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Comparing camping/tunneling to doing gens

I legit want to know why some killer mains compare camping/tunneling to doing gens when a better comparison would be looping as they both involve players and not a player and a generator. Do they think generators can run and therefore be tunneled? Do they think generators are secretly players, too?



  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    When I was a newbie, I hated it. I didn't know how to hide as well and I don't think I even went to pallets back then. While it isn't all that fun to do or face, it's necessary for certain situations. The biggest issue I think is a lot of people don't know what to do when faced with that sort of situation or they feed into it. Still, the mental gymnastics some people have to go through when an easier and about as unpleasant analogy is present. I think tunneling would be equivalent to looping, though, and camping to teabagging and taunting.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    Tbagging encourages the killer to go after them. I, myself, don't teabag, but I know people do it to keep the killer on them.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @TheWraith883 said:
    You need to understand something. Killers tunnel because they have to since the game is not balanced. When you tunnel someone you want to eliminate a beneficial target that can do gens, heal, block, and many other nonsenses. Don't blame the killers for tunneling they have to do it sometimes especially if they run against survivor with friends.

    No, I understand why killers tunnel and camp. It's to apply pressure and to ensure a kill. That wasn't what this post was about.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    I think overall everyone needs to stop whining about things that are simply a part of the game. Killers are gonna camp, tunnel and kill you any way that they possibly can. Just like survivors are going to use every item, perk and loop they can to survive. Thats literally what this game is made for lol.

    Everyone needs to focus on the real problems with this game, like disconnecting and lobby dodging.

    My issue is more so the nonsensical comparisons to generators than camping and tunneling, really. Honestly I don't usually bring in items, either, as most games you lose them. Frankies or just plain dying~

    Eh, we aren't one dimensional. We can worry over multiple things.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @DocOctober said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    I'm sorry for you then, but getting a Survivor out of the game ASAP is the best way to win the game as it considerably diminishes the Survivors' combined efficiency.

    Especially with low-mobility or handicapped Killers, it's THE way to go. When I play Freddy, I tunnel from the very start of the game as I can't allow the Survivors any slack with him or the chances that they'll win will increase quite a lot.

    I think what they were saying was that they don't like it when killers tunnel while the game is already going in their favor. Some people get in a rhythm and don't change it up, regardless of the scenario. I foresee tunneling to just get worse with the provethyself buff. I don't believe I've had a game since then where the killer didn't find the need to tunnel. Hope they do something to fix it. :/

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200
    edited January 2019

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    Thats ok

    [BAD WORD] genrushers. It's acceptable when they genrush you when there's 2 survivors left, I won't get mad at that. But when one squad [BAD WORD] genrushes you when they have 4 survivors left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept genrushing when the survivors got less time to do gens.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on genrushing.

    You know it works both ways....

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited January 2019

    When tunnelling is acceptable = Always
    When tunnelling is not acceptable = Never

    The killer can win the game however they see fit, as survivors can also do the same.

    If you want to be a spacebar warrior and pound out the gens in a few minutes you can do that.

    If the killer wants your ass out the game fast he can also do that.

    If the devs were against it they wouldn't have invented obsession perks. Dying Light is literally made to tunnel someone to get that de-buff ASAP and slow the game down.

    I don't see why these discussions take place about how the killer should or shouldn't play the game occurs, they are not breaking any "Official" rules.

    Made up rules by other players won't stop me playing the game how i see fit.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    Thats ok

    [BAD WORD] genrushers. It's acceptable when they genrush you when there's 2 survivors left, I won't get mad at that. But when one squad [BAD WORD] genrushes you when they have 4 survivors left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept genrushing when the survivors got less time to do gens.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on genrushing.

    You know it works both ways....

    Genrushing happens when there isn't pressure on the field due to tunneling someone (if they're in their element, leave them) or camping (the only thing everyone has to do is gens). They nerfed BNP so that they didn't have quite the affect they did once before. Once again, looping works well with this analogy as genrushing is typically due to the lack of pressure like three genning would be pressure applied acutely. Looping/Tbagging is what survivors do when in contact with the killer.

