PLEASE PLEASE remove the god window from mother´s dwelling main building

you guys just added a window to that one badham secondary building, time and data is not an excuse anymore (and have never been) just remove that window please, even without this window the main building is still insanely good, even better with lithe/balance landing/sprint burst
there´s literally no reason to leave something like that in the game
i´m talking about that one
A breakable wall to make it less good would be good. Although its a great Trap location for other Killers.
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When they collected feedback about maps, the most 2 common complains were map size and this god window. Have no idea why they decided to leave it here.
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They changed the size, they are probably waiting to see if it changed the map's killrate.
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I got owned so bad by that gabriel/Kate on the main building that it literally attacked my anxiety haha my bad, but I do prefer your idea, I play a lot of trapper and skull merchant and I always put 2 drones/traps around it (and always work really well), a breakable door would help both trap killers and melee range killers
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I wish they were more quick with maps, just little changes instead of full reworks, the first version of borgo was one of my favorite maps (don't laught pls) it would benefit a lot from some tweaks here and there but look what happened to him now..