Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

Arguing about Anti-Slugging is self-destructive

People hate slugging.
Arguing for nerfs and adjustments, because slugging is bad, is often self-destructive though.
Any time people ask for changes to how the game works to counter slugging, it inevitably impacts non-slugging killers as well, promoting different "toxic" behaviors instead on either side.
Just like Anti-Tunneling measures have emphasized the value of slugging. Or how basekit BT isnt used as an anti-tunneling tool by better survivors, but as a free bodyblock/protection hit against the unhooker.

My problem isn't with tackling slugging and tunneling in productive ways, it just feels like, whenever I read survivor opinions on it, they are seeing in it an opportunity to edge out a generic killer nerf or survivor buff instead.

It seems like the discussion is never about the "why" but the "can we hammer it into place somehow"
I personally avoid slugging, but I cant say I dont see why some people may do it. It is often a safer way to win late-stage games. It removes the danger of having your hook sabo'd infront of you, and you dropping the survivor, or have the person flashlight saved. And it basically forces survivors to sacrifice more time to find downed teammates and get them up again, than if I put them on a hook and show their position to the entire team.

And yes, some people will always slug but to use that to argue that this is a reason to just make some perks basekit, or penalize killers just feels in bad faith.
And I doubt that basekit Yellow Mori did a whole lot to emphasize slugging because "Killers want to see cool animations" if that was such a motivator for Killers they could use red moris. You get these things in your bloodweb so often I could probably use them in every game for a week and still have some left over.


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