    As far as I see it, it's just preference. I would prefer if I wasn't camped and tunneled like I would prefer if I wasn't teabagged and looped to oblivion. Gens are just in the background like the kids of an estranged marriage.

  • Jplanas98
    Jplanas98 Member Posts: 532

    @fluffybunny said:
    I legit want to know why some killer mains compare camping/tunneling to doing gens when a better comparison would be looping as they both involve players and not a player and a generator. Do they think generators can run and therefore be tunneled? Do they think generators are secretly players, too?

    It's a poor comparison in all honesty. But I think the reason is because camping/tunneling gets rid of a survivor quicker, gives the killer a slight advantage and survivors hate it. Meanwhile gen rushing makes the game go quicker, puts survivors at an advantage and killers hate it. That's the only logical reason I can think of for comparing them. I'm a killer main but I don't compare them.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Jplanas98 said:

    @fluffybunny said:
    I legit want to know why some killer mains compare camping/tunneling to doing gens when a better comparison would be looping as they both involve players and not a player and a generator. Do they think generators can run and therefore be tunneled? Do they think generators are secretly players, too?

    It's a poor comparison in all honesty. But I think the reason is because camping/tunneling gets rid of a survivor quicker, gives the killer a slight advantage and survivors hate it. Meanwhile gen rushing makes the game go quicker, puts survivors at an advantage and killers hate it. That's the only logical reason I can think of for comparing them. I'm a killer main but I don't compare them.

    Whenever people say you're tunneling a gen, I just imagine running after a gen and it's hilarious. Thank you for attempting to explain it, despite not using the terminology yourself. I can see the slight correlation between how quick things proceed with either side. I agree, though. Still quite a poor comparison.

  • LegitAdventurer
    LegitAdventurer Member Posts: 505
    Related, i totally understand your gripe about this off the wall comparison. I guess it only makes sense in the mindset that killers objective is to kill the survivor, and survivors are supposed to finish gens. But thats about it lol
  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    Thats ok

    [BAD WORD] genrushers. It's acceptable when they genrush you when there's 2 survivors left, I won't get mad at that. But when one squad [BAD WORD] genrushes you when they have 4 survivors left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept genrushing when the survivors got less time to do gens.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on genrushing.

    You know it works both ways....

    Yes. ######### genrushers too. I agree with you.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited January 2019

    @Jplanas98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    "Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling."
    That just shows how close minded you are. There are no rules that the killer has to follow. Why should they have to allow 3 gens to be repaired before they're "allowed" to tunnel? The quicker a survivor is taken out the easier the rest of the match will be. Don't understand how you're okay with camping but are whining about tunneling. It's sounds more like the issue is you.

    It's narrow minded. And yes there's no rules for killers. But tunnelling with 4 gens left is quite stupid in my opinion I mean you could probably end up throwing the game doing it. It may be ok with the new prove thyself to be fair though because games be going quick I just slug as Spirit with knockout to buy time.

    Also I will never change my mind about tunnelling, camping has borrowed time for a counter, but tunnelling? Nothing. I'm not the issue here. If there was at least some way for me to counter killers tunnelling my teammates/me I'd be completely fine with it. Honestly.

    I don't think I'm narrow minded by the way, It's just tunnelling where I don't change my mind ever. I'm stubborn but I can change my mind for most topics in this game. I used to think camping was worse a while back.

    Post edited by Poweas on
  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913

    Tunneling is only a bad strategy when you tunnel the wrong person on the team. When you tunnel the survivor with a flashlight who WANTS your attention, they’ll loop you forever. However, if you tunnel the gen jockey or the weak link in the team and eliminate them can get down to a 3V1 rather quickly. You always want to eliminate one survivor as soon as possible to make it easier on yourself. A 3V1 is much easier to handle than a 4V1.

  • MegMain98
    MegMain98 Member Posts: 2,913
    edited January 2019

    @Poweas said:

    @Jplanas98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    "Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling."
    That just shows how close minded you are. There are no rules that the killer has to follow. Why should they have to allow 3 gens to be repaired before they're "allowed" to tunnel? The quicker a survivor is taken out the easier the rest of the match will be. Don't understand how you're okay with camping but are whining about tunneling. It's sounds more like the issue is you.

