Buff GhostFace,The Pig & Trickster
Tier F killers
No rework, just buff
Pig is far from F tier. @radiantHero23
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I think she is not, yes.
But people seem have have made their verdict long ago.
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She's a killer without dashes and map mobility... and all powers that differ from this model must be burned to the ground and destroyed!
There is no room for tactile and strategic thinking in my DBD game!
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There is no such thing as F tier, LMAO. There is only S through D, and with the buffings Myers and Freddy will get pretty soon ONLY Trapper will be an actual D tier.
Ghostface is a High C to a Low B, played correctly. He does need buffs, but he's not as weak as you think.
Pig is a high C tier. She could stand buffs, but she's not as weak as you think either.
Trickster is around a Mid C to at best, low B. He's fine too. I'd argue he's a bit stronger than Ghostface. He could use a passover to make him more fun for both sides, but he's not as weak as you think.
Antiloop, map mobility, and M2 hits are not everything, my guy, and just because a KIller makes you work harder to make the most of their kit against good players doesn't make them weak. Also, B tier is balanced, far from weak. Not EVERYONE needs to be A or S to succeed, I'd actually prefer it if more Killers were designed and buffed to stay within the A-C range, no higher or lower. No Killer is "too weak to be viable", all Killers can 4k. I actually pull 4ks as Ghostie pretty regularly to the point I have to be careful to not skyrocket my MMR to the point he actually IS too weak to do anything for my personal skill level. That's not "he's too weak", that's "Survivors that know your counterplay and have more skill than you at the game."
Learn to play the Killers you think are "too weak" properly before you call anyone "F tier".
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Thank you my friend 🐽
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idk, but i don't think trickster is that bad. he's kinda where huntress was pre-buff where 2-3 tweaks will make him very scary to play against.
pig needs add-on's base-kit.
the problem is that very few play ghostface and ghostface overall is too punished for average killer player to pick up. Imagine new players buying licensed killer like ghostface and than getting demolished. that stats seem suggest that almost every single player that plays ghostface gets demolished except for very specialized killer players.
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ghostface overall is too punished for average killer player to pick up. Imagine new players buying licensed killer like ghostface and than getting demolished. that stats seem suggest that almost every single player that plays ghostface gets demolished except for very specialized killer players.
That's very true @Devil_hit11 but maybe more buffs could change that. However it's not true he's an uncommon pick, he's one of the top ten picks in the game last we saw stats isn't he? He's popular even before these changes. But yes, for most players who don't MAIN him he's very difficult to with, someone who plays him more casually may find that his skill floor is more like a wall they bounce off of. For that alone he needs more love. He's a specialty Killer that isn't for everyone, kinda like how Plague isn't for everyone or HUX isn't for everyone.
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That doesn't prove much.
In fact, if you take these stats as evidence that Trickster must be buffed, that implies that Artist must be buffed as well.
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I already talked about this in a post… What makes it better? I don't play with her much
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Artist is pretty good. She can legitimately put pressure from anywhere on a lot of maps. And used right, she's pretty good at anti-loop.
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I want pigs head pop timer reduced basekit. 150 seconds is too long. It should be 130s basekit and I want a physical key back, but the forth box guarantees the key.
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But what does any of this prove? Nightlight is based on user-related stats, not on hard data of all rounds across all MMR ranges, which is what BHVR uses.
Hard data says all those Killers except Demo have a closer to 60% Killrate. Somewhere between 58-62%. They're fine. And Demo is getting a buff.Don't cherrypick based on user generated data.
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the problem is that bvhr doesn't give accurate win-rate data. their last data set in feb was
Apart from Nurse and Doctor, Hillbilly got reworked. Ghostface was lowest kill-rate killer in both data set. When looking at his total kill-rate distribution in win-rate[from Nightlight], he also performs the worst. @ad19970 did a post looking at that around 1-2 months ago.
if there is going to be killer at bottom of killer-rates, they should be killer that are difficult to master with high mechanical skill-floor where the player can improve their killer skill to reach new heights. ghostface isn't one of those killers. he is not mechanically complex killer and the player often cannot improve themselves individually outshine the rest killer roaster.
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I believe you are mistaking me with someone else. This is the second time I believe you tagged me because of a post regarding kill rates, but I believe I never made such post. Not bad or anything, just wanted to let you know.
Or I am completely stupid and forgot about it.
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Sometimes I accidentally force a head pop because I see a survivor via BBQ and don't realize it's someone with a hat on. When I find them, I'll slug them for pressure and avoid hooking so they don't feel too oppressed.
But if they're pushed off their box and they're unlucky enough that the right box is the last one, sometimes you get accidental head pops.
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it wasn't post about kill-rates, it was post around win-rates using nightlight stats. i just don't remember exact username. it was someone with a-d as first starting letters of username. my point being is that ghostface in both data set has been lowest kill-rate for a while and when looking at individual accurate stats reported by nightlight, his kill-rate distribution is very poor. So i can only assume that he has same poor kill-rate distribution with augmented kill-rate.
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Sadly, when I play pig, I never see it happen.
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It's uncommon. But I'm a Pig main, so I've seen some strange things. I've even seen a few survivors try to run out of the gate with an active trap… 🤯
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I've even seen a few survivors try to run out of the gate with an active trap… 🤯
Didn’t that get patched?
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I saw a survivor's head pop in the exit gate a few days ago. But maybe they patched it in the last few days?
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Pig definitely needs a rework, her whole power centers around survivors completing their objectives,which can just be countered by leaving the gen 99%.
And unless its a full addon plus build dedicated to it,theres usually no head pops.
Id recommend making generators giving 10/10 charges of activating reverse bear trap globally , hooks giving 5/10 charges on said survivior, and sucessful m2’s give 5/10 charges aswell on said survivior.
Also the -20 second on Active bear trap when a gen pops should be basekit