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Void Crystals Obscure Nurse's Vision After Exiting a Cloud

SUMMARY: As Nurse, when blinking after exiting a smoke cloud your screen will be obscured by an opaque light blue screen/background.
STEP BY STEP: This bug occurred in two different matches, twice in Haddonfield and once in Blood Lodge. If I entered or was within a smoke cloud whenever a survivor uses a Void Crystal; the next instance that I blink while outside a smoke cloud, my screen would become obscure with a solid opaque screen for a short duration. A small white dot also becomes visible in the center of my screen. Can be replicated somewhat reliably. Seems like it can only happen within a certain duration after exiting a cloud. And seems like it ends just after nurse succumbs to fatigue. I also think I have my FOV set to 98 or 99.
VIDEO: Unlisted YT video: https://youtu.be/bLlwzaoR1pI