My Hopes For The Shape's Changes

We know now, thanks to the roadmap, that our boy Mikey is set to get some changes. We also know that they'll be "tweaks", so nothing super substantial. While I think Myers is still going to need a proper update some day, I think there are some small changes that could absolutely help tide him over until then.
Here's what I'm hoping for:
- An actual lunge in Tier 1. In my opinion, the two downsides he has in Tier 1 - the lack of a lunge and the slower movement speed - are just too harsh in the modern era of the game. Giving him a lunge but keeping his movement speed low allows the tiers to be more tactically viable in their own right, instead of just being a flat requirement for him to get out of Tier 1 ASAP. Plus, that'd be an indirect buff to the Scratched Mirror, which is good!
- Adjustments to the stalk speed at different ranges. I like the idea of that, it's thematic to the movie, but it is annoying to deal with. Raising or removing stalk limits would also work well here.
- Addon adjustments. Specifically, the Boyfriend's Memo addon would need to be reworked if we're just giving him a lunge in Tier 1, and the purple Tombstone Piece has obviously needed to be reworked for years. Beyond that his addons aren't that bad, so just those two would be fine- but any further could be nice too, of course.
Just those things would help give Mikey a fresh coat of paint for the modern era without fundamentally altering him all that much, in my opinion.
i am pretty sure that they're substantial. i think funniest part is if that they only nerf tombstone piece and judith tombstone and touch nothing else. that would give me a good laugh. Sadako-style changes.
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How do you mean? He's under the "Killer Tweaks" thing, so we know it's not a full update, like Freddy's getting since he's labelled under "Killer Update".
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killer update often changes the killer's ability entirely or add new ability. Sadako was killer tweak but a killer tweak can be many tweaks and many tweaks produce large changes even if the ability is functionally no different.
here's my idea for what i think should change on Michael Myer's. if you ask me, i think Michael's Myer's poor early game is not justified for it is exposed ability. Don't get be wrong, exposed is pretty good effect because it saves time in chases however it is not good effect if there is time sink attached to it.
as for Michael's chase capacity, it's pretty non-existent. while many will agree to say his tombstone mori add-on are too strong or too different or too old, whatever excuse is, i think they're unique play-style that should be niche. currently, they're like the main play-style to play him over other killers and i think that a base play-style should be more viable than like add-on play-style. Add-on play-style is cool but it is suppose be fringe. Kinda like waterlogged shoe hag. Waterlogged shoe hag isn't really main stay play-style for hag but it is cool gimmick that you can opt into as killer for some fun.