Genrush nerf when?
U most certainly are not. U likely have just played core and thats it, u r in no way comparable to someone like me. People like you rely on perks to win, i don't. I use raw skill and experience on a character to dominate. Also try having 10k+ hours
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Try dropping chase more. You need to pressure gens otherwise survivors can just drill them for free. Toolboxes are total BS but you can beat them.
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I never said wake up and QG can be active at the same time. Maybe re read
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I quoted you. You literally said you were chasing someone with wake up away but they get value from QG.
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The more I see, the more I'm convinced this is bait. Not sure why you have such an issue downing people. Supposedly, you're a comp player. I dabbled in comp for a bit and I lost interest in DBD due to not finding challenge in pubs. If I can do it, surely a full-on comp player could. I could probably come out of retirement and still 4K 99% of my matches.
In the chance that it isn't bait, and if you ever decide you actually want help, let me know.
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they probably noticed they required effort to implement it xD
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They're never nerfing gen rush, because they won't nerf the most obvious thing, which is SWF gen speed.
Give me voice chat. I'll finally be able to let them (bad teammates) have it.
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What about when every survivor is that strong?
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They're not bad. They speed up gens and give free stuff.
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I consistently get 1-2 minute chases in my games, not all the time but it's definitely doable.
Yes, games can go fast especially if there is a killer without gen regression, not patrolling their gens, or even not learning to drop a chase. These are all facts that can make or end a game, especially depending on the killer used.
That's why I don't use Basement Trapper builds when I play Trapper, he needs all the slowdown that he can get but that doesn't mean that we should tackle on more gen time to compensate for killers getting genrushed.
Like I said, if you're having three gens pop in three minutes - you are in a long chase, you are dropping chase too much and letting survivors reset, or you are struggling in general as a whole. I'm not saying it's impossible to be in a situation where it's literally out of your control, but at the same time tackling more gen speed on top of the current gen speed time we have isn't the answer. Like I mentioned, we aren't going to have ideal situations on either side.
Just because I get completely obliterated by a certain killer doesn't necessarily mean I think to myself that we should nerf such and such just because of one bad game. I self reflect and wonder what made the game get so bad in the first place and adapt, something I believe many survivors and killers need to do.
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Oh word? A 5 second boost is good.
Monstrous Shrine is now good since it speeds up sacrifices and gives free stuff.
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Then I'm wondering how the survivors are creating new pallets out of thin air, since maps only spawn like 15 max, and those are on bigger maps. Most maps only spawn 10 pallets and awful windows.
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Y'all always say this, but don't have anything to back it up. The game's killer sided in what way? The fact that it's possible to kill survivors, albeit improbable? There's a 1-2 hour time slot where I can get on the game as killer and not completely stress out, because that's when the players peak and therefore all the dumb ones get on and sabotage their team. Even then I've still had to tunnel, or slug people til bleedout, and I've taken to using coins to count hooks on different people (something that should be base info for killer) because my brain is tired of working overtime. The only thing that brings survivor even close to that level of misery is the bad teammates in solo. And that has nothing to do with the game being killer-sided.
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And awful 50/50s, why you see Lithe utilized so much to get out of the unsafe pallet spawns that Behavior created.
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Strawman. I know they can't create pallets. Even if the pallet count is as low as you claim, that's still enough to beat the killer. They'd just hold W and comp corner when pallets get low. You can't just expect the killer to keep dropping chases against good players, and that be the "smart play" that wins them the game. Any gen efficient team is popping 1-2 gens (at least) after the killer's first chase, regardless of if he got the down or not. But not even getting the down after that, he's pretty much lost the match already. The windows aren't bad either, unless you're literally running Z walls, and they're potentially stronger than pallets because they can't be "used up." I think y'all take the weakest possible map seeds, and the most mid survivor teams, and say, "If they can't beat the killer in those scenarios, then the game's killer sided." I've never got one of these maps you speak of where I break 1-2 pallets and get a free dead zone.
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Run four slowdown perks. They'll cry about it, but it's their fault for setting such a boring meta.
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Come play a custom match then? You think I rely on perks to win but you know nothing about me. If you’re going to talk trash back it up or get lost.
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Yeah map generations are horrible. They need a complete rework.
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The only logical reason why they probably don't want to adress the genrush is that thanks to it some players that are terrible at chase manage to escape. The shorter the match is and the less interaction they have with the killer, the more chances they have to escape. However, this also causes the matches to be so short that 12 hooks are unviable.
