Game not starting after Steam Update

Hello, I have been unable to play DBD for 2 weeks now, and it happened right after a Steam Update.
I have done a myriad of attempted fixes, with my latest being potentially changing my RAM.
Before I do that, I was wondering if anyone has any idea what could be causing this kind of error: The game initially had a 0xc000007b error that gave no other indication to what the issue was.
I did ask for help from DBD's Tech support, and they tried their best to help out with my situation and offered a lot of guidance, unfortunately, this issue appears to be very complicated or maybe just under the radar of my notice.
I reinstalled Redistributables (C++ files), ran a corrupted hardware scan for fixes, updated my GPU; it was a lot.
Finally, I did a PC reset, and now the issue is actually being shown as a missing xinput file, which was odd because the reset probably should've granted it or the STEAM redownload.
I ran the official DirectX to replace the file, but then got a new error; EAC refusing to run DBD because a Xinput1_3.dll file is seen as untrustworthy.
This issue effects only one other game in my Library, and that is TCSM.
Any suggestions would be appreciated, though in the end this may just be me needing to replace RAM or something.
Best Answer
Hey I just wanted to give an update! Windows Had an update today that has absolved the issue! I have no Idea what exactly was fixed, but it is wonderful to be playing again!
I had some missing file the other day game just wouldnt start. I used verify integrity of game cache on steam, if said there was 1 file missing and will reinstall it. Got an error trying to install every time. So i restarted the computer normally, was able to reinstall file after the computer booted back up and then the game worked fine after. Not sure if its the same file but might be worth a try with those steps
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I appreciate your suggestion; sadly EAC still doesn't trust my dll file after verifying, and after redownloading the files from Microsoft using DirectX, so it must be some internal issue with my computer process making it get flagged.
Hopefully I can get it fixed soon. Thank you again ^0