    It's narrow minded. And yes there's no rules for killers. But tunnelling with 4 gens left is quite stupid in my opinion I mean you could probably end up throwing the game doing it. It may be ok with the new prove thyself to be fair though because games be going quick I just slug as Spirit with knockout to buy time.

    Also I will never change my mind about tunnelling, camping has borrowed time for a counter, but tunnelling? Nothing. I'm not the issue here. If there was at least some way for me to counter killers tunnelling my teammates/me I'd be completely fine with it. Honestly.

    I don't think I'm narrow minded by the way, It's just tunnelling where I don't change my mind ever. I'm stubborn but I can change my mind for most topics in this game. I used to think camping was worse a while back.

    We’ve all been tunneled, quite simply it’s a strategy that a lot of killer employ to eliminate a survivor as quickly as possible. If there are 4 gens left and you get down to a 3V1, it is much easier on the killer. It’s not fun for the tunneled survivor but I do understand why killers do it.

    Honestly camping with 4 gens left is a worse strategy than tunneling with 4 gens left.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited January 2019

    @MegMain98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Jplanas98 said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    "Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling."
    That just shows how close minded you are. There are no rules that the killer has to follow. Why should they have to allow 3 gens to be repaired before they're "allowed" to tunnel? The quicker a survivor is taken out the easier the rest of the match will be. Don't understand how you're okay with camping but are whining about tunneling. It's sounds more like the issue is you.

    It's narrow minded. And yes there's no rules for killers. But tunnelling with 4 gens left is quite stupid in my opinion I mean you could probably end up throwing the game doing it. It may be ok with the new prove thyself to be fair though because games be going quick I just slug as Spirit with knockout to buy time.

    Also I will never change my mind about tunnelling, camping has borrowed time for a counter, but tunnelling? Nothing. I'm not the issue here. If there was at least some way for me to counter killers tunnelling my teammates/me I'd be completely fine with it. Honestly.

    I don't think I'm narrow minded by the way, It's just tunnelling where I don't change my mind ever. I'm stubborn but I can change my mind for most topics in this game. I used to think camping was worse a while back.

    We’ve all been tunneled, quite simply it’s a strategy that a lot of killer employ to eliminate a survivor as quickly as possible. If there are 4 gens left and you get down to a 3V1, it is much easier on the killer. It’s not fun for the tunneled survivor but I do understand why killers do it.

    Honestly camping with 4 gens left is a worse strategy than tunneling with 4 gens left.

    Yes you're right with camping being worse. Btw if a killer can seriously eliminate a survivor with 4 gens left, it's gg which I feel isn't fair on the survivor. I don't even get tunnelled much anymore but my teammaes constantly do and it makes me sad. I myself as killer tunnel if:

    A. The survivor runs to me like a potato

    B. If the teammate does an unsafe hook rescue (I down both)

    C. If there's 2 gens left

    That's it.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    When tunnelling is acceptable = Always
    When tunnelling is not acceptable = Never

    The killer can win the game however they see fit, as survivors can also do the same.

    If you want to be a spacebar warrior and pound out the gens in a few minutes you can do that.

    If the killer wants your ass out the game fast he can also do that.

    If the devs were against it they wouldn't have invented obsession perks. Dying Light is literally made to tunnel someone to get that de-buff ASAP and slow the game down.

    I don't see why these discussions take place about how the killer should or shouldn't play the game occurs, they are not breaking any "Official" rules.

    Made up rules by other players won't stop me playing the game how i see fit.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911
    edited January 2019
    The logic of tunneling a gen vs tunneling a survivours is linked to the survivour being a killers objective similar to gens. From an empathetic persepctive tunneling can ruin a survivours enjoyment of the game. But if you ever played a multiplayer game besides dbd youd know that no one cares about the enemy perspective. The fighter player dosent stop using grabs if a player struggles to counter them. The moba player doesent let the enemy player farm up to catch up if they got annialated in the lanning phase. 

    No instead the player applies presure to the wound until the opponet succumbs and losses. Dbd gameplay is more prone to frustration due to players being made unable to play the game once caught. Its design is unique but from a gameplay perspective is flawed as it can often result in waiting several minutes just to die on a hook or get smacked getting off. 