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If you nerf something because of SWF, they’re just going to find something else to build their meta with. You cannot nerf SWF. You could have a 4 person team that’s physically in the same room, how would behavior be able detect that? Sorry for sounding blunt, but people communicate with more than just discord.
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I agree fully, solo queue players tbh need to be put in their place
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That was me quickly responding to individual paragraphs with a few words. Again, re read, or learn how to idc
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Don't even need full meta, can just do 2 aura reading and 2 gen regression on a mobile killer and be fine.
I run 3 gen regression and No Way Out on Trapper and I'm fine.
If gens are an issue, run gen regression perks such as Grim Embrace, Pop, Pain Resonance, Corrupt Intervention, etc. You don't need full stack gen regression to be fine as killer, it also depends on the killer you're playing as (obviously some are better than others) such as Spirit, Blight, Hillbilly, Nurse, and Dracula.
Other killers struggle because they can't maintain map pressure due to low mobility. IE: Trapper, Ghostface, Myers, Hag, etc.
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The reason why they don't touch it even more is because most casual players are not having ideal games where multiple gens are popping at once.
Many people — even on these forums consistently complain that they're in a chase and their random solo-queue teammates won't be doing gens, one might be on a gen and Meg might be cleansing a dull totem or searching a chest. It's hard to balance a game around so much variability where you have coordinated teams sticking to gens versus teams where no one does anything or struggle to find a gen.
Point being, you're not going to consistently win game after game after game and people need to be more realistic about the game that they're playing.
When I load into survivor, I don't immediately think, "Okay, I'm gonna win this game." and have that mentality back to back to back. Some games I'll win because I had a nice chase where my teammates did gens, sometimes we struggle because my teammates will double up on gens, other times someone is getting tunneled and removed from the game causing it harder to get gens done, or even running into slugging builds. Too much variability to compensate another 10 or whatever seconds you want to add to generator progression.
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We've already shown you these perks aren't an issue
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We need to nerf Pig first.
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Gen progression perks just need to NOT stack together if they arent going to nerf them. Survivor gen efficiency is actually insane.
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Contrary to what killer mains will believe, not every survivor team is a 4 man, comp ready, gen rush, 4 dead hard 4 ds, map offering swf. The average game of dbd has someone going down and hooked before a gen completes.
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Ah brutal strength the perk that save .25 seconds on kicking a pallet maybe if they actually buffed it then maybe but that's just mad copium
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Base pallet break speed is 2.34 seconds. With tier 3 brutal strength it's 1.87 seconds. That's a 0.47 second time save, and almost double what your claim was. That 0.47 seconds equates to 1.88 meters of distance saved if a base survivor ran in a straight line away from the killer; aka the maximum distance they could make on the killer.
For comparison's sake, let's bring up 7.0.0, release, made for this. That perk gave a flat 3% haste to an injured survivor. Let's assume a survivor's average chase time is 22 seconds. I am getting this number from the stats released by the devs in July 2024: the average chase time of a survivor per match for high MMR is 1 minute and 6 seconds, and assuming 3 chases that result in hooks, I reach 22 seconds per chase. Base survivor movement speed is 4.0 m/s, and with made for this, it becomes 4.12 m/s. Assuming a survivor is running in a straight line (hold w strategy), base survivor would be able to cover 88 meters of distance. A survivor with made for this would make 90.64 meters. That's only a difference of 2.64 meters. Compared to how many meters of distance saved brutal strength brings, the differential release made for this gains is only 0.76 meters more than holding W versus a killer that runs brutal strength against a base survivor holding w.
That was taking the chase out of the equation. Using basic algebra and assuming the start of a chase is 10.36 meters away from a killer (1 meter for the pallet, and 2.34 seconds times 4 for the survivor distance gained holding w while the pallet is being broken), a 115% killer will catch up to a base survivor after 17.27 seconds of holding w after them. Similarly, a survivor with made for this will be caught up to after 22.17 seconds. A difference of 4.9 seconds.
Now, bringing back brutal strength, using the same math, a killer will catch up to a base survivor after only 14.13 seconds. That is a difference of 3.14 seconds when compared to a killer not running brutal strength. The time difference to catch up to a survivor between "made for this vs base survivor" and "base survivor vs brutal strength" is only 1.76 seconds in favor of release made for this.
