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  • Member Posts: 605

    Case in point for OP, just left this wonderful match. Pinhead tunneled out the first guy and then slugged everyone at 4 gens. Solo queue, no map offerings, no BMing, nothing of the sort. Just the type of players that are out and about during the event.

  • Member Posts: 740

    That is the only situation where an instant bleed out option would work. The team has lost, no way of winning or getting back up so all should die instantly.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Yes. I'm using that term synonymously with 'griefer' here…which should be obvious? It feels like you're quibbling over definitions as a sort of red herring so let's get back to it.

    You think my definition of bully squad is wrong.

    What is the right definition?

  • Member Posts: 561

    Like I said before, a bully squad is subjective. Some people consider bully squads to be people that gen rush. Some people consider bully squads to be anyone that uses head on and flashbangs… for their designed purpose. At the end of the day, a bully squad is self-defined by the killer as a scapegoat to why they lost a match, or as a reason to spite survivors for doing nothing but being competent and competitive.

    No matter what your definition or my definition of what a bully squad are, it is simply not the same as griefing by the game's own report system: "Griefing - Report this player for intentionally using abilities or game mechanics to the detriment of the game. Examples: Taking the game hostage, body blocking, working with the killer." No matter how much a killer doesn't like flashbangs or head on, using them in a coordinated team to try and win is not "to the detriment of the game."

  • Member Posts: 440

    I was going to go into the TTV's VOD but they don't keep them. The TV seems to runs Windows of Opportunity, Scene Partner, Lithe and that one Lara Croft Perk. The TTV usually duos. Their Duo also had the Lara Croft Perk, Lithe, Decisive Strike and Windows of Opportunity. I no longer have the uncensored screenshot. I had Hyperfocus, Stakeout, Kindred and Balanced Landing. But I'm sure people will still say the slugging is deserved.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Ah, griefer squads just…don't exist because…I guess killer bad?

    Keep in mind that hide and seek squads fit that definition but nobody has ever been banned for it that I can find out, or people abusing spots where the killer cannot hit or pick them up…which Mandy confirmed isn't bannable a few years back (with the DDS spot AFAIR). So clearly this is another instance where the rules as written are not the rules as enforced. But that's another discussion.

    I'm saying that it's a team or majority team running a coordinated strategy to be annoying outside of the standard win condition. If your goal isn't just to win but instead to try and make the other side miserable without any incitement, that's griefing.

    Now - the grey area is stuff like abusing flashbang+BGP to drop unavoidable flashbangs inside the killer model to cause unavoidable saves. Or abusing Boil Over and spots where you literally cannot hook them to 'win', which I consider exploiting.

    Yeah that's a weird one. Did they pick up? I've had situations where someone sabos, I drop, down them, the next person tries to sabo and on we go.

    You going to post the unedited screenshot or are you, after all of that, asking us to just take your word for it?

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Yeah that's a weird one. Did they pick up? I've had situations where someone sabos, I drop, down them, the next person tries to sabo and on we go.

    Only wish I knew, my friend.

    I was just doing my gen, next thing I know 3 people are down.

    I tried to help them, but unfortunately Wraith intercepted me.

  • Member Posts: 561

    I never said anything about griefer squads. You using the word griefer interchangeably is how you get to an incorrect assertion like that.

    The killer or survivors holding another survivor in a corner because of hitboxes is griefing. Blocking windows/pathways of a survivor to aid the killer in downing them is griefing. Using flashbang or head on as a team against the killer to save another survivor is not griefing.

    As I said before, just because the killer doesn't like to have perks used against them does not make it griefing on the survivor's end. How is saving a survivor when the killer is picking them up going outside of the win condition of survivor, you know, to survive? I'm sorry, it's not. I could just as easily say running pain res, grim embrace, dead man's switch, and deadlock is griefing because it's making my match as a survivor miserable. But then everyone would tell me to "get good" and that it's a "skill issue." But if I were to say if you're constantly going after the person you know has boil over, that's a skill issue because there are 3 other players in the match and to focus on the players that aren't trying to strategically waste your time, then I would be met with killer mains who insist that "well going after them was the only play" or "all 4 were running boil over." I can tell you from thousands of hours of experience, it is not the only play.

    Exploiting is categorized differently from griefing and is not subjective, it is objective. If someone is abusing a bug, it is exploiting, not griefing. I don't really know what point you were trying to make here. Sure it's annoying to play against exploiters and by definition griefing, but exploiting takes precedence over griefing when you report someone in my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 379

    This thread is actually insane.

    Perks cannot be toxic they're perks they're part of the game lmao. Beyond that I don't know why the DBD community seems so conspiracy brained and thinks there's a hidden meaning behind everything to justify toxicity it's just weird.

    That being said there is nothing that justifies 4 man slugging unless you're Oni or Billy or some other snowball killer cuz yeah that happens organically all the time. But Chucky? Nah this is just a killer that wanted to grief and probably found a reason to justify it after. The game lets you do that so it's whatever, BHVR should do something about it but they don't so nothing the players can do about it. But can we stop with the bizarre justifications for it? If you do that as killer just say the survivors annoyed you and you wanted to be a dick to them or that you get off on it instead of doing some cringe ######### like saying they deserved it for X reason like it's e-justice or something cuz it's really not lol.

