What append to "perks: distortion".

my question is simple what's gonna apppen to the game now.

the ptb ended and i readed it but one detail appear to tickle me and this detail is named "perks: distortion".

this perks is actually part of the survivor's meta and i agree to say that playing against it in certain circumstance as killer can be annoying, but this perk don't have to be severly debuff like this, this perks could let survivors punish killer player to farm for their 4kills, and by using it survivors could make the killer loose his real life time and this is a great thing, but debuff it like the way you did it will encourage those annoying killers (i actually hate them) to farm their 4kills more often and add more toxicity to the game, i kinda feel sad about it, i know some people that think and feel the same about it, one of the best punishing perks be destroyed and throwed in the trash like garbage, you have to know whats make the game, it's not just the killers and i saw some modification to the game that once again give killer's all the card and survivors can eat their own soul or stop playing dead by daylight if their not happy, i say it again the game is about survivors and killer not only killers stop forget about it and stop let you're game be invaded by troll or annoying people, because as survivors being nerf like this just encourage them to be as toxic as radioactivity and the killer who never ask or play just for fun become a stupid annoying trash because he got bullied for no reason minutes ago, frustred play with anger and make sure survivors have a bad game again and again like an endless toxic cycle.

hope some will understand what i'm trying to say, and Behavior to bring back tools for survivors to punish those trash killer.


  • Wezqu
    Wezqu Member Posts: 39

    I still think linking the charging to chase is not the rightway to go about it. I would have changed the perk to give you 3 tokens in the start of the match then you get them back everytime you get unhooked. Only other way to get a token is to do a save unhook on another survivors. This would limit the tokens and make survivors danger themselves by going to unhook. This quite often causes them to get chased the same goal devs wanted to happen but would be way more effective for the normal survivor gameplay than making the perk load from chases where aura reading is not that useful for killers anyway.