    Ive said it before but this game needs a faster means to remove a survivour besides 3 hooking everyone. That is not feasible at high play unless you focus your effort on at most two targets. Which isn't fun for the survivour. I recommend having a baseline single use mori available after hooking either every survivour once or hooking 4-5 times. This would allow a killer to spread out hooks and make tunneling less common.

    Then theres tunneling a threat out of the game a key user a flashlight carrier vs a hag etc. Tunneling is often done because it eliminates a player faster but sometime the player is an actual threat and can disable or weaken your killer dramtically for example if i see a player running object of obssesion and im killer. Im going to tunnel you out of the game. Too many swfs on this game makes it too dangerous to assume they are not on comms. The perk should be disabled for swf play only available to solo players Imo.

    My point is tunneling is done due to poor balance in high ranks when playing low mobility, low snowball killers. I get its not fun but something needs to be done about the hook system to enable a means to kill someone early if a killer is to spread out his hooks. Gen time is not gettign changed and to few killer are viable in high ranks without resorting to cheap dirty tactics. 
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Zarathos There's perks you can run to help you know where to apply pressure and perks that can help with chases for killers that are weaker in chase. There's options for killers that creates a situation where they may not need to camp and tunnel if they so choose to. Adding a mori to the game would be like suggesting everyone comes with DS or BNP automatically without a perk or an item. I don't think it's a good idea and would probably only end up hurting game play. The people who tunnel are still going to tunnel that doesn't really change anything and it would create a situation where the survivors would have little to no hope in escaping unless they were coordinated and facing someone inept.

    Still, looping and tbagging is a survivor and killer interaction the way camping and looping is. Three gen and gen rushing are more related in a way as they both have to do with generators and pressure.

  • Zarathos
    Zarathos Member Posts: 1,911

    @Zarathos There's perks you can run to help you know where to apply pressure and perks that can help with chases for killers that are weaker in chase. There's options for killers that creates a situation where they may not need to camp and tunnel if they so choose to. Adding a mori to the game would be like suggesting everyone comes with DS or BNP automatically without a perk or an item. I don't think it's a good idea and would probably only end up hurting game play. The people who tunnel are still going to tunnel that doesn't really change anything and it would create a situation where the survivors would have little to no hope in escaping unless they were coordinated and facing someone inept.

    Still, looping and tbagging is a survivor and killer interaction the way camping and looping is. Three gen and gen rushing are more related in a way as they both have to do with generators and pressure.

    The gens are a win condition for survivours as survivor dead is the win condition for killer. The mori idea allows for spreading out hooks without being punished. There is another suggestion recomended by the community an action speed decrease that reduces gen progression and healing the less hook states a player has.

    It would be a hollowing effect that would make survivours weaken the more closer to death they are so a killer is not necessarily required to seal the deal by outright killing them. The difference with giving a survivour a bnp or ds is that survivours dont need it at all.

    A killer who has a one use mori would alleviate the tunneling in games as players will play in a manner that allows them to win. This being a potential option to turn the tables would only be available to player who spread out there hooks. Limit the mori to being only available if all 4 survivours are up. 

    No perk lets you cross maps fast and reach far gens which is why most of the low mobility killer are low on tier lists. You cannont make up that key weakness with a perk. This problems gets worsened around giant maps with lots of cover to conceal survivour movement like yamokas residence, mount ormound, fractured cowshed etc. Something has to give either big maps need to be cut down with its cover reduced or killers at base all need cross map potential in terms of movment. Some form of fast travel.

    Im spitballing ideas at this stage but these problems are massively limiting design space and killer variance in high rank play. Unless as i said your tunneling or camping to make up the difference. Tell me what does spitrit, billy and nurse have in common and then explain to me why killers like clown, doctor, freddy and pig often struggle in high tier play when played in a manner that dosent rely on tunneling or camping. 
  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    One time a generator sent me hate mail "y u tunnel me".

  • PiiFree
    PiiFree Member Posts: 1,154

    Technically seen, Camping is like Gen rushing:

    You limit your playstyle to a specific task that helps you get your objective done while ignoring all other things in the match until it's done, without giving your opponent too much counterplay to handle it. Both are objectives.

