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"Impostor Long-Wall Jungle Gym" doesn't spawn its pallet - Shattered Square

SUMMARY OF THE ISSUE: There is a variant of the "Long-Wall Jungle Gym" called the "Impostor Long Wall" (or just "Impostor Jungle Gym") that is supposed to spawn its pallet on the smaller walls at the edge of the tile (near where "Short Wall Jungle Gyms" usually have their vault location). Unfortunately, this tile is seemingly bugged(?), and while the vault location does spawn on the appropriate long wall, the pallet doesn't appear at all. I suspect this is due to pallet-spawning restrictions, as this tile most commonly spawns near the edge of the map, which is also where Borgo's unique edge-map pallet filler spawns. I think that the spawn-priority might be messed up for the Impostor Long Wall, and might have lower priority than said fillers.


STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW THE ISSUE OCCURED: There's no real process for this one other than to load into a match on Shattered Square and find an Impostor Long Wall without its pallet. (In this case, I went into a custom game to not grief a real lobby, but this does still happen in regular matches too).

SCREENSHOT (I don't have a video of it).

(please forgive any poor cropping or Steam UI visible, I took the screenshots in-game, then took a screengrab of that to upload here (couldn't find the original files of the in-game screenshots)

The first screenshot shows the aforementioned edge-map filler that spawns nearby that I suspect is taking the pallet-spawn priority for the maze tile. The second is showing (on the bottom left corner) where the pallet is supposed to spawn (and that this isn't just a regular Long Wall with its pallet on the regular wall.

I am currently making a looping guide, and would really like to cover the Impostor Long Wall at some point in it, but that is currently impossible.

PLAYER LOGS: (I still don't know what this means)

Thank you for your time.

1 votes

Under Review · Last Updated

Thank you for taking the time to report this issue, we are forwarding this to the team for their review.


  • lethargicsauce
    lethargicsauce Member Posts: 90

    Update: There is also a version that does correctly spawn this pallet, but that version seems bugged to not spawn the vault location on the long wall.