Any chance for some new RE cosmetics ? it's been almost 2 years since the last ones

Title. there's still so many possibilities. Krauser, Ashley, Billy, Barry, some Ada, Jill, Leon, rebecca skins and many more. I'm sure they would do great
I'd kill for more rep from the Revelations games, especially, and they're sure as hell not getting full character releases.
Moira Burton skin for Rebecca and Alex Wesker skin for the Mastermind, BHVR, you know you wanna do it…
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Ethan for Leon, and the outfit that makes Rebecca look like Faith from Buffy are what I want.
Also a Santa outfit for Nemesis, that gives Misty and the other Zombie Christmas Elf costumes.
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I feel like Ethan might be kinda hard to do without showing his face, here.
Then again, BHVR figuring out a way to make his face permanently shadowed could be interesting…
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He has a fully modelled face. Capcom just chose to be weird about it in Village. They should just use that. It was silly to hide his face in cutscenes like that, so I'd rather they just drop it.
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We all know we want shirtless Wesker from the RE5 Bossfight, and Evil Jill from the same game.
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Piers, Jake and RE5 Wesker would be amazing.