    Looping is like tunneling:
    You're using a tactic that helps you getting your objective done, but it ruins the fun for the opposite side as a result. They're equivalent, looping wins survivors a lot of time and tunneling is a way to slow down the game again quickly.

    It's really quite simple, if the Killer camps and tunnels, you gen rush and loop. If the Survivors gen rush and loop, you camp and tunnel.

    Since all survivors gen rush and loop these days, it should also be expected that Killers tunnel / camp.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    Its a bad comparison in general. I don't see why any killer would use this stance as it belittles what they must do to control their own objective. Survivors suffer no penalties towards time management when staying or switching gens. Unless kicked, gens retain the progress and count towards prepping a chain finish. Killer on the other hand is taking a risk on time used with every switch. Survivors don't stay injured and every heal counts against the killer's remaining time. If a killer is singling someone down, it stands to reason they found the weak link and are trying to gain a pressure advantage. If the chase has gone on for some time then a refusal to abandon the kill can be seen as them ensuring the time spent wasn't fruitless. Abandoning one long chase to pursue another repeat can feel just as crushing as a no hatch last survivor. Not saying it doesn't suck on the recieving end but somebody's experience is going to suffer in a pvp setting.
  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    When you rush to do gens, and stop to do a gen that's part way done over one completely done, you shorten the time the killer has to do anything, and that can very well lead to the killer having less fun.

    It's why gen rushes scare killers. Killers absolutely need time. Survivors work to destroy that.
  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @PiiFree said:
    Technically seen, Camping is like Gen rushing:

    You limit your playstyle to a specific task that helps you get your objective done while ignoring all other things in the match until it's done, without giving your opponent too much counterplay to handle it. Both are objectives.

    Looping is like tunneling:
    You're using a tactic that helps you getting your objective done, but it ruins the fun for the opposite side as a result. They're equivalent, looping wins survivors a lot of time and tunneling is a way to slow down the game again quickly.

    It's really quite simple, if the Killer camps and tunnels, you gen rush and loop. If the Survivors gen rush and loop, you camp and tunnel.

    Since all survivors gen rush and loop these days, it should also be expected that Killers tunnel / camp.

    Well, gen rushing is often due to a lack of pressure. Someone chasing off two people from a gen would be applying pressure, for instance. Camping is hoping the remaining survivors will make the mistake of wasting time (by waiting by the hook or farming the camped), rather than doing the objective. I can understand you're perspective, but I don't think they aren't apples to apples. I thought it was more like tbagging as it's attempting to gain pressure in the wrong place (with the runner) and you're wasting your own time if you try to gain the killer's attention over and over just to be ignored.

    I agree that looping and tunneling are alike, though not due to objective. If you're the last person left in the match or the other one is waiting for you to die to get the hatch, objectives won't be done. I believe they're alike because they're a player interaction with another player, rather than an object in the game. Looping wins time, though due to where the pressure is placed.

    I don't think all killers camp and tunnel and all survivors gen rush and loop. Once again, gen rushing is due to pressure being misplaced and isn't the survivor's active choice. Survivors don't control whether they gen rush or not. I mean they could jump off the generators to wander around the map, but that would be like killers checking areas with no gens with no indication anyone is over there. Looping is also one of the only options survivors have in a chase if they don't want to get downed and when playing solo and sometimes in SWF (in a group of two, for instance), your first hook is often your last. Not always because you're camped, but also because the other survivors don't want to go for the save or wait too long to come grab you 'cause they're all thinking someone else is going for you. Either survivors loop, try to shake off the killer or run to a safer area. They don't have many options in a chase.

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    If somebody dies when there are 4 gens left survivors farmed their team mate off the hook, how is that killers fault?

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Rebel_Raven said:
    When you rush to do gens, and stop to do a gen that's part way done over one completely done, you shorten the time the killer has to do anything, and that can very well lead to the killer having less fun.

    It's why gen rushes scare killers. Killers absolutely need time. Survivors work to destroy that.

    Hm, still that's related to pressure and by tunneling, you're only applying pressure to one individual. Same goes with camping. I understand that when gens start to pop, the pressure on the killer increases as they're that much closer to the end, but pressure is like a snowball affect. I've had games where the start was very good for the survivor side, but the killer got into a really good rhythm and ended with most if not all killed. Survivors work to get out and killers work to stop that, but all efforts to stop someone from getting out aren't equal to each other.

