly frustrating. Especially if you have an aura build but also if you have just one aura perk. It becomes basically useless and that is too much power on one side. I cannot count how many times I had to play hard locked in to burn through the stacks just for them to reload for free. Now you at least need to do something for it. Getting huge advantages should always come with a price and not for free. Like frickin Windows of Opportunity
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I actually liked the PTB version and was planning on using it, but now i'm not so sure.
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Without knowing what the charge time is it's impossible to say. 30 seconds of chase can be quite a lot.
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killer see survivor when
- they hook
- they crouch ( pig)
- they stalk
- they hit gen
- we take fast vault
- we are near chest/totem
but they nerf the perk that let you play hide n seek15 -
Yes, thats why I’m asking, cuz if the perk requires you to be chased for 30 seconds for just one token, then will be bad
3 -
also when survivors
-heal themselves
-heal one another
-are near or leave a locker-work on a gen alone
-work on a gen with other survivors
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I think people are forgetting this is a Buff in some aspects. There was a lot of builds that could go around distortions old charge. Trail of torment/any undetectable build mixed with aura reveal could burst out distortion with no way to recharge it. With the chase aspect you can at least get some charge back. Not saying it isn't bad. Just it's not all a omega nerf.
1 -
I'm gonna post the thread that I opened in the PTB feedback since it was deleted:
Distortion users, it's time to dig up Sole SurvivorSole Survivor counters the ability of the killer to read your aura at the cost of your dead teammates. If hiding your position is important for you play style, then consider bringing Off The Record and Sole Survivor. With just 1 token you can counter a few aura reading perks by the killer. Sole Survivor also increases the speed of opening gates and hatch. With Sole Survivor you can charge the gate progress bar until before the first light appears and continue opening the gate when the killer is checking the other one. With that strategy it's almost impossible for the killer to catch you. However, this effect is just one of two that Sole Survivor can grant you
A rundown of the aura block ability by Sole Survivor
1 token: 24 meters
2 tokens: 48 meters
3 tokens: 72 meters1 token: 24 meters
Awakened Awareness: 20 meters
Lightborn (With flashlights and flashbangs)
Nowhere To Hide: 24 meters
Shattered Hope: Boon Range, 24 meters
(NEW) Predator: Chase range
(NEW) THWACK!: 24 meters
(NEW) Zanshin Tactics: 16 meters2 tokens: 48 meters
All the above
A Nurse's Calling: 28 meters
Barbecue and Chili: 40 meters
I'm All Ears: 48 meters
Territorial Imperative: More than 24 meters3 tokens: 72 meters
All the above
The remaining perks don't have pre-determined range, but countering the aura reading ability is more likely with 3 tokens.
Alien Instinct (If you are injured)
Bitter Murmur
Blood Warden
Darkness Revealed
Face The Darkness
Friends ‘Til the End (If you are the obsession)
Grim Embrace (If you are the obsession)
Hex: Retribution
Hex: Undying
Human Greed
Lethal Pursuer
Lightborn (With Blast Mine)
Scourge Hook: Floods Of Rage
Scourge Hook: Hangman's Trick
Weave AttunementPossibly the only perk that can't be countered. Not quite sure:
DeerstalkerAccording to Nightlight, the most used aura-reading perks are:
1- Barbecue & Chili
2- Lethal Pursuer
3- Nowhere To Hide
4- Grim Embrace
5- A Nurse's Calling
6- Friends ‘Til the EndPossible counters whilst running Sole Survivor:
1- Hiding in a locker. Standing close.
2- Running Distortion. Always running to a weird location when the match starts.
3- Running away with no tokens. Chill with 1 token.
4- Hiding in a locker for 6 seconds when the last survivor is hooked and the gens are blocked. Only if you are the obsession.
5- Not heal in the terror radius. Chill with 1 token.
6- Always hide in a locker if you are the obsession. Stay close with at least 1 token.Possible counters to perks that can read aura with no pre-determined range:
Alien Instinct: Stay healed. Hide in a locker.
Bitter Murmur: Stay away of gens when they are about to be completed. Chill by the gen for 5 seconds to hide behind the black bubble. Hide in a locker for 10 seconds when the last gen is completed.
