We have temporarily disabled Firecrackers and the Flashbang Perk due to a bug which could cause the Killer's game to crash. These will be re-enabled in an upcoming patch when the issue is resolved.

Things I believe need to be brought in to make it better.

  • Theater mode - A theater mode would allow players to watch the last certain amount of trials they played from start to finish. They can also watch from the perspective of the other survivors and killer. This would help those needing proof on claims of hackers, players exploiting or if they just had a funny or good moment.

● Instant leveling - This revolves around the blood web. There is nothing more painful then having to go through every single bloodweb level. It's slow and out of date. So I thought what if there was an option to pick what available level you want to spend Bloodpoints up to and with a press of a button it will do it for you. For those of you wanting specific addons/tools/offerings there will be a filter of all available items in the bloodweb. All you gotta do is check or uncheck what you want or dont want and with the instant leveling it will prioritize the things you want first.

● Buy and Sell - With this players now are able to sell any of the items/offerings/addons they don't want or just need some quick bloodpoints. No longer holding 500 hatch in shack offerings. And with Buying you can now spend bloodpoints to buy map offerings/tools/addons either a single purchase or a group of the same item. This way players actually have more ways to use bloodpoints.

● Character Challenges - For this you gotta look back at when Leatherface had those secret challenges to kill a survivor so many times to be able to wear their skin. This time tho survivors and killers have specific challenges that when completed are given a special outfit as a sort of bragging rights. Tomes are fine and all but there needs to be more.

● Multiple challenges - This one is just allowing us to tackle 3 challenges in total instead of just one in the tomes. No matter the tome they are in you pick the 3 challenges for both killer and survivor and that way players have multiple challenges they can tackle instead of one that could be done at the very start.

Cant think of any others but these to me would make the game a little less boring in the menu.


  • IAmTheWanderer
    IAmTheWanderer Member Posts: 2

  • cluelessclaudette
    cluelessclaudette Member Posts: 53

    this is pretty much impossible given BHVR. Riot can barely do it for Valorant and they're a AAA full fledged studio with money. They're still working on theirs.

    I doubt BHVR can do it but they can prove me wrong. But given how they work on the game I just don't think so

  • AngelOfHope2017
    AngelOfHope2017 Member Posts: 101

    "Theater Mode": I think this would be far more complicated when it doesn't need to be. There are tones of recording software products out there, for free!
    "Instant Leveling": I do like the idea of choosing what is prioritized and for it to auto level.
    "Buy and Sell": I like this idea and had it already posted in my Quality of Life Suggestions post here:

    "Character Challenge": I think completing achievements in and of themselves is bragging rights. I have completed 99% of the achievements on Steam, all but one. I don't think I need an outfit to prove it or brag about it because people can just look at my profile and see it.
    "Multiple Challenges": I love this idea!