We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Improvements For Survivor General Perks

General perks should be better. These are the perks that new players are reliant on, and many of them are kind of weak. Making most of them meta might be impossible, but they can be tweaked to be better at what they do.


  1. Dark Sense - Remove the distance requirement. Just show the aura to the survivor regardless of distance.
  2. Kindred - Show survivor auras to all survivors regardless of who is on the hook. This will also help solo survivors.
  3. Premonition - Three suggestions: hide scratch marks, show the killer's aura (there's another feedback thread with this suggestion) or make the survivor silent upon activation. Maybe increase it's cooldown to compensate for increased strength?
  4. Small Game - Show the aura of a totem if within 2m of it. Change the cooldown system to where if a survivor cleanses or blesses a revealed dull totem, the perk goes on cooldown for thirty seconds. That cooldown would increase to sixty seconds if the survivor cleansed or blessed a Hex totem. This would help offset the perk's new strength.
  5. No One Left Behind - Change it's name to No One's Behind Left.
  6. Spine Chill - Increase action speed for Blessing, Cleansing, Altrusitic Healing, Unhooking and Gate Opening by 20% when the killer is within 24m and has a line of sight on the survivor. The effect should linger for a few seconds after line of sight has been broken, to avoid moonwalking invalidating the perk's effect. Potentially remove Self Healing, Gen Repair and Sabotage speeds if the perk is too strong.

I have no ideas for This Is Not Happening. I think it needs to do something completely different.


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,781

    The Dark Sense change doesn't make the perk better. The whole point of it is to show you the killer's aura as they approach you so you know where they are coming from and/or potentially see their aura at the start of a chase. It also can warn you of a nearby stealth killer (you won't see their aura but you can see the perk triggered which means they are within 24m). Making it map wide takes most of that away, and the old Dark Sense basically already did this and it wasn't that good. Eyes of Belmont now is the same thing but it's better than what Dark Sense used to be because it has an additional effect.

    The only thing they have to do to make Dark Sense good is make it not waste its activation while downed or hooked, because it currently does that which makes it worse because that information is typically not as helpful and doesn't help you in chase or tell you where the killer is at a time that you can actually act on it. Maybe also reveal the killer's aura for 10 seconds regardless of distance if a generator gets completed while the perk is already active so you don't completely "lose" an activation (since right now, completing 5 gens doesn't necessarily mean the perk works 5 times).

  • TieBreaker
    TieBreaker Member Posts: 941

    Yeah, I can't say my buff for Dark Sense was very inspired. Your suggestion would likely be better.