Long story short, as the math shows, if you can reduce the initial lead a survivor has in chase, you will catch up with them faster, since the haste differential means less when the killer is also moving versus when they are standing still breaking a pallet, which is exactly what brutal strength does and why I suggested it.
And all of this was assuming high MMR player chase times against killers with no movement abilities. With more average players, these chase times are likely even less. Since players of more average skill have a higher likelihood of pathing sub-optimally, their initial distance will be shorter, meaning a faster catchup thanks to brutal strength.
And to take all of that out of the equation and just go on base time save, assuming even 20 pallets on a map, brutal strength saves the killer 9.4 seconds of time. That is more than 10% of a single generator, or even more if you can apply gen pressure correctly. And that pressure does not count against the 8 kick limit on gens since the survivors didn't get the chance to apply those charges to the generator.
Please tell me in good faith how suggesting a reliable perk that hasn't been changed since march of 2020 (brutal strength), which will 100% give you value in every game you play, and only comes up short by a difference of 1.76 second catchup time to a perk (release made for this) that was scapegoated as the worst, most broken survivor perk, that completely broke the game since old dead hard by every killer player is "mad copium."
tl;dr this is why they teach math in school.
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When you learn to pressure and chase… and just play killer in general.
Gen rush isnt a thing.5 -
There are some tools in the game used to push gens to insane degrees to the point some low mobility Killers really cannot compete above a certain level against a team using these items with proper coordination.
But most of the listed perks just aren't the tools that are problematic. At all.
I do think maybe Quick Gambit should not stack easily, especially because everyone can decide to run it making chasing ANYONE a liability.
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its so funny, whenever killers ask for basekit features to counter gen rushing they are told that it is a skill issue, nothing is needed, and that you need to stop complaining about the survivors doing their objective because what else are they supposed to do.
compare that to when a survivor player asks for their 7th basekit meta perk to counter tunneling/camping, always met with praise because tunneling/camping is evil and if you do it youre trash… even though its the exact same thing as gen rushing. just people doing their objective.
asking for things for killer side is like jumping through hoops, while if you ask for something on survivor side its implemented within a year.
so yes, it would be great to have one small thing compared to the mountain of ######### the survivors have received to make it more and more difficult for the killer to do their objective.1 -
Where is that data coming from? I know you are the most survivor biased person here but stop with the misinformations please.
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Don't talk bad on my boy deja vu. It's very good at stopping 3 gens from the beggining. And the 6% and it being permanent is just icing on that cake. Way better than it used to be. Lol
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I didn't think abt asking him where it came from, bros in his own world acting like dbd is a mathalon contest.
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Literally was a Killer main for seven years lol
bros in his own world somehow being a comp player but also getting rolled by average survivors
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dang how did you access everyone's playtime???
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Are you joking? DbD is NOT killer-sided; if you are saying this because of the tunneling, it is because it is not played right. If you are all on par with the killer's skill, survivors can surpass the killer against even dumb tunneling strategies, if they do it right.
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"These people do nothing but do gens for 4 minutes while one dude just pre drops and gives quick gambit to all 3 of their jockies.", this sounds like your issue. If you're chasing somebody for an entire game and not adding pressure on your generators nor the other 3 survivors in your game what do you expect them to do? Come on now, use some common sense. All these people that complain about gen rushing are the same clueless killers that don't realise chasing is not what killers are meant to do all game, they are also meant to manage objectives of the survivors and disrupt their progress, if survivors are completing generators too quickly it's not the perks contribution, it's solely your fault for giving that survivor too much time in a chase and not enough space to stop the other survivors from progressing with their objectives…
Gen rushing is literally part of the entire game design, it's literally the survivors objective… your job is hunt them down and stop them, not be taken on a chase all game cause you don't know the concept of dropping a chase.
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Killers have multiple tactics. Tunnel, slug, spread pressure, defend gens, create deadzone, etc. That doesn't even get into what each individual killer might be able to do.
Survivors have one thing to do. Gens. There's no real other way to open the doors. If one survivor is running the killer, what else do they have to do?
Because the other thing survivors can do are things like flashbang saves, and killers complain about that all the time.
Survivors used to set up circles of healing as something else to do, but that got nerfed.
