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Steam - Void crystal got me stuck for rest of match!
SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: So basically I used a void crystal in a match, but I became stuck after using it!. I could not move or crouch. Also, my character would not turn their head (as in, I could see them fully from the front without them looking back). My toolbox did not appear in my hand.
I was able to be downed and then carried to a hook, but remained stuck afterwards.
STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I'm really not sure, maybe it was the way I moved as I threw it?
VIDEO: Here's a lil video I put together of the incident, hopefully it works lol https://streamable.com/lb2sfe
I played the match on the 25th of October if that helps 😄
EDIT: I forgot to mention I was holding shift to run the entire time, but because I'm stuck it looks like I'm just walking.