    That's why tunneling gens makes no sense. Those are chase mechanics, while gens are objective mechanics.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Laakeri said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    If somebody dies when there are 4 gens left survivors farmed their team mate off the hook, how is that killers fault?

    Wait did I forget to mention that this only applies to safe unhooks? I was talking when you're not farmed but they seriously want you alone, at 4 gens.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Laakeri said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    If somebody dies when there are 4 gens left survivors farmed their team mate off the hook, how is that killers fault?

    As a killer you are supposed to play bad intentionally if the survivors are bad

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @Master said:

    @Laakeri said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    If somebody dies when there are 4 gens left survivors farmed their team mate off the hook, how is that killers fault?

    As a killer you are supposed to play bad intentionally if the survivors are bad

    When I'm a killer and someone farms, I'll down them so that they lose points and then chase after the person who farmed. Makes it so that someone needs to go over and get them up. I don't expect killers to show mercy when teamed with a farmer. It's kind of expected, but appreciated when they do show mercy. It's why I avoid being downed and hooked where I can while solo, though. That way I can still get points.

  • scorpio
    scorpio Member Posts: 356

    @fluffybunny said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    I think overall everyone needs to stop whining about things that are simply a part of the game. Killers are gonna camp, tunnel and kill you any way that they possibly can. Just like survivors are going to use every item, perk and loop they can to survive. Thats literally what this game is made for lol.

    Everyone needs to focus on the real problems with this game, like disconnecting and lobby dodging.

    My issue is more so the nonsensical comparisons to generators than camping and tunneling, really. Honestly I don't usually bring in items, either, as most games you lose them. Frankies or just plain dying~

    Eh, we aren't one dimensional. We can worry over multiple things.

    I think the comparison is because when talking about gen rushing, survivors always say "it's our only objective, what else are we supposed to do?" and with camping/tunneling, the killer is also trying to complete their only objective -- getting kills.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    @scorpio said:

    @fluffybunny said:

    @LegitAdventurer said:
    I think overall everyone needs to stop whining about things that are simply a part of the game. Killers are gonna camp, tunnel and kill you any way that they possibly can. Just like survivors are going to use every item, perk and loop they can to survive. Thats literally what this game is made for lol.

    Everyone needs to focus on the real problems with this game, like disconnecting and lobby dodging.

    My issue is more so the nonsensical comparisons to generators than camping and tunneling, really. Honestly I don't usually bring in items, either, as most games you lose them. Frankies or just plain dying~

    Eh, we aren't one dimensional. We can worry over multiple things.

    I think the comparison is because when talking about gen rushing, survivors always say "it's our only objective, what else are we supposed to do?" and with camping/tunneling, the killer is also trying to complete their only objective -- getting kills.

    I've always thought of it of more of an issue of pressure. You can't pressure the gens if you don't know which ones to go to and you can't pressure gens if someone is running you around or you choose to camp them. I think saving is more of an equivalent of being killed, though escaping from chases could also be considered similar. When I made the post, I was more so referring to those who use terms like "tunneling gens," though.

  • AgentTexes
    AgentTexes Member Posts: 24

    Tunneling and camping are fine.

    The latter will make you lose in early game and in late game can get you a 4k if survivors dive hook and get slugged.

    The former is fine but if you run past a healthy survivor without taking a swing you're stupid, unless it's late game and the doors are open then hit the wounded one to down and try to slug the others.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775

    Tunneling and camping are fine.

    The latter will make you lose in early game and in late game can get you a 4k if survivors dive hook and get slugged.

    The former is fine but if you run past a healthy survivor without taking a swing you're stupid, unless it's late game and the doors are open then hit the wounded one to down and try to slug the others.

    Unless that survivor is injured, it's stupid to swing at the new target. It resets bloodlust making the chase longer.
    Why do that to yourself? 
  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Tunneling is not equivalent to teabagging whatsoever.

    Tunneling is eliminating 1 person from the game to increase your chances of winning and LITERALLY doing your objective.

