If Slugging is going to be allowed, can we at least tweak it?

What’s missing from all the posts about slugging is, in a good game, a player should be capable of active game play and earn BP right up to the end of the match. Being slugged and left to bleed out might only be four minutes, but that’s a loooong four minutes if you are unable to engage in any real game play to score BP. For killers who defend slugging under ALL situations, compare that to if one or more survivors could escape but instead could spend 3+ minutes of an extended EGC tea bagging at the gate with you blocked from doing anything about it.

As an alternative, what if slugged survivors (not those healthy or injured) could earn Last Chance points for evading detection and being hooked until the entity takes them? Perhaps survivors could get a 5 or 8% crawling speed boost for each minute slugged. Instead of getting 7000bp for escaping, the survivor gets, say, 500bp. To add to the stakes, what if the killer also has 200bp subtracted per entity-taken survivor? Those are trivial amounts, but adds game play incentive to both sides. (Even better if a survivor could hear upon success Khan’s final words from Star Trek 2 – “From Hell’s heart, I stab at thee. For hate’s sake, I spit my last breath at thee.” - but maybe that’s just me ;-) That four-minute timer then becomes a final race between the slugged survivor and killer, making those final moments even more consequential. Sure, a killer could equip Deerstalker, but that’s the kind of trade-off that makes the game interesting.

Re the gate teabaggers, how about adding a timer for survivors so that after some duration (40 seconds?) in the gate there is a ten second warning then that gate is blocked just for the offender(s) for 10 seconds, even if they get downed, giving the killer a Last Chance opportunity. The timer should register total time in the gate so survivors can’t restart the timer by running in and out of the gate area.

Re survivors hiding thru-out the match and refusing to engage – which is especially annoying to the rest of us if the killer then lets that survivor out - how about this: Any survivor who doesn’t earn some level of generator repair, altruism, or chase points in the last, say, 3 minutes gets a 30 second warning, then gets 3 crows circling them until they earn that level of points to restart the timer? That should not apply to people with less than 50 hours in game, but they should then get notice when it begins to apply.


  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    Increasing blood point gains for healing survivors on the floor by 300%.