Blood Warden: Just leave. Don't open the doors until the hook action is completed.
Darkness Revealed: Stay away from lockers (probably only worth it against Huntress, Trickster and Dredge)
Eruption: Don't do gens whilst an injured teammate is on a chase.
Face The Darkness: Stay inside the terror radius. Cleanse the totem.
Friends ‘Til the End (If you are the obsession): Hide in a locker.
Gearhead: Hit great skill checks. Don't do gens for 30 seconds when a teammate loses a health state.
Grim Embrace (If you are the obsession): Hide in a locker.
Hex: Retribution: Don't cleanse the totem. Hide in a locker for 15 seconds when you see a teammate cleansing a totem.
Hex: Undying: Stay away from dull totems. Only cleanse hex totems.
Human Greed: Stay away from chests. Only open chests if the killer is chasing or carrying a teammate.
Lethal Pursuer: No counters except Distortion (The only use of the perk)
Lightborn (With Blast Mine): Hide in a locker.
Scourge Hook: Floods Of Rage: Hide in a locker when a teammate is about to get saved.
Scourge Hook: Hangman's Trick: Stay away from hooks.
Weave Attunement: Don't bring items to the trial.2 -
wdy? Its a straight up buff for the ptb version.. it used to have 1 token basically.. now it has 2
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Yeah but the ptb version it was easier to get tokens, since tou only needed to start the chase, now it has 2 tokens but requires to get chased for 30 seconds for just 1 token
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Tbf, assuming the user can last at least 30 seconds in two chases throughout the game, they still get to block the killer's aura reading 4 times. And that's on top of knowing what aura reading perks they have. I don't think it should be able to completely deny a Killer's aura reading for the whole match.
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Not really, unless we are talking about nurse/blight/spirit, 30 seconds in chase is very doable. Like no killer aside from those should be getting those times without a major misplay happening on the survivors part before.
I actually like the change, it rewards good players for having good chases.
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The probleme is not how strong distortion is , the probleme is how selfish is it
maybe change it with visual effect that allows other survivor that their were seen
the chase is a good idea but 30 second is to much0 -
oh okay my bad.. i thought even the ptb version required the 30 second chase to recharge the perk
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I think one thing people are missing is that balancing is always a game of give and take. Be careful what you wish for. If killing Distortion means that aura read perks and builds get results that are a little too good stats-wise, the next step is aura read perks being put on the chopping block.
12 -
Well u know what that mean. The complaints about nowhere to hide gonna Skyrocket.
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At least the ptb version was a sidegrade that could be used by agressive players...
This one just sucks. Straight up.
7 -
0 -
- Do you start the match with 2 tokens?
- Is the duration buff from 10 to 12 going live?
1 - Do you start the match with 2 tokens?
Make it 15 seconds + increase capacity of tokens to 3, pretty please 😬
3 -
I don't know why but survivors melting down when they have to earn their perk is so funny to me. You still start with the two tokens the perk is still good and will still get 1-2 more tokens over the course of the game or 3 tokens if you're actually good at chase. I don't know what people are crying about you just don't get unlimited aura hiding now.
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Because Killer role increasingly braindead with every Nerf that happens to Survivor. Killer should learn how to Track and search Survivor instead of crutching on Aura.
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They should make it so working on a generator and healing other survivors also earns back tokens - this still removes the survivors ability to hide doing nothing for the match. 30 seconds in a chase is too long to earn back a token. Also, the amount of times you are in a chase but the game doesn't consider you to be in a chase because you have just a little distance or killer lost sight makes it an inconsistent way to earn back tokens.
9 -
Hide and Seek is annoying when survivors use it just to play that “game”
They just hide. Stalling the game. Does it happen a lot? No. When it does, it’s insufferable.
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Recharge in chase is fine, but the recharge time should be reduced a little since that's a lot more situational.
1 -
Then the next logical step is to delete Windows of Opportunity, revert Iron Will, ban lightweight and make quick and quiet single time use only. Survivors need to learn to look for resources and escape chases on their own.
