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New Killer(The Seeker), Survivor(North Strider), and Map(Bison Hotel) Idea

DeltaTMD Member Posts: 71
My wish is to get my own personal chapter added to the game. I call my chapter "Hide and Seek"!

Killer: Lucy Miller OR The Seeker

Age: 6

Gender: Female

Backstory: Lucy was born into a simple middle-class family. Her mother was a doctor, and her father a hotel manager. Their lives were simple and sweet - each of them very close with one another. They were as normal as any other family you´d come to pass. They all loved to play games, especially hide in seek in the old hotel her father worked at. It was never really crowded at night so they had much space to play. If only the family was aware of that building´s sinister future that was yet to come.
One year, Lucy´s father comes home from work early. His behavior unusual and distant. The old hotel had let go of all of its employees for business was dead. By winter next year they would be remodeling it to be someone else´s business. Her parents were upset because of their major loss of incoming money, and Lucy was upset for she had lost the best hide and seek spots. Her father, however, took the news harder than he appeared to. He had searched for replacement jobs to keep himself busy but to no luck. No one needed him. Time passed on, and Lucy´s father had only fallen into an odd schedule. He would go out drinking and would not come home until the next morning. His normal, kind and gentle behavior turned sinister...
By the time Lucy was 6, a year had passed, the hotel´s remodeling happening soon... Her father had only gotten worse. Lucy would often use her skills of hide and seek to escape her reality, but her escape was boring without a friend. Lucy´s mother, however, has always stayed her friend. When her father would go out, her mother stayed true to her family - together they would play games... it was fun for Lucy, but she wanted her father back too. One night, Lucy approached her father with the simple request of one game of hide and seek. Her father refused. Lucy, however, didn´t wish to take no for an answer. She pressed further and further with her request until her father had had enough. Things would have gotten worse if not for Lucy´s mother intervening. Lucy watched in horror as her mother bashed her fathers head in from behind with a simple hand-held hammer she had most likely gotten from the garage.
Soon realizing what she had done, the mother knew she would lose her daughter if the police had seen what she had done. Thinking fast her mother simply told Lucy it was a new rule of hide and seek. A different form of tag so to say. Lucy slowly believed her mother, for her mother has never lied to her before. The mother hands Lucy the hammer and she directs both of them to the car where they drove to the old abandoned hotel her father used to work at. One last game of hide and seek, her mother had told her. They both share a small snack her mother had prepared and headed inside to play their final game.
Lucy was it, and her mother placed her within an old janitorial closet and told her to count backwards from 100. Lucy agreed, new hammer ready for when she got to zero... sadly she never got to that. Her mother didn´t try to hide, she sat right outside the closet door and listened as her child counted aloud. Soon her child´s counting died off, and she knew the deed was done. Laying her head back against the door she closes her eyes and lets sleep overtake her too, soon she and her daughter would be together again.
Their bodies were discovered just days later when a construction crew came to begin the building reconstruction. Their cause of death was poisoning that was ingested just hours before their deaths. A letter was found on the mother confessing all she had done the night of their deaths. Claiming she did not want her child to be taken away - to grow without a mother... If she would have only seen there was a simpler way of solving her problem, but she had refused to open her eyes to reality.
Sadly that was not the case... 
Lucy was not ready to sleep, however - she still wanted to keep playing her new form of hide and seek. A shadowy figure heard her request and promised her a lifetime of fun and games - hide and seek included. The deal sounded perfect to Lucy, for now, she could play all day long... now all she needed were friends to play with.

Appearance: Caucasian, short in height (about as tall as a crouched pig), long black hair and bangs, green eyes, wearing a knee-length white nightgown that is covered in blood from her past games. Her skin is pale, her veins showing on her body.

Weapon: Bloody hand-held hammer

Power: Hide and Seek - Lucy was always fair with her games. She would leave clues as to where she could be hiding on the playing board. Lucy is able to draw 5 drawings anywhere on the map whether it be on the ground or on the walls. Once they are set, Lucy is able to hide within her drawings if she chooses to as long as she is within 3 meters of the drawing. If a survivor happens to wander within a 6-meter range she can choose to surprise attack the survivor (Best to hope another survivor has found the unlucky drawing housing the crazed child). However, while hiding in a drawing, Lucy is unable to see or hear any missed skill checks as well as being unable to hear the grunts and groans of wounded survivors. If Lucy wishes to place a 6th drawing, one of her previous drawings will disappear so that her new drawing may be placed. If a survivor finds a drawing, they may rip up the drawing - taking away one of her hiding spots..

