Emblem progress for each role is not equal.

So I'm trying to get G1 on both Killer/ Survivor this month before the 13th, and I'm experiencing extreme levels of getting stuck as Survivor in the red Rank, when I effortlessly complete that on Killer.
Now sure, maybe I'm a bad Survivor, but the MMR System does not compensate enough change in MMR to a point, where I am fairly matched and have an equally great chance to pip at the same pace as I do on Killer. It just does not happen at all and I have been stuck tonight doing 8 matches of Red Grade, with only ONE game where I pipped +1, like its incredibly awful, because worse MMR Survivor players does not mean emblem progress becomes easier in those games. It seems more like, worse survivors leads to even less chance to get emblems up.
Like 0 Grade progress for 8 games, means the system is broken. BHVR ought to be able to tell the Grade progress over time for players in the MMR ranges and tell where people get stuck, use that info to develop the solutions.
Its a viscous problem, its been often said Grade is a tell of how much you play, but that isn't true because you can so easily get stuck, spending so much time on the game on a weekend, and get no Grade progress. Its MMR Hell.
My suggestion is that BHVR equalize this disparity, there must be SOME improvements that can be done.
Don't you think Survivor Emblems could get a little look at? Why? Because even the beginners and noobs in our community deserve points for the time they put into it.
I have the opposite issue and maybe it's due to who I play as Killer. I simply prefer M1s and pseudo-M2s, and it's like I need to 4k all the time or I never hit Iri or sometimes even get past gold. But if I SWF up and slack off as Surv even if I lose, I still easily climb into Iri until I get hardstuck at Iri II.
This has to do with pips, emblems, and grading just being a crappy system in need of updates overall. Rework emblems and make pipping not get harder and harder per Grade, since Grades just show how often you play. Reward people for playing nicer and playing more often, so we don't need to always sweat to Escape or 4k just to get to the next Grade. I don't understand why a progressive grading difficulty curve is still in the game at all, we have no depips so shouldn't this be the next functional step especially since Grades don't have any correlation to MMR anymore?
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I think main issue is The Unbroken Emblem. That is designed very poorly and promotes selfish gameplay.
I would overall want to see emblem system and BP system for survivors to be changed. I think it should be more teambased…
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It has always been incredibly easy to get to 1 as killer, at least in my experience. It is a misery as survivor, not only because the horribly graded emblems but because the MMR system is trash and the teams you get often make it worse for you. The unbroken emblem is especially terrible for survivor, seeing how the only way to get iri is to never ever go down. Lightbringer is a pain too because of how many gens youd need to finish on your own.