Proposed Adjustments for Deathslinger: Speed and Terror Radius Increase

Dear Behaviour Interactive team,
I would like to suggest some adjustments to Deathslinger that, in my opinion, would not only improve his viability but also maintain the balance of the game. Considering the impact of his speed and the pressure he exerts on the map, I believe increasing his speed to 4.6 m/s and his terror radius to 32 meters would be a positive step. Below, I will outline my main arguments to support this proposal.
- 4.6 m/s Speed:Currently, Deathslinger has a speed of 4.4 m/s, which puts him at a disadvantage compared to other killers who rely on long-range abilities. While Deathslinger has an interesting anti-loop mechanic, he is still far from being one of the best in this aspect, especially when compared to killers like Hillbilly, Pyramid Head, and Dracula. They are able to apply pressure much more effectively due to their ability to control the map and loops more easily.
A 4.6 m/s speed would be a significant improvement, especially to address the difficulty Deathslinger faces when trying to catch survivors during long or distant chases. When a survivor is at a considerable distance and gets caught on objects, Deathslinger can struggle to use his power to pull them toward him, reducing the effectiveness of his ability. If he were at 4.6 m/s, he could counter these situations more easily and make chases smoother and fairer, without the frustration of losing important distances. This would also prevent Deathslinger from being forced to lag behind survivors in strong loops like the Check or infinites, which are nearly impossible to overcome when he’s at 4.4 m/s.
- Chase Pressure and Generator Counterplay:Deathslinger suffers significantly on larger maps, where his ability to patrol generators and maintain pressure on all survivors is limited. His mechanics require him to rely more on chase pressure, which becomes a challenge when his 4.4 m/s speed makes his chases slow and hard to apply on maps with many strong loops. Increasing his speed to 4.6 m/s would give him more agility and allow him to maintain more consistent chase pressure. Even though he would still have issues with generators, his ability to be more efficient in chases would help balance the gameplay experience and ensure that Deathslinger has a real chance to punish survivor mistakes during the chase.
- Balance in Chain Gun Usage:Another important point is the chain gun mechanic. Even when Deathslinger lands a shot, the chain can break, resulting only in the initial hit on the survivor. If the survivor is already injured, the broken chain has no additional effect, forcing Deathslinger to pull them toward him to fully utilize the ability. This makes the ability highly dependent on his ability to land precise shots in a short window, which is an interesting mechanic but also limiting considering the killer’s speed.
With a 4.6 m/s speed, it would be harder for survivors to get away, and easier for Deathslinger to exert chase pressure without relying so heavily on the ability to gain an advantage. Furthermore, the increased speed would make the chain ability more effective, preventing the survivor from simply running away easily.
- 32-Meter Terror Radius:Increasing Deathslinger’s terror radius to 32 meters would also help make his presence on the map more visible. With this change, survivors would be forced to be more mindful of his position and make more strategic decisions. This could also balance out the fact that Deathslinger struggles to exert pressure on multiple generators at once, as he lacks significant map mobility.
This increase in terror radius would give Deathslinger more influence on the game without making him oppressive. It would allow survivors to better know where he is, while he could focus more on chases without constantly worrying about distributing pressure across the map.
Conclusion:These adjustments would provide Deathslinger with smoother, more balanced, and strategic gameplay, making him more competitive without unbalancing the game. The 4.6 m/s speed would enhance chase effectiveness, while the 32-meter terror radius would give a greater sense of presence and pressure across the map. These changes wouldn’t make Deathslinger oppressive but rather fairer and more viable in various game situations.
I believe these buffs are deserved, considering Deathslinger’s unique mechanics and potential, which remain underutilized due to his speed and the way he handles chases. Please consider these adjustments to help balance the game and make Deathslinger a more viable option for players who enjoy his gameplay.
sounds like troll post. deathslinger's tr is already 32 meters. bvhr 2vs8 mode buffs deathslinger and it gives all wrong buffs that don''t matter.
faster walking while chain does not work because chain durability is cut by 50% when colliding on an object.
faster reload is minuscule time efficient increase.
BVHR is so disconnected from killer changes sometimes.