Knock Out is an exteremely unhealthy perk

DBD always will have players that want to ruin experience for another people and there is not so much we can do
about it, but it's pretty bad when there are perks that help to only these kinds of players.
Firstly, the fact that knockout works good only against solo q players, whose game is already harder definitely doesn't connect with goal to balance party and soloq game experience.
Secondly, it's extremely not fun to face it in any game. Not even every anti-slugging perk works good against Knock Out. I use We're Gonna Live Forever and I still can't see auras of people who've got down. Shall I say that make all your build just for anti-slugging is definitely not fun too?
I agree. It's a perk that doesn't have to exist. The game does not need a perk that does what Knock Out does. It's a perk that aggravates nearly everyone who plays against it, but would go completely unnoticed by 95% of killers if it were deleted from the game tomorrow. The only players who typically run it are griefers or players with a weird persecution complex that win 90% of their games and think the world is against them.
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The overly optimistic part of me likes to believe there will be an entire update where they delete toxic/excessive slugging and any other things that waste people's time. I'd like to think knock out will be a part of it. I've personally never played against anyone who wasn't using this just for the sake of being toxic. The one exception obviously being Bubba players going for adept. The typical knock out user is a wraith who sends you to RPD and just bleeds out team after team.
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I watch a steamer who uses Knock Out as an alternative way to victory. He refuses to hook survivors because it gives them access to perks after being hooked and doesn't generate enough pressure vs quick gen teams.
Not everyone who uses it is toxic. I rarely use it ever.
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It's unfair and unhealthy behavior to other players. Mostly perks that work after hook help people to not be easy tunneled.
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As someone who prefers Killer more, and as someone who will defend the use of leaving downs as pressure in the right situation… yes. Knockout is unhealthy. it promotes the BAD kind of Slugging for pressure, not the kind of pressure where you leave someone down to say, chase another Survivor who was nearby or do it to get someone off a gen or bait a save. Knockout isn't that. Knockout is a perk that encourages four man slugging by hiding Downed Survs from other Survs, AND prolonging the misery of the downed Surv. There's never any legitimate reason to leave a Survivor down for four full minutes until Bleedout on purpose. On accident because you lost your slug or they crawled away to hide is one thing, but NEVER on purpose. Ever. And that's what this perk is for.
It needs a change, any change. But not what it currently is now.
Post edited by SidneysBane1996 on3 -
Its only primary function is to go against Solo teams since group players will likely have access to 3rd party coms since they can com where they are and act accordingly.