    Teabagging has absolutely nothing to do with the survivors objective, it is SOLELY to taunt the killer and try to make him mad.

    I don't see how you could possibly make this comparison.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited January 2019

    @Blueberry said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Tunneling is not equivalent to teabagging whatsoever.

    Tunneling is eliminating 1 person from the game to increase your chances of winning and LITERALLY doing your objective.

    Teabagging has absolutely nothing to do with the survivors objective, it is SOLELY to taunt the killer and try to make him mad.

    I don't see how you could possibly make this comparison.

    Oh god please stop quoting me in this post... Just read my past posts on this thread. I have 100% said why I think it. ;)

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    Decisive strike, adrenaline, insta heals are part of the game. Face it.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Arroz said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    Decisive strike, adrenaline, insta heals are part of the game. Face it.

    Oof that one was a good one. Don't forget Self care. Even though it's weak af, killers still think it needs a desperate nerf.

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161
    edited January 2019

    @Blueberry said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Tunneling is not equivalent to teabagging whatsoever.

    Tunneling is eliminating 1 person from the game to increase your chances of winning and LITERALLY doing your objective.

    Teabagging has absolutely nothing to do with the survivors objective, it is SOLELY to taunt the killer and try to make him mad.

    I don't see how you could possibly make this comparison.

    If we're talking in a general sense, survivor's objective would be to get out and if they're a stronger runner than most of their team, it would benefit them to annoy the killer and get the killer on them by teabagging and so on. As I said, I would compare it more to camping and tunneling more to looping. Both occur while interacting with your opponent, though.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Poweas said:

    @Arroz said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    Decisive strike, adrenaline, insta heals are part of the game. Face it.

    Oof that one was a good one. Don't forget Self care. Even though it's weak af, killers still think it needs a desperate nerf.

    Because its part of the game, that doesnt mean that it needs to be nerfed?
    WIth that logic there wouldnt be any nerfs at all

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    @Poweas said:

    @Arroz said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    Decisive strike, adrenaline, insta heals are part of the game. Face it.

    Oof that one was a good one. Don't forget Self care. Even though it's weak af, killers still think it needs a desperate nerf.

    It's so weak, it's only the most used perk on either side, and has been since the game's release.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @Orion said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Arroz said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    Decisive strike, adrenaline, insta heals are part of the game. Face it.

    Oof that one was a good one. Don't forget Self care. Even though it's weak af, killers still think it needs a desperate nerf.

    It's so weak, it's only the most used perk on either side, and has been since the game's release.

    Yeah guess thats the reason why the devs consider some Sc buffs now^^

  • Arroz
    Arroz Member Posts: 1,433

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    [BAD WORD] tunnelers. It's acceptable when they tunnel you when there's 2 gens left, I won't get mad at that. But when one guy [BAD WORD] tunnels you when they have 4 gens left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept tunneling when the killers got less time to secure kills.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on tunneling.

    Thats ok

    [BAD WORD] genrushers. It's acceptable when they genrush you when there's 2 survivors left, I won't get mad at that. But when one squad [BAD WORD] genrushes you when they have 4 survivors left or for the whole game, it seriously pisses me off. It's a scummy way to win. I only accept genrushing when the survivors got less time to do gens.

    Btw you're not getting me to change my mind on genrushing.

    You know it works both ways....

    I only genrush if there are ######### 5 GENS AND THE KILLER ALREADY HAVE 4 HOOKS.. It only p> @Poweas said:

    @Arroz said:

    @Master said:

    @Poweas said:
    Honestly, camping isn't all that bad. Tunnelling is the problem. And the logic some people on this forum have said baffles me. One time someone said to me when a killer breaks a gen and you go back on it that's 'tunnelling a gen'. The equivalent to tunnelling is teabagging. Looping and camping are part of the game

    Just like tunneling is part of the game.
    Face it, its simply the time efficient solution to focus down on one survivor.

    Tbagging has no gameplay impact btw, its just toxic

    Decisive strike, adrenaline, insta heals are part of the game. Face it.

    Oof that one was a good one. Don't forget Self care. Even though it's weak af, killers still think it needs a desperate nerf.

    I think selfcare is good how it is, but a buff it's welcome :)