Some additional Myers changes should be added. (Updated after 8.4.1)

The updates he got so far are a step in the right direction (mostly), but he needs more.
• Increase the lunge duration in Tier I to 0,3 seconds. (Boyfriend's Memo basekit)
• Stalk points on survivors now passively recharge when preforming actions or being on the hook.
• Now, tiering up is caused by pressing a button, instead of only filling the power gauge. Tiering up will slow the Shape dowm slightly for a moment.
• Add an additional effect to Tier III - a 15% faster pallet/wall/gen breaking speed.
Fragrant Tuft of Hair (Buff):
• Now only increases the amount of stalk needed to get to Tier III by 250%.
Judith's Tombstone (Buff):
• Now only increases the amount of stalk needed to get to Tier III by 300%.
Tombstone Piece (Rework):
• Grants you the ability to kill fully stalked survivors with your own hands while in Tier III.
Vanity Mirror (Extra effect):
• Stalking survivors in Tier II will charge a secondary ability. The amount of stalk needed is identical to Tier III's activation condition. Once charged, the next time you kick a generator, it will regress by an extra 4%
Lock of Hair (Rework):
• Hitting a survivor while in Tier III extends it's duration by 12 seconds.
Jewellery Box (Rework):
• Decreases the cooldown of basic attacks by 8% while in Tier III.
Mirror Shard (Rework):
• After tiering up, all survivors in your Terror Radius healing or repairing get a difficult skill check.
Hairbrush (Buff):
• Now, it only increases the amount of Stalk needed to get to Tier III for the first time by 40%
Jewellery (Rework):
• Increases your vaulting speed by 10% while in Tier II.
Reflective Fragment (Rework):
• Tiering up causes all survivors in your terror radius to scream and reveal their location.
Glass Fragment (Buff):
• Now, it's also active in Tier II.
Boyfriend's Memo (Rework):
• Increases your movement speed while stalking by 60%
• Removes the movement speed slowdown from tiering up.
Blond Hair (Rework):
• Hooking a survivor recharges 10% of Tier III.
Tacky Earrings (Rework):
• Increases your pallet/generator/breakable wall breaking speed by 5% while in Tier II and III.
One thing to note: This is a repost of a discussion I posted in the 8.4.0 Feedback.
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i think they should buff his evil within tier 3 lunge from 0.4 to 0.6. His tier 3 is unrewarding chase power-up.
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His Tier III lunge is already 0.6 seconds long.
I'd rather increase his pallet breaking speed than his lunge range, though it would be nice to have both.
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How hard is it to add an activation button????
That was the one thing that everyone asked for.
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I'm also wondering why it wasn't added.
It can't be that difficult, can it?
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sorry, i remember numbers wrong. i meant coup the grace range so 0.6 to 1.0. Myer's need stronger pallet play in tier 3.
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I've so rarely met Myers without his famous Tombstone Piece…
Tbh reworking only this add-on (or removing it completely) will be the easiest & fastest thing to do…1 -
The nerf they gave it was way too little, imo.
That's why I reworked it in my suggestion.
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Edit: Made some small changes.
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You always have suggestion for "only" killer buffs, does anyone here even feel anything about solo survivors? Apparently not, players here only give suggestion for buffs for killers, apparently a kill rate of 60% is not enough for you and you want more, I barely escape 1-2 times out of 10 matches have mercy, don't turn a casual game into an competitive every match😭
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No one cares, Myers has been the bottom rung killer in the game for 7 years, and it only took them 7 years to actually even do something with him up until now.
I will gladly accept any buffs that come his way, save your whining for the other killers that actually need nerfs.
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Why don't you care? Why are you so cruel? Have you ever tried 20 solo survivor matches a day? We want casual experience and not sweat from the killers, we are tired of these endless buffs, any killer can be strong if you master them, even buffs are not needed!
