Ultimate Houndmaster cosmetic should be changed from Visceral to Ultra Rare since no unique mori

The whole point of Visceral cosmetics is that they're supposed to have their own unique moris, classifying the cosmetic as one just because the dog is changed into a puddle doesn't justify making it one.
It kind of comes off as a cashgrab excuse to up the price. Pretty sure Viscerals were always meant to be extra moris only.
It doesn't even match the criteria for Legendary since it isn't licensed. It should be just a regular Ultra Rare. That's just nitpicking though since the prices are the same.
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I agree making tags like Visceral have mutliple meanings defeats the point of making these tags in the first place.
The only real meaning it starts to have is the price which is still inconsistent because of Naughty Bear2 -
It's not even the increased price tag that bugs me, it's the general inconsistency with it.
In fact, it's something i've noticed with ultra rare cosmetics as well, and how certain cosmetics that are labeled as such doesn't have enough additional details to them that feels like they justify being one compared to other cosmetics that are also ultra rare.
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I dont think it even changes the animations just literally a new lobby one, I'm so sick of legendaries just being reskins with no new animations.
Same goes on survivor side, it's about time you put some actual character into them, give us at least different archetype run animations or something.
Birkin is a reskin just has a unique lobby animation, the Eddies as some example, why isn't it just a legendary.
Yet with hunk you changed his animations?0 -
Yeah I saw the portrait and was hella confused. Like besides the dog model did it even change anything? Dracula at least changed the voice, look, mori, etc. This just gives you a poodle and a cleaner looking outfit
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Dog model and the menu animation are the only things that the new cosmetic changes.
Even just ignoring the fact that it doesn't have a new mori like Visceral cosmetics are supposed to, it doesn't make sense that they would make it a Visceral legendary when Visceral Ultra Rare is already a thing that exist with other cosmetics such as the Were-Elk.