  • Member Posts: 84

    If they're going to keep in awful mechanics that players can exploit to waste other players time they should at least add a vote to forfeit.

  • Member Posts: 1,536

    How on earth do you let this happen, like I swear you can loop wraith until dbd 2 releases, how did he get 3 downs without no one getting to house of pain or main building and running his ass. Like I genuinly want to know.

  • Member Posts: 1,536

    Normally my buddies and I use the camera tech so hag cannot get a hit after the teleport but you do you I guess. Also yeah we have had hags that try to slug, we just trigger the traps and force her to hook, not that hard really idk why she even is considered strong, hag only matter if she got a basement hook.

  • Member Posts: 931
    edited December 2024

    Sorry to be devil's advocate here but if its head in, I can understand how annoying it is, I had a match yesterday with a claudia and feng doing this and it pissed me off that I killed those 2 fast and allowed alucard and ace to survive only since they was not part if it apparently.

    Like I dont mind pallet save,flashbang, flashlight or hell even a blast mine to the face but once its head on damn right amma get you out, something about head on just really trigger me compared to the other 3 and I don’t use it either so it's like am not expecting it like the other 3 lol.

    If those two had head on less maybe their team would have has more than just 1 gen done, ty god I was doc and the one rare time I was glad it was trashwich school.

    Post edited by buggybug on
  • Member Posts: 11,763

    I wish I knew. I was just doing my gen, when suddenly all of my teammates were down.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Unhookable squads. Hider squads.

    Also - Skull Merchant. Not trying to whatabout but I'm not all that open to complaints about killer actions being 'justified' when survivors all but got a killer removed from the game by quitting. And then gloated about it and called for people who mained SM to be punished further.

  • Member Posts: 440

    I can tell you're going to be banned off the forums real fast.

  • Member Posts: 747
    edited December 2024
    Post edited by Triplehoo on
  • Member Posts: 379

    Very few teams are truly unhookable and hiding is not a reason to slug somebody. Like a "hider squad" isn't even a real thing lmao.

    As far as SM goes very few people actually liked SM, killer players included. But survivors didn't get SM removed, that was BHVR's choice. It's also BHVR's choice to not visit killers for 1 years+ so slugging survivors because of things the devs did sounds insane to me tbh.

  • Member Posts: 290
    edited December 2024

    Yeah they really can be, if they're smart.

    And I'd rather waste 4 minutes of time than 20+ because those two with the stealth perks know how to avoid getting crows.

    Hider squad = absolutely a real thing. It might be an EU thing because I see them sometimes on Otz's stream and I've run into a Russian TTV group twice now and one literally has 'hide and seek pro' or something on his profile.

    But even just 2 hiding can take the game hostage for ages.

    Survivors absolutely got skull merchant nerfed. Go look at the maybe 10+ threads after she got gutted, where there were wall to wall survivors going 'good', 'deserved', 'mission accomplished', 'now just delete her without refund'. BHVR pulled the trigger, but they didn't load the gun.

    Not many killers play Hag. Hag is also a 'hated' killer. Should BHVR deliberately nerf her into unplayability for years?

  • Member Posts: 379

    Okay but like if it's a situation where the last two survivors are just hiding you can just hook the first survivor you find and that's literally faster than bleeding someone out lmao.

    Also that's not how game development works lol, players do not have access to the code only BHVR does and BHVR decides when and how to make changes to killers and BHVR does not have the best track record when making these changes in either direction see what they did to SM but also how they spent 3 years on a rework to twins that was so bad it made her the best killer in the game and got completely scrapped. Now did some survivors want SM to be deleted? Sure but every game has 12 year olds demanding things they don't like be deleted from whatever game they're playing but BHVR is one of the few devs to actually do it because they genuinely don't know how to balance SM and don't give themselves time to figure it out with their production schedule. But this is neither here nor there because the nerfing of SM is not a reason to slug random survivors, that is absolutely bizarre logic.

  • Member Posts: 290

    Two survivors hiding. Depends where and how? The major issue is…they are hiding. Now I cannot find them because they're savvy to the exploits to avoid getting crows at all and if they're smart, you will not find them.

    I'm saying that yeah, stuff like what happened to SM and the amount of survivors gloating about it and championing it happening to more killers - note: without getting pushback from other survivors at all (seriously, go look at the threads), yeah. Killers are going to be a bit testy.

    Now, if there had been some survivor mains in those threads saying 'yeah no this is bad BHVR and also knock it off, this isn't something to support' maybe it'd be a different matter.

    But it wasn't. And I think a lot of killer mains saw this as survivors basically saying, as a group, that they support bad changes if it makes killers miserable. If they didn't, there would have been survivor mains all over those threads shouting it down and maybe it would have been reversed?

    Who knows. It is what it is now.

  • Member Posts: 97

    The only thing you should be crying about is your lack of skill as a team as that's the only way post nerf Chucky is getting a 4 man slug at 5 gens. Actually I'd be too embarrassed to post this if I was one of the survivors. And also it doesn't look like the killer's even bleeding all 4 of you out cause he did pick someone up, so you're just complaining about the killer winning, which is just usual survivors entitled behavior.

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