Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

suggestion - BHVR, can we get an option to save loadout/outfit?

Instead of having it always automatically override what is current in the slot 1/2/3?

I have my set favorite perk loadout or outfit but every now and then I enjoy running a different cosmetic piece or perks, problem is, it overrides what should be my go-to 3 options.

Or you have mix-matched outfit saved in the presets, decide to run a default complete outfit and it overrides what was saved. A default full outfit has no reason to be saved in the presets but we can't control that since its automatically override.

A somewhat similar "save" functionally already exists in your game, its currently used when equipping a banner/portrait. We need to select the item and then click "equip" otherwise it won't automatically equip.

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