‼️‼️The Arab community really needs help ‼️‼️
Unfortunately, it seems that Dead by Daylight continues to overlook us as an Arab community, despite our deep passion and consistent support for the game. As Arabs, we form a significant part of the player base, actively participating in events, creating content, and contributing to the game’s ongoing success. However, there remains a glaring lack of effort to cater to our needs or even recognize our presence. my ping always 180 or higher 🙁 .
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8 years and dbd don't have midddle east server!!!!
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plllllzzzzzzzzz helppppppppppppp we neeed a server
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I always struggle with server connections. Even if I play as a killer, it always lags, and I hate that. Please, BHR, make our own server. I would be so happy about that. Thank you for your service.
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I'm living in Egypt and my ping is the biggest problem for me. I love the game and I spend money in it but I don't enjoy much time because of ping issues and latency because of servers... Please do something. Thanks!
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i played this game in 2018 and I love it very much but the only thing I hate about it is the ping and it’s the most important thing I always get hitboxed it’s so unfair I spent so much money on that game
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can you please do something about the ping it used to be 99-110 now it’s even worst it’s 150-198 because u removed the Indian server please make a Middle East one look at this hitbox
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Why is this ping for us? Whyyy? And yet we win against foreigners but we don't have a good ping just me here and he is there killing me? Why? And all my friends I see have pings above 120? We want to enjoy the game as much as foreigners enjoy it and I don't think you want to lose people who can raise the level of the game🤷
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8 years and dbd don't have midddle east server!!!!
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I support for this game 4000$ and i play ping 160
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Servers are super important for Arabs, especially when it comes to gaming and online services. A lot of gamers want low ping and fast connections, so having local servers can really enhance the experience. plus there is alot of DBD fans in the arab community who have alot of passion in this game , so arab community really needs servers !! .
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i've been playing this game for years and still we don't get a respond from behaviour , if it's all about business and money just tell us , let us know that you care about your community at least , don't ignore us and expect us to assume that you care.
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we need that server please
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add Middle East
I’m a saudi player and know plenty of saudi guys who still love and play dbd.. we still support this game despite the server issues and we this issue hope it would get look into
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really we need help
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I have been playing since 2018 and I have a lot of problems because of ping. I am suffering because there is no Arabic server to play on ping 160. This is not good. We need your help.
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We need a Middle East server
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We need a Middle East server
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love playing dead by daylight
I want play without thinking About the issues of the ping.
I've been playing the game for three years, I want play one day with out get high ping
We Arabs suffer a lot
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I hope Behaviour empathizes with us and pursues to resolve this prominent predicament.
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We need server in middle east arab need help
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I agree, some games don’t have servers in the middle east, even though we consider a huge fan base of most big games such as RockStar games, DBD, and some of the huge games, it’s very frustrating.
So, we hope they respect this fan base of the game and at least make a server for the middle east and give their supporters what they want .. we are not asking much
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I agree with that, it doesn't make sense that most people who play the game play on a very low ping, and we play on a high ping, this is not fair.
we are getting so many hitboxes because of the high ping.
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we need help
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I quit this game because of the ping
every game i play with ≈170ms vs killer with 30ms
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We've been supporting this game since it came out. we at least deserve a server with acceptable ping
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Why is Russia mentioned in the servers you want the devs to bring back? Did you forget their ongoing war agaisnt Ucrania and all the crimes already commited by them?
A lot of companies, BHVR included, have shut down their bussiness in the country to somewhat support the end of the war. So stop being ignorant and watch what you say.
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من طرف مولك النجراني افضل لاعب dbd /
one of molq friend (aka best player in dbd of all time) and agrees with this campaign because im a new player and thats effectedme so much
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I always thought that the day I will see my ping lower then 160ms will never be true but here we are I wish if they really care😔
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180ms »
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it’s painful to play dead by daylight nowadays as an Arab I am not able to experience a smooth and fare gameplay all the time I am lagging and experiencing hit boxes though I am connected to fast internet fibre optic with 200 mb upload and 50 mb download yet I am not able to enjoy the game
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2 game i can,t play with this ms
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Please, the community from the Middle East have never ever requested for anything, but all we ask for is a server. It's a win-win situation, placing the servers in Bahrain in my opinion would be best, as it is in the center. Epicgames applied the idea of having servers in Bahrain a couple of years back, loyalty within your players would be increased as well as the game time I can assure you. More players would be attracted, having unstable ping really affects our gameplay and is one of the reasons I am on a year break from dead by daylight, aside from MMR.
Kind wishes,
A dbd survivor
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Unfortunately, it seems that Dead by Daylight continues to ignore us as an Arab community, despite our immense love and ongoing support for the game. We, as Arabs, represent a significant portion of the player base, actively participating in events, supporting content, and contributing to the game’s success. Yet, we see no real effort to address our needs or acknowledge our presence.
The lack of proper localization or even the slightest consideration for our culture and language feels like a dismissal of our value as part of this journey. Is it fair to keep supporting a game that doesn’t make an effort to appreciate us? This sense of neglect has turned into profound disappointment, making it seem like our presence as players doesn’t matter.
We want to feel heard and respected as a community. But unfortunately, the message we’re receiving through this disregard is clear: we are not a priority.
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i'm playing from qatar, and i don't understand what happened with the asia servers, i used to be able to play just fine up to the latest chapter, my ping was 100ms~ but now suddenly all my matches i've been sitting at 200ms~ and the game is unplayable, and i've got no clue why this is.
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we really need server in middle east
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for real
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It’s been soo long
Behavior is ignoring us, the Middle Eastern people for having no servers
Shame on you behavior4 -
Yet still no response, Shame
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100ms is very annoying
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This is one scene from hundred We get it every single time we play
And there are more like pallet hitbox that make you take hit in pallet even after we drop it
Or the hit we get after vault the window and walk for distance
Today there are thousands of Players in middle east from different countries
And if they added ME server to the game not only Arab will get They benefit from it but the others players from countrys wil get benefit from east part of Asia
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playing on 120+ ping against 80-28 ping is unfair to us we suffer from high latency and we face players on very low ping dead hard is very hard to use because of the delay between our ping and the killer ping
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i live in iraq and i want to play with a nice ping and a nice arabs teamamtes 😅
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The Arab community really needs help
pls :(
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bhvr please, we want a server in Bahrain or UAE, I tried India in PTB, I also got a high ping on the India server and it is not good for mena countries
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any update on this post?
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I believe this is a real problem that should be considered and addressed, and warrants some attention from BHVR to investigate. If YouTube expanded to India, so should DBD (long term) from a business perspective. With that said, almost 80% of this specific forum looks like it came from one user who created a bunch of accounts. My eyebrow has been suspiciously raised this whole time.
With that said, I really hope a community manager reads this thread, and then does research to see if there is value investing in an additional server. I've seen the bills that my job receives from AWS, and I know firsthand that these things genuinely cost a LOT of money, and I mean A LOT of money. One AWS bill is the equivalent to having an entire small team of people on payroll. No. Joke. In the business world, there would need to be significant justification to be allowed to spend that much money. I hope it exists, because I want more players to experience Dead by Daylight and allow the game to continue growing.
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i get too many hitboxes and like its so bad playing with ping 100 we need like a server so we can enjoy the game not getting hitboxed !