Faulty- No one likes a short game of hide and seek. For each wounded survivor all skill check difficulties are increased by...
1 Wounded: Skill check zones decreased by 10%
2 Wounded: Skill check zones decreased by 20%
3 Wounded: Skill check zones decreased by 30%
4 Wounded: Skill check zones decreased by 40%
Quiet One(Hex): What's a game without an unexpected twist? While this hex is active, the killer's terror radius is decreased by 15/25/50% while survivors are hooked.
Game Over(Hex): No one enjoys a game's end. With this perk, as soon as the final generator is active our killer has left a sweet surprise on the exit gates. Skill checks now appear on the gate increasing in difficulty by 15/25/50%

Mori: Laughing happily, she slowly stalks toward the survivor who tries their best to crawl away to no avail. Sitting down on their back, Lucy beats her hammer down onto the survivors head until they move no more. Once they join her family, she rises up and wipes her hammer on her dress - ready to find her next friend.

Movement Speed: 115%

Terror Radius: 28 Meters (Instead of the heartbeat, we hear a little girl's laugh)

Carrying A Survivor: Instead of carrying a survivor on her shoulder, she will drag them on the ground by their feet. The survivor can struggle by wiggling/kicking their feet until they either get free or until they are placed onto a hook.

Hooking A Survivor: Due to her size, Lucy is unable to lift the survivors up onto the hook, so instead the entity will lend her a helping hand. The entity's claws (From the sacrifice process) will appear from the hook, grab the survivor from the ground, and the claws throw the survivors onto the hook to begin the process.

False Alarm(Rare)- Lucy loves leaving her friends gifts of all kinds. At the beginning of the trial, one extra random drawing will appear at a random spot on the map. If a survivor walks within a six-meter radius of this drawing, a decoy Lucy will pop out at the survivor, scaring them and every other survivor within 6 meters to scream out alerting the real Lucy of their whereabouts.
Broken Crayon(Common)- A gift for her best friend the entity. A blood vial full of her friend's blood from past games, in exchange, the entity gives a gift back. 10% movement speed increased
Red Pouch(Rare)- A little red pouch her mother used to carry coins in. Start the trial with 2 extra drawings
Mother's Letter(Ultra rare)- Learning the truth saddens Lucy greatly, so she focuses on the game to forget the sadness. While hiding in drawings, Lucy is now able to see and hear any missed skill checks as well as now being able to hear the grunts and groans of nearby survivors.

Survivor: North Strider

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Appearance: Caucasian, average height (About as tall as Meg), short black hair and bangs, brown eyes, wearing a black sweater, tarnished white jeans, and black combat boots

Backstory: Given up at birth, North has always been a curious child. She was the type of kid to chase after the most strange stories and gossip - the kind of girl to throw her neck out for the truth! Telling stories and solving mysteries helped her cope with her own mysterious life... North has spent most of her teenage years searching for her birth parents but to no luck. She figured they were either deceased or really good at hiding. She was determined to solve any mystery and tell every story that came her way, and that was the same case when a double murder, suicide came flying her way.
This story shocked the community, how a mother could kill her own husband and her child in the span of one night... but that wasn´t all that caught this young journalists eye. Rumors have been going around lately about Lucy Miller, Joyce Miller´s daughter. People have reported seeing the girl walking about from the upper floors of the old hotel, and everyone seems to believe it is the deceased child. North wasn't one to chase after ghosts, but if there was a slim chance at finding out more to her story, about what had all happened the night of her and her father´s murder - she was more than willing to try. She was dealing with a child after-all... she probably wants a friend to talk to.

Journalist- I guess studying people´s behavior did come in handy after all! When within the killer´s terror radius, the killer´s aura and traps (if any) are revealed for 3/5/12 seconds. Cool down is 60 seconds.
Prodigy- You´re a sneaky one - send the killer on a wild goose chase. Successfully escaping the killer´s chase will activate this perk. Once you´ve gotten away, a false trail (Scratch marks) will appear for 5/10/15 seconds alongside your original trail (if you ran that is). Best hope he follows the decoy trail instead of the original... Cool-down is 60 seconds. 
Persistent: Once the final generator is active and IF you are wounded, grunts and groans are reduced by 25/50/75% for 60 seconds and speed is increased by 3/6/9% until you either escape or get hooked.

New Map: I introduce to you the Abandoned Bison Hotel! This is Lucy´s favorite place to play her games of hide and seek. It may become your favorite place to play too, as there are many places to hide. Whether it be inside with all of the construction crews equipment and vacant rooms or even outside in the old parking lots. Just be wary of the construction equipment out there too. They won´t be coming back anytime soon to collect their things, they don´t wish to disturb Lucy´s game. Three floors of endless possibilities, just be sure to be wary of where you walk, you never know what could be around the next corner...

And there you have it! I call my chapter "Hide and Seek"!

Post edited by DeltaTMD on