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Onryō can bypass Blast Mine's stun if she's demanifested

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: Sadako can seemingly bypass the Blast Mine stun if she's demanifested. I used her in a match today (I only used her in a Bone Chill match, not sure if this happens in normal matches as well), and when I kicked a gen while untangible, I got blinded by a Blast Mine, but the gen was already regressing when the blinded effect went away. That seemed weird, but I supposed it was a weird event or perk shenanigan. Later on, I kicked a second Blast-Mined gen, and I noticed I had the option to teleport to the TVs and walk normally even before the blind ended. So I realized I was just never stunned to begin with, only blinded, and it was possibly a bug.
I felt like I needed to report on this afterwards. I THINK this is a bug, right? Or is it a new feature I missed to keep her demanifestation stun-proof in general? Doesn't sound right, so I write this just in case.
I'm also not sure if this applies to any other stun-inducing thing other than Pallets that I may be missing. I just noticed it with Blast Mine.
PLATFORM: PS5, not sure if it happens on other platforms.
STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: I kicked the Blast Mine-affected gens while demanifested, and neither of the two stunned me. That's about it.
MIND YOU, I only kicked both of them while demanifested, so I don't know if it's a Sadako thing in general, a Bone Chill thing, a weird thing that can randomly happen to any Killer, or just a Demanifestation thing.
This is not just an issue with Onyro. This is happening to all killers. Happened to me today as houndmaster. Here's a video.
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That's different though, with Onryo she straight-up doesn't get stunned at all, whereas in this clip you do get stunned but it's the blinded effect that's missing.
I don't know if this Onryo thing I mention also happens to all killers under specific circunstances, but I just noticed the no-stun yesterday with her while demanifested.
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She doesn’t get stunned by headon while demanifested - blastmine I am not sure
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It's not happening to everyone, I had a friend in Customs against my Ghostie running this perk and I still got blinded with Blast Mine while Undetectable.