DC-Bans because of Cheaters

I'm so tired of this and came here as the last resort. Why? Why do survivors playing against a cheater bot get disconnect bans? I played against it 6 times in 2 days and got 15 minute bans, as a matter of fact I cannot play right now because the cheater came again. They are using streamer names to get them banned too.

EU is unplayable. Idk about other servers. Please do something already. I do not care how fast you ban these people, you already gave them the opportunity to have billions of accounts back in the day, they have thousands of burner accounts ready to keep doing this.

Improve your system so that a game that ends in 30 seconds with killer getting 4K auto bans the cheating killer instead of giving survivors the dc penalty. Even a nobody like me encounters it this many times the game has a problem. Do something.