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Does that make Cynic average? Cus I've 4ked them twice with the BP build
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I think not
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Another case of of not seeing the bigger picture or just never being in a situation like this, you can't defend gens. The whole purpose is for the same insane speeds to be reached no matter who you chase. Thats common sense
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Eh, I played Misery a couple of times on maps of their choosing.
Sometimes you catch people on off days, especially in pubs. They were WAY harder in scrims where they were prepared for my BS LMAO
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as a survivor you can choose to split up on gens (better strategy) or group up on one gen (worse strategy)
that is the main choice the survivors can make to do their objective (they ALWAYS choose split up but I dont see any corrupt basekit) but like you said there are also flash bangs, and the only reason killers complain about that is because they cant be countered in many situations, even if you are looking at a wall.yes the killer has multiple tactics but we keep nerfing those tactics over and over again. tunnel nerfed, camping nerfed, gen defending nerfed, spreading pressure nerfed, deadzone nerfed. you even have hit and run being nerfed.
you ask people about this and they say its fine because each change was a solution to a "problem", yet when you point out that survivors are still able to split up on gens and do them in record time then they say its fine because they cant do anything else.and against a well coordinated team there is no real other way to win other than to tunnel at least a little bit, and we keep nerfing that
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yes the killer has multiple tactics but we keep nerfing those tactics over and over again. tunnel nerfed, camping nerfed, gen defending nerfed, spreading pressure nerfed, deadzone nerfed. you even have hit and run being nerfed.
I'm sick to death of this narrative. At this point it's just lies.
Dead zones nerfed? seriously? Map reworks are tiny shoe boxes with barely any pallets, the pallets they do have are mostly unsafe, and dead zones are everywhere. Take spawn logic was reworked specifically to prevent tile chaining on all maps, and introduced a bunch of dead zones on existing maps too.
Hit and run nerfed? They deleted healing for you. Coh gone, medkits reworked. It requires insane inefficiency now, as killers requested, congratulations. Not to mention the increase in the number of aura reading perk options and deleting distortion so you know where everyone is at all times.
Camping is only nerfed if you can't count to ten or stand 11m from hook. If you have the capability of doing those things, camping is not changed in the slightest. I promise it's not that hard, since literally everyone has already figured this out the second base kit BT and AFC were in the ptb.
Tunneling? Seriously? They gave killers base kit BT so you can hit off hook and disable almost every other tunneling protection perk in the game. People love to tunnel so much that the two perks they've added anti tunnel to are barely used so people can still tunnel freely. And the only real change is the +10 seconds on hook, which people are still playing into face first, or instead being insanely petty by slugging everyone for 4 minutes.
Spreading pressure nerfed? Every change has been to encourage killers to leave the hook and go pressure survivors off of gens instead, and none of those measures are strong enough to make people change tactics. At all. The fact that spreading pressure is on this list means exactly one thing:
you've tried nothing and are out of ideas.
And yeah, the only valid thing on this list, which is the only thing people care about, is gen defense. Spreading pressure is (clearly) too difficult for people to even attempt, and despite them nerfing every reason killers claimed gens went too fast for years now, people only want cobruption meta back and will gaslight and lie until you get it.
DS, DH, prove, BNP, scavenger, reassurance, MFT, distortion, tiles, tile spawn logic, entire realms... were all nerfed specifically because that was the "reason that month" killers couldn't chase fast enough. Those are all done now, and people still complaining they can't hold games hostage by kicking gens anymore.
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You can defend generators, you're obviously bad at the game if you seriously think you can't disrupt survivors objectives…. Survivors aren't invincible, they can't repair generators if you chase them, apply pressure on injured survivors or hooked survivors. Properly timed chases and interruptions make a significant difference. Targeting the wrong survivor is also another mistake, if you're going to chase a survivor good at looping that takes you far away from the generators you're giving the rest of the team free time to repair generators. You chase weaker survivors, pressure the grouped survivors and patrol more often if a chase isn't going to offer any good difference tot he match, to regain the control. And obviously you have perks, powers and the killer you chose that will make the overall difference.
But the bigger picture at the end of the day is your playstyle, which includes adaptions. Survivors have an objective, they repair the generator. Killers also have a job, they stop them. If generators are being done too quickly, it's not just as you label it as "common sense" that this is an entirely unavoidable situation. It's a clear sign for one you're playing your games entirely wrong all the time to constantly go against this. So you need to balance and adapt your strategy of hooking survivors, interrupting generators and choosing your targets wisely when it comes for chases and looping.