This whole discoussion does not lead anywhere. The Perks are changing fast because bhvr wants dbd to be a chase game with fortnite optics.
I have no statistics but I can only guess that for bhvr people are "hiding too much" so they buff aura read to make more chases happen.
The distortion nerf is okay. You have a huge bonus which bypasses tons of perks and add ons from the start and then you have to work for it to use it again. No more hiding all game. On the other hand I think they went too far with their changes regarding Sanshin Tactics. Killers should work for the auras too4 -
A lot of killers don't even use aura perks they've only increased recently due to the nerf is slowdown perks. Also what survivor nerfs? Survivor has only been getting buffs recently. But no one perk is slightly worse and it's the end of the world, give me a break.
2 -
yea i thought ptb version would be a very strong chase perk that only activates in chase, right when a good looper would rather it does. this one doesn't look horrible to me either. 30 seconds per token might be a bit too long, but the direction they are going with the perk is good.
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Awesome thank you for the answer!
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Maybe survivors should be the ones to learn how to last in a chase instead of crutching on braindead anti-aura perks.
Post edited by Jock21 on3 -
I can confirm a dead perk.
6 -
Its not really brain dead. Aura's will now dominate the game on killer side, dare I say, more so than regression. Might be a balance, idk. But bringing Distortion was quite the opposite of brain dead. Also, maybe killers should learn to play the game instead of relying on brain dead aura perks.
11 -
Yet 7 of 10 games killer i see have lethal and 1 other aura perc right now. That will kill distortion in the first 30-40 seconds. Coupled with an average of 1 minute of total chase over all lvls of play no one but someone building for chase will get it back, and of course they don't use it for that.
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No. 15 seconds chase time is WAY too short for a token recharge.
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stop crutching on wall hack builds, good killers dont need it.
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This would literally get a token for predropping a pallet, nah I would even go for 25 seconds if 30 is too much, which isnt unless you are versing blight/spirit/nurse/billy. Like looping a ghostface or any m1 killer is at least 1 min of chase time, what are people on about with 30 seconds being too much.
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They made it a waste of a perk slot. How many times a match do you think your aurora is revealed a match? Imagine a killer With a weave atunement franklins demise and two other aurora perk build. The aurora will be revealed like 20-30 times a match and now you are lucky to get 6 hidden auroras a match (two before each hook). Unless they have new predator you escape chase and lose a token you were better off bringing a different perk. 3 tokens was very fair, but now two tokens only getting it back in chase just made this a waste of a perk slot. I am a survivor main and run distortion heavy. It is a niche perk, some games it doesn’t proc at all and i waste a perk slot or some games i thank god a brought it. On matches where killer has an aurora build all 3 tokens are gone before the first gen. Nerf aurora builds good killers dont need wall hacks. Survivors have their aurora revealed for anything, spawning in a match, unhooking a friend, going in a locker, completing a gen, taking protection hit, weave atunement franklins demise is also busted. Bbq chilli, no where to hide, and now the new predator perk. With new predator i will get two tokens back in chase then lose one as soon as i escape chase, that is sad. Distortion is nerfed to garbage tier perk. Make it so you still have 3 tokens but recharge them doing gens. So survivors have incentive to do the objective. Now instead of people hiding you sill have 3 survivors trying to steal a chase wasting time trying to get their distortion back instead of doing gens.
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OK why don't you show us all how it's done?
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That one minute chase average data they collected was regarding the whole match if I remember correctly, so 20 seconds average chase for each person.
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Distortion was used too frequently so it got nuked and then launched into space. Now killers are going to use aura reading perks even more heavily because they know it can't be countered anymore. This is a giant middle finger to anyone who enjoys playing a stealth playstyle.
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I've been saying on these forums about the ptb version of distortion being changed to a chase perk. That it was supposed to be used during chase to counter the changed zanshin and other aura perks. Now, players have complained about it so much that they re-added the recharge mechanic again and also upped the tokens. So players now have to last at least 30 secs in chase and requires a minute of chase for full recharge. Lol, it is NOW a dead perk thanks to the players who couldn't see that the ptb version was actually good. Yall have yourselves to blame for this one.