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I mastered playing Myers long ago, but that doesn't mean that i won't appreciate any buffs coming his way. He is slow to get his power going and can't apply map pressure as effectively as other killers unless you snowball but that's just a gamble and gambles don't always pay off.
Michael is also just slow in general, his map mobility and inability to put pressure on multiple survivors is what has been keeping him on the back pedal after all these years, half of his addons are practically useless, and i'm adding another 2 into that roster now since they've been nerfed (fragrant tuft of hair + Judiths tombstone).
And the addons i speak of being useless are his Jewellery addons, which only increase movement speed whilst stalking which is just a waste of an addon, his shard addons are semi useless or just situational, since it takes a whole second of stalking a survivor for it to be active, which doesn't always work and you can accidentally tier up whilst doing it, not to mention it slows you down to stalk survivors. And now most of his duration addons are useless depending on what you have available since his purple lock of hair addon is the only addon anyone should consider running since it costs the exact same as his green hair bow addon but with 40 seconds instead of 30, and i can say the same for his Yellow hair brush and Brown blone hair addons as well since they all cost the exact same as his purple but offer less duration so why should you run them in the first place?
Myers has 20 addons, 3 of them are useless (jewellery addons) another 3 are semi-useless or situational (Shard addons) another 3 are inferior to it's best version the purple tuft of hair so there's really no point in using them (his duration addons) and he has another 2 that take almost forever to get going now because they were nerfed so heavily that it makes combining them not even worth doing and instead using them as a standalone which even still takes forever (his iridescent addons).
So in reality, we only have 9 of his addons that are useable or just "consistent", but even in those 9 addons there's only 6 of them worth using, which also have their own "requirements" in order for them to be useable and i will explain them as follows, highest being strongest and lowest being weakest.
Tombstone Piece - The only addon in the game that allows you to instant kill a survivor, and also the biggest part of Michael Myers whole character, if this addon were removed it would single handedly destroy not only the one thing that makes up his character, but it would also make matches increasingly harder for him, given it's the only true form of map pressure he has as instant killing a survivor changes the balance of power drastically which he really needs, given his poor map pressure and sometimes long setup time if survivors disallow him to gain stalkLock of Hair - His best duration addon, not only does it cost the same as his other duration addons it also offers the most time, making the other addons inferior meaning you should never use them.
J.Myers Memorial - His best Stalk speed addon, essentially makes stalking easier by allowing you to get to tier 3 faster, absolutely quintessential addon to most builds, which are only possible because of this addon, Making his other stalk speed addons inferior and not worth using.
Dead Rabbit - Removes 4 Meters off his existing 16 Meter Terror radius effectively making it 12, allowing him to get up closer to survivors which can mean the difference between a down or a cheaky stalk, also increased his terror radius to 40 meters in tier 3 for the purposes of any terror radius based perks.
Vanity Mirror "CAN BE MAP SPECIFIC" - Locks you into tier 2 all game, disallowing you any of the benefits associated with tier 3 (instant downs, longer lunge, faster vaults) but gives you wall hacks up to 16 meters which is great for mindgaming loops, but also lets you keep your smaller terror radius for the entire game.
Scratched Mirror "ABSOLUTELY MAP SPECIFIC" Locks you into tier 1 all game, giving you miserably slow movement speed, and an abysmal lunge that can only be fixed with 1 other addon, boyfriends memo, but gives you permanent undetectable allowing you immunity to aura reading perks and the ability to have 32 meter wallhacks making finding survivors a breeze, it's biggest issue though is it's speed, and if used on any map other than Lery's, The game, Hawkins etc, you will ultimately lose as your slow speed allows survivors to play very reactively to you since they can see you coming a mile away and any and all loops will be impossible to win.
Now why did i take my time to explain all that to you? Because i don't think you understand just how ######### Myers has had it for SEVEN YEARS, and it's only now we finally have something that makes him just that bit more playable, he has 6 addons that are worth using, out of a total of 20, TWENTY, I ask you do you think that's fair? Do you think there's a reason as to Why people always use these addons over and over and over again for the past 7 years? It's because they actually work and Make Myers a decent killer when he would otherwise be unplayable and have nothing of note to his character to make him unique?
You think i'm being cruel asking for the devs to buff him more? How do you think i felt when before these changes i had to frustratingly chase survivors around a simple rock pallet loop for sometimes a whole minute to get out of tier 1 which could very easily throw the match, it was ridiculous, but now i can Actually play the game and enjoy it now since i don't have to stalk in survivors faces in order to get my power, making my gameplay so much more enjoyable and more true to his character.
If you had even played Michael for as long as i have you would not be sitting there touting your "Oh i played 20 matches of solo survivor" rhetoric, you would know that this change and hopefully more of these changes to come were a very long time coming for him, he DESERVES it, he NEEDS it, because playing Michael has always been an absolute slog and can very easily become a battle of attrition because sometimes that's all it really feels like at times, wearing survivors down of their resources because your map pressure is negligible is not only boring but stressful.
And if all of that still doesn't convince you, then let me leave you with the note that if you ever get angry and rage at a Michael Myers player for a specifically ######### playstyle or the use of quote on quote "Broken" addons, just remember this very simple fact.
Michael Myers has never received a change in 7 years up until now, and even then his changes haven't been game changing, just quality of life, and if you still can't adapt to him after his 7 years of in-game existence, please consider that maybe you're just bad because that's what i tell everyone that complains about him.
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The only changes you've listed here that i disagree with is
- Lock of Hair
- Boyfriends Memo
Lock of hair doesn't need a rework, and i don't know why you're suggesting it? Why is the additional 40 seconds an issue that needs to be changed? For a long time no one, not even myself considered using it before the changes because it would cost 200% more stalk to get it going, and it never had the bonus cost modifier "For the first time" compared to it's other addons, meaning you would always have to stalk 200% more for every tier up, you were better off using the fragrant tuft of hair instead.
But now that it only costs 50% more stalk for the first time you want to rework it? is the 40 second duration really that big of an issue? I don't think so.
My issue with Boyfriends Memo as well is that you're suggesting that it should have the same useless modifier as his jewellery addons that literally no one even uses, yes it is a brown addon but it could add something more useful like suppressing his breathing.I don't have any issue with any other the other changes listed although they are gimmicky but any practical changes to his jewellery addons and his shard addons are good enough for me, as long as they do something.
I don't even have an issue with the tombstone change either because i would argue it would make killing survivors even easier for me since with the new stalk distance changes it's made things considerably easier for me to stalk survivors without them knowing and if i can stalk a survivor clean down to the bone that's of no issue to me as i can say i could do that very consistently.
But in saying that if they do make it that way, they need to make it so that he can also pull survivors out of lockers, off of generators, literally any interactable that would otherwise prevent him from killing the survivor, be nullified, because my understanding of this change is that if he's fully stalked a survivor he's Worked for it, so why can't he kill survivors when they perform any of those actions? If it were in the movies Michael wouldn't give two shits if Meg was healing in front of him with a medkit, or if Dwight was in a locker, or if Jake was on a Generator, he'd just kill them, and by bringing this change he should also have the added ability to do that as well.
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Edit: Buffed Lock of Hair and Boyfriend's Memo, as well as removed the suggestion to buff his close stalking speed, as it was buffed in the hotfix.
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they got one buff in. they need few more. i hope he gets tier 3 buffs that make his m1 gameplay more rewarding.
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I would love that too.
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Two changes I would love to see for tier 3;
- An activation prompt for tier 3, just like with Oni's power.
- Break pallets faster in tier 3 to go with the mega lunge and fast vaulting speed. It would be lore accurate too. When Michael is full on after Laurie in the big chase finale, he's just putting his fist through doors, and smashing down closets to get to her.
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Yup, pallet munchin’ Myers would be